There is some good stuff, like Miz, Sheamus (I think it'll end in a screwball finish to push the program to the Rumble), everytime DX wrestles (everything else they do is sucky) Jericho has been awesome for the past two years, we've been getting decent main events. I just DVR it mostly and spot watch.
I don't think people are idiots for thinking what they don't like what's become of the E means everyone else does. No one here is Vince and no one here has any credibility to do what he does. It's his product, he knows who he's catering to, and he knows why. He doesn't want to cater to the low brow because he knows how much scrutiny his product has come under since the lid was blown off with the Benoit and steroids issues. He's doing everything he can to distance himself from that image, not for the fan's sake, for his company's sake. It's even mentioned in the company's mission statement what they do, and that's sports entertainment, not wrestling. Don't like what he's doing? Fine, tune out. He's got his loyal fanbase who buy tickets, DVDs, merchandise and PPVs in droves, more than any ten promotions on the planet combined. He is the undisputed king of the biz, and if you want rasslin go somehwere else. The E is in no fear of losing it's foothold to competition, only to perceived media image. And that's really all they have to fear, so if going out of their way to hire celebrity hosts to get publicity to show ex-fans and the general public that they aren't really the smutty company that employs roid abusers that they're perceived to be, than so be it. It's working. Everything indicates thus.
The real idiots are the people who continually bitch, moan and belly ache about the product. "Oh nos, there's no blood. There can be no good matches with out blood!! Oh nos! It's rated PG! It's automatically kiddie hour! It sucks!" We fucking get it. If you really believe that then you don't know shit about wrestling. Shut the fuck up already, if you really hated it that much you wouldn't bother posting stupid, uneducated snide remarks all the time. You'd just ignore it and forget about it.
I talk alot of shit about TNA, so I am slightly guilty of this to an extent but I truly want to see it prosper and only knock the poor decisions being made behind the curtain and rarely (maybe only 3 times) do I go into the TNA forum and bash in there. I do my bashing in the rumors section, and I don't claim I'm going to boycott the shit like EVERY FUCKING DAY. I'm just really selective of who and what I watch from there (basically Nigel, Hernandez, Angle, Kong and MCMG). So if you're going to boycott the WWE for doing what Vince thinks he has to do and think EVERYTHING he does is stupid, than your stupid, because his main events deliver. Cena may be kid friendly but every PPV he's mainevented he's delivered. DX sucks, but when they wrestle, they deliver. There is wrestling in all the "sports entertainment", you just got to look for it.
The NWA of the 80s was hands down the best wrestling of that era, with the hottest feuds and sick beat downs. A mature rating wasn't needed, blood was aplenty but swear words and near nudity wasn't needed at all and yet fans wanted to see Dusty kill Ric, Magnum kill Tully and all within the lines of taste. If you want ultra violence go watch garbage like CZW. If you want titties, go get a life, get a woman, and if you can't swing some snatch go get some porn. Whatever you do, don't think you know what's right and best for the E, because then you become an idiot. Everytime the E makes a million with what the internet hates, we are all idiots.