Voted "Go The Fuck Away". I never liked AJ. From the first match I saw her do on the first NXT, she hit too much botches for me to enjoy it. And while I'd admit she can hit a good move every now and again and not terrible by Diva's standards, I still don't necessarily think she's good by Diva's standards. She's an okay wrestler at best but honestly if she just stuck to wrestling, I don't think I'd have much problem with her. Mostly because I don't care about that division anymore, when they lost Eve they lost all I cared about (granted, they still have Natalya but they refuse to use her even semi-correctly). As a character though, she's an abomination and I always thought that. On one of the other forums I'm on, during the whole Punk/Bryan/AJ/Kane angle, pretty much the entire forum was gushing over the AJ storyline and AJ's character. I was one of only like three complaining about it. I'm only throwing this little story out here since I'm essentially repeating what I posted in that AJ thread awhile back and I wanted to mix it up.