I wasn't nearly as high on him as other seemed to have been prior to his turn, but it's amazing what a couple weeks and a personality change can do. If the WWE can capitalize on this in the coming weeks, he can be a major player and possibly skyrocket to the #3 guy in the company behind Cena and Orton. But I'm not holding my breath though on anything the WWE does and their trackrecord of pushing new breakout guys when they should. They blew it with Bryan, Hart Foundation v2, McIntyre, Swagger, Dolph, Kofi, Barrett, etc, so the chances of them actually pulling through on this and making it work are pretty slim. The only guys recently that I would say have been given the right push has been Miz, and to an extent Del Rio, but it looks like they are fucking it up pretty bad now too. But hopefully I'm wrong with this though. Love the guy now.