Cena's rapper gimmick was one of the greatest gimmicks I have ever seen while watching wrestling. It hooked the fans right from the get go. His promos couldn't be bad. He always had something to say that made the fans react, whether laugh or just seriously get pissed. Whether face or heel as the rapper it worked both ways that is why he found huge success there. When he stopped the success from that gimmick stopped as well which is why he had to somehow find success through other means. The fans didn't want that and that is where the hate came into play. It think the fans were pissed he wasn't old Cena.
For me, I liked Cena just as much whether he was the rapper or the main eventer. John Cena is the man.
For me, I liked Cena just as much whether he was the rapper or the main eventer. John Cena is the man.