Crayo said:
Yes, the list I provided are a brief list of heels I came up with on the spot who get no heat. You say "heels always get heat" is so wrong.
So wait, because Miz gets heat (as a heel should) and draws, it's because he's BORING? My god you're such a hypocrite.
He hardly says "I'm awesome" anymore and it's a catch phrase what's your problem? The Rock says "Can you smell what The Rock is cooking?" and "Finally..." all the fucking time yet I don't see you complain about that? Oh wait I forgot Miz wasn't in the AE so of course you'd complain.
Dont twist my words. I said heels always get booed by the crowd, which is an entirely different thing than getting heat. Crowd will always boo heels no matter whether they r sucessful at it or not, no matter whether they r getting heat or not, even ADR who hardly got any heat got booed by the crowdss
He hardly ever says im awsome anymore? He says that at the end of every fucking promo he makes. And the problem is that, i know it will be hard for ur limited intelligence to understand but i will try to make it easy for u, When rock cuts a promo he makes it entertaining, he makes the people laugh he makes the people cheer, and when he says "can u smell it" , that line is followed by an interesting promo, that line comes with a huge build up.
While miz in the other hand uses "im awesome" as the main point of his conversation, its not just another catch phrase like other wrestlers use, its the MAIN POINT of all his promos. When ur catch phrase is the MAIN POINT of ur promo then it seriously needs to change.
Thewindyfan said:
1. You don't get what it means to be a Professional Wrestler
2. You are kind of right about Undertaker and that but they busted their ass to give us the best matches and thus why they still are on television.
3. You still rely on the past. If you love the AE so much and hate how the business is today because you can't see all your old favorites and no copies, then go watch episodes on YT. Or go watch TNA but wait you don't care about how a match is.
1) i do get what it means to be a pro wrestler its u who doesnt. SOme of the wrestlers at wwe arent even proffesional wrestlers, u dont have to be a pro wrestler to be sucessfull at wwe.
2)They never did bust their ass, like i said they had it handed out to them, they were a star from the moment they made their debut.
3)Favs come and go, what i dont like is how much the business has degraded.