Honestly, both AJ AND Paige are overrated to me. They're just not as good as SOME people make them out to be. AJ isn't the savior of the Divas division and neither is Paige. Like I've said multiple times before, saving the Divas division has to be a collective notion. MEANING, everyone has to SUCK LESS. (That was intended to go both ways.)
What they need to do on the main roster is to get better at dividing spotlight attention. On NXT, they do that wonderfully. They don't overuse Paige, the very first NXT Women's Champ, like the do with AJ on the main roster. AJ is everywhere, AJ is everything and you can't really blame too many people for being really into her because she's the ONLY main roster diva who really does anything currently and she's the only one who's even midly interesting, despite how good the rest of the division's skills are (Ex: Nattie). I would honestly love to like AJ more. I really like the concept of her gimmick. She's just poorly excecuted.
At this point, like in a BLFFL thread, I just abadon all logic when on topic of the divas division. Nothing makes sense to me, at all. Usually posting about a subject on here more helps me understand more about the subject, but this time around I just don't understand anything no matter how much I've talked about it. Might just be me and "not having a business mind" I guess.