ACW Hunting Ground: RipperCussions (c) v. The LWO v. Donnie Trix & Joey Maverick

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Mar 18, 2012
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Third Bout:
Match Type: Tag Team
Stipulation: ACW Tag Team Championships
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap)
RipperCussions (c) v. The Lunatic World Order v. Donnie Trix & Joey Maverick
This will be the FINAL ACW Tag Team Championship match.

If you want feedback on your roleplay, please leave a visible message on your roleplay asking for it. If not, please do not spam this thread with unnecessary OOC talk.
TWO RP cap with all RPs due by Sunday August 8, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
The scene opens as a mixture of static and disheveled shots from a handheld camera.

Disembodied Voice: Hold the damn camera steady! Whataya think this is? TNA?

The camera comes up to see a tall thin man in a white doctor's outfit with the surgical mask over his face and white covering his head. He has one of those round silver reflectors in the center of his skull. He grins at the camera through the mask.


Wisecrack: Hello, boys and girls! Decided to take this thing on the road. We're in one of those marvelous hospitals somewhere in Canada where you get such great service and end just hoping you live through the ordeal!

Another disembodied voice: Excuse me, sir? SIR??

Wisecrack turns as does the camera to see a rather burly orderly walking their way.

Orderly: I'm sorry, but you can't be filming up here. It's against hospital policy.

Wisecrack: Oh, it's ok. I'm a DOCTOR!

Orderly, looking the strange man up and down: A Doctor, eh? Says who?

Wisecrack acts insulted: WHY, I'll have you know that I've studied medicine in some of the most interesting places!

Orderly: Oh, yeah? Where?

The Cracked Clown pulls the mask down and grins: Well....there was my degree from Nunur Damn Biznass!

The Orderly looks unimpressed and then realizes what the clown is doing, but too late. Maddog or El Loko (can't really tell them apart) connects with a leaping knee to the head of the surprised orderly; sending him crashing into the wall. Wisecrack cackles maniacally as the camera statics out.

SUDDENLY, the camera comes back after a few static ridden starts. The camera is now following 'Dr.' Wisecrack through the halls as we also see one of the Twin Terrors pushing an empty wheelchair.

Wisecrack looks behind the camera and scolds: Now, I told you to keep your finger on the damned RED BUTTON! If it comes off, not workie! GOT IT? Huh? You are. OH! Yes, ok, kiddies! We've arrived at our destination as we've made our rounds seeing a few patients. Most were easy diagnosises but that lady in 412 who kept screaming...well, for a little while at least. What WAS her problem?

The clown opens the door to room number 415 and smiles at the camera. Suddenly, it fuzzes out and back to show that the crew is already in the room and at the bedside of a very large man.

“I hear the thunder....lightning from far away....â€￾

The man murmurs as a light floods the room and Wisecrack begins this rather bizzare Mockumentry.

Wisecrack: Ok, let's get down to business, shall we. This poor soul; let's call him subject R. Subject R is suffering the aftereffects of years of substance abuse and loose living. AH! Brings back fond memories!

The clown stares off into the distance for a moment.

Wisecrack: But, this isn't about me...IS IT JACKIE? No, THIS is about Daddy Ripper!

Subject R looks around into the bright light. It's none other than JAXXON RIPPER, wrestling great and patriarch of the Ripper family.

Jaxxon Ripper: Jackie?! Is that you?

Suddenly, the large man jumps like he's been shot and looks around horrified.

Jaxxon Ripper: Was that THUNDER?!!

Wisecrack smiles: Why yes...yes it IS, THOR!

Jaxxon's eyes get big as he looks at the cracked clown in wonder.

Jaxxon Ripper: Wha?!! You KNOW who I AM?!!

Wisecrack: Why, of course, we do!! And we're here to take you to your element. The skies they call your name.

Suddenly, actual thunder rolls and shakes the walls of the hospital.

Jaxxon Ripper: It IS thunder!!

The camera fuzzes out and returns to see Jaxxon Ripper now seated in the wheelchair being attended to by nurse Maddog and Doctor Cracks. It seems their in an elevator.

We hear the THUNDER again.

Jaxxon Ripper's eyes get wide: The SKY! It calls my name!!

Wisecrack and Maddog giggle to themselves as the old man rants on maniacally.

Suddenly, the elevator doors open up to the roof where they have a place for patients and visitors to relax and have a cup of coffee. But no one's up here tonight as the rain has already begun to fall.

The camera follows Jaxxon as he jumps to his feet and screams at the skies.


Jaxxon Ripper: OBEY ME!! For I am the mighty THOR, son of ODIN!!!!

As the big man stumbles off, the camera turns to Wisecrack.

Wisecrack: Ya see, Jackie. You never know what BAD things can happen when you're not paying attention. Big daddy Ripper is on his last leg and you never know how long you have with him. And there you are WASTING your time in the ACW when daddy NEEDS you. I mean, where's baby brother MAX? Nowhere to be seen, as usual. That leaves it all in your very capable hands. But NO, you're too busy playing tag team with the cowboy! The clocks ticking, Jackie. You haven't much time.

Suddenly, we hear Jaxxon Ripper yelling over the coming storm: Power of the STORM, bend to MY WILL!! Bring me your POWER!!!

Wisecrack chuckles: Oh, wait! I almost forgot...THOR...we brought your hammer!

Maddog runs it over to him as the rain begins to pour and we see Jaxxon standing on the ledge screaming at the storm. As he gets his hammer, he begins to shake it at the sky. Suddenly, there are other voices.

Wisecrack: Uh, oh! Time to scram!

They put down the camera and the clown enters the frame looking sideways.

Wisecrack: Think about it, Jackie. Is revenge really worth all of that? Or is it guilt that drove you away? I mean, between what you and your father did to Max and what Donnie Trix did to your family...

Suddenly, the clown looks off and decideds to make his getaway as a couple of cops come into frame. We also see Jaxxon Ripper standing on the ledge and swinging his hammer at a couple of other cops who are trying to get him down.

Jaxxon Ripper: Stand back, DEMONS! I am THOR, god of thunder! I will strike you down with my lightning bolts!

Finally, the cops subdue the big guy and barely save him from falling off the ledge.

Jaxxon Ripper continues to rant: Unhand me, Frost Giants!! I am THOR!! I am a GOD!! I am...I am...Jackie!?!

Finally, one of the cops turns off the camera.​


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
The scene opens in a shady Italian restaurant somewhere in the heart of town. There is violin music as three extremely well dressed gentlemen walk through the door. Each is wearing a fancy, three piece suit with nice fedora style hats and chains hanging from their belts. But the leader is by far the best dressed in his outrageous orange suit with white pinstripes. They make a bee line to the back of the establishment as they come to a couple of thugs who block their way.

The leader in the orange suit: Ya boss is expecting me. Tell him, LEFTY is here.

One of the thugs disappears to the back and returns soon and motions for them to follow. As they step into the back, they are met by four armed thugs and a pat down. The two thugs following the orange clad leader seem agitated. But the man in the lead holds his hand up as if to tell them to permit it. As the thugs search the leader, he lets out a slight giggle.

Main Thug: He’s clean!

The leader in orange flexes his shoulders nervously: Whatcha expectin’? See! I had a bath just this mornin’!

The thug shakes his head and motions: Whatever, come this way.

After crossing several checkpoints, they came into a nice lounge area where a man sat at personal table surrounded by three lovely vixens and the best food ever. He looked up and kept eating.

The leader in orange: SAL?

Sal stopped eating: Yeah, who da hell are you?

The stranger tipped his fedora: The names Winston. Winston Issac Cracks.

One of the thugs suddenly blurted: HEY! He’s that clown on ACW!

Sal smirked: Donnie send you?

Wisecrack grinned wickedly: Not exactly.

Sal was getting impatient: SO, what the HELL DO you want?

The clown leaned on the table and grabbed him a shrimp.

Wisecrack after eating: MMMmmmm. Nice. Well, SAL! Ya see…

Suddenly, the clown jumped back and drew his hands up and did his best James Cagney!

Wisecrack: Ewww! You dirty rat! You killed my brother!!

He reached in his coat and every gun in the place came out at once.

The cracked clown smiled and froze in place: Easy, boys! I just always wanted to do that! Ha!

Wisecrack eased out a wad of bills and threw it on the table.

Wisecrack: There ya go. That should take care of ole Donnies debt!

Sal flips through it and smiles: Yeah, but that druggie’s bill is half that!

Wisecrack: Well, the second half is for a little job…a message of sorts.

Sal sours up: What KIND of message?

Wisecrack: I want your boys to go tell him I paid his debt in front of a bunch of witnesses and then beat the hell outta him! Ha! Then, tell him that’s from me! Oh, and tell him to stay away from Hunting Grounds!

One of the thugs celebrates: ALL RIGHT! We get the money AND get to beat some sense into that idiot Trix!!

Sal shots him a look and he shuts up.

Sal: I don’t understand. You want to pay his debt getting me off his back and THEN you want me to have my boys rough him up?

Wisecrack cocks his fedora: YEP!

Sal: Not that I care, but why?

Wisecrack smiles: Let’s just say it pays ME to have Donnie Trix as confused as HELL come the Pay Per View!

Sal grins devilishly: Works for me!​

Rated R Superstar

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
Donnie sat in Joey’s car, in the passenger seat looking across the street at the building he was very hesitant to enter. It was the building of Sal, the man who had been after Donnie for weeks now. He looked over at Joey, who seemed to calm and collected. Joey looked at Donnie and gave him a reassuring smile. Donnie nodded at his long time friend, but still didn’t get out of the car. He looked down at his feet, nervously wondering how everything would pan out. He knew he risked not only his life but Joey’s life. He looked around the street again; it was hard to see anything. It was dark and visibility was extremely low.

Donnie Trix: “Shit’s been getting real man. A lot has gone down in a short time. That clown guy, he’s getting in way over his head. Starting up these bullshit rumors, I mean damn dude, that steroid story couldn’t be further from the truth.”

Joey only let out a knowing moan as he looked straight ahead. Suddenly movement in the back of the car got both men’s attention. They both shot a look back only to see Ramsey trying to get comfortable in his sleep like position.

Ramsey: “Why all the drama man? What’s the big deal? Sal’s a chill dude.”

Donnie had to put a hand on Joey’s shoulder to restrain him from attacking Ramsey. The drug addict always saw everybody as a chill dude. It irritated both Joey and Donnie, but Donnie actually liked Ramsey. He always enjoyed the man’s easy going nature. The way he accepted all into his life. Joey on the other hand always wanted to kill him.

Donnie Trix: “Ramsey, remember what Sal did to that one guy who owed him some money?”

Ramsey didn’t really respond the way Donnie had hoped however. He responded in a way like a child would, just stared at Donnie, with a blank expression on his face. Donnie wasn’t sure if anything truly processed in Ramsey’s head, but he didn’t care. He was about to speak, but Joey spoke first.

Joey Maverick: “He’s trying to cause drama, I think he enjoys being in the spotlight. You’ll have to take him out. I know you didn’t do anything man. Now, what are we going to do now? This whole situation has gotten out of hand, and Sal is probably really pissed off.”

Donnie knew this was the truth, and he knew he couldn’t hide from this anymore. He opened the car door and slowly made his way out of the car. Joey followed his lead and did the same. Ramsey looked to be a little confused and followed both men. He clearly didn’t want to be alone. All three men slowly made their way to the building where they knew the head boss of this small organization would be.

Joey Maverick: “So what’s the game plan? We going in there and raising hell?”

Donnie shook his head, knowing it would be foolish to attempt such a feat. He was relying on Joey’s intelligence to really help them in this matter. They were suddenly approached by two large men who frisked them, looking for any possible weapons.

Ramsey: “Hey, not on the first date man!”

Ramsey said, chuckling a little. It was obvious he didn’t understand the severity of the situation. Donnie looked back at the men who had just allowed him in. He thought he recognized them for some reason, and wasn’t sure where from. Joey snapped him back to reality.

Joey Maverick: “We’re in now man, there is no turning back. What are planning?”

Donnie looked down at the slightly shorter man and smiled.

Donnie Trix: “I was kind of hoping you’d think of something.”

Both men shared a knowing smiled as they headed towards what would possibly be their doom. As they entered the room, they were instantly assaulted with a smell of alcohol, among other dreadful toxins. Donnie looked around and saw all the rough men giving him very dirty looks. The music that filled the room instantly died. All eyes were on the three newcomers. Donnie was wearing a leather coat, usually worn by bikers. Joey had his business suit on. He was always the smart one, with the degree in business. He was always doing business outside of ACW to make money. And Ramsey was wearing the same clothes he had on two days ago. Ratty looking hippy clothes really. All three men inched their way towards the man they knew only as Sal. He was quite the imposing figure himself, a much larger man, not only build, but in mass completely. He wore a business suit, somewhat similar to what Joey was wearing. He had a freshly trimmed mustached, that truly complimented his olive skin. His dark knowing brown eyes pierced through Donnie like he was a piece of cloth.

Sal: “Ah, Donnie, Joey. So good to see you both and you brought Ramsey! Ah, this truly is a delightful time. I trust you have the money you owe me.”

Joey licked his lips nervously, and was about to speak up. Unfortunately for both Donnie and Joey, Ramsey decided to interfere.

Ramsey: “Sally! How’s it going buddy, it’s been too long!”

Joey peered over at the drug raddled man and snarled slightly. He truly didn’t like the man, he was constantly on drugs, and always acted foolishly. Sal just smiled darkly as he ignored the comment and kept his focus on Joey. Joey didn’t lose sight of it, as he spoke.

Joey Maverick: “We don’t have your money Sal, not yet. We came here to apologize for what has transpired over the past few weeks. For the assaults on your men, for evading you any way we possibly could. We have some of your money, if you’d like to have it now. We just need more time to find the amount of money my friend here foolishly gambled away.”

Sal let out a belly of a laugh as he stood up. Almost everybody in the room flinched. Donnie looked around curiously, he was a little worried of where this could be going. He and Joey, and even Ramsey held their ground however.

Sal: “You fools actually thought it wise to show up here, without my money? Do you think I am such a fool as to allow you to truly disrespect me in such a way?”

Donnie was the one to speak up this time.

Donnie Trix: “No sir, it’s just that I don’t have the money right now. I need more time; you know I’m good for it! And I wanted to say sorry for beating up your guys.”

Sal didn’t look very impressed.

Sal: “Do I know you’re good for it Donnie? Do I really know you’re good for it? Of course I know you’ll be good for it, and why? Because I know you wouldn’t be so foolish as to anger me more than you already have. I suggest you, and the rest of these morons leave before my good mood turns sour. You have two days to get me my money, after that, I’ll have your balls hanging in my car as decorations. I’ll have your head on a mantle for all to see the idiot who defied me! I’ll cut off every damn finger on your hands, slowly, and painfully until you pass out from the pain. You hear me you piss ant?!”

Donnie only shook his head, as he Joey and Ramsey left the room, and eventually the building. Donnie was having a hard time controlling his heart rate as they made their way home. It was total silence; Joey was far too focused on driving. Donnie was thinking of how he would gather so much money. Ramsey was passed out in the back of the car. Today wasn’t exactly what they had hoped for. Donnie knew he needed to win more matches and continue on making money. His very life depended on his matches now it seemed.


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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England

Jack reached over and switched off the car radio, angrily. Of all the songs to play at that particular time, it just had to be that one.

He sighed heavily and tried to lose himself in the murky confines of the road ahead. One of the few things he shared with the majority of other men was his affinity for driving. He was by no means a car nut - he knew the basic components, but could not tell the difference between torque and suspension, or how to install a sports-car engine in a rinky-dink old Beetle, the way he had seen
Darren do. Driving just helped him clear his thoughts in times of stress, allowing him to think straight and avoid any rash decisions.

This time, however, it was not working. He did his best to let the curves of the road do the leading, tried to convince himself that avoiding an accident in the pitch darkness was more important than whatever was on his mind, but it did not work. Ever since the airport, his thoughts had been consumed by one thing only: his father.

Actually, that was not true.
Jaxxon had been in his thoughts well before he touched down on Canadian soil. In fact, his father had been the focus of his thoughts ever since he had first seen the content of that DVD left on his doorstep. From there to booking a flight to Canada, ignoring Kerry's and Darren's protestations, it had been one tiny step. Now, as he raced towards his hometown of Ottawa, the patriarch of the Ripper clan was more present in his thoughts than ever.

"I have to save him", Jack thought, his heart clenching at the thought of that shell of a man he had seen on Wisecrack's little home movie, brandishing his imaginary axe and screaming he was Thor. At that moment, all his grievances had been forgotten. No matter what their past, Jaxxon was still his father, and Jack was still his eldest son. And with Max nowhere to be found, someone had to play the responsible adult.

"Oh, Maxie, Maxie...when he needed us, look who showed up. The black sheep. The queer who doesn't like wrestling. And where is Mr. Undisputed Champion? Off somewhere playing 'former glory' while his father rots away at some asylum!"

The fashion designer was surprised at the force of his own thoughts. He usually tried not to delve into resentfulness or anger; so where had all these vitriolic thoughts suddenly come from?! No matter, he told himself after a moment's deliberation. Max deserved it. Max deserved all of it, and more.

His anger now powering him,
Jack stepped on the accelerator, pushing the car a little beyond cruising speed. To hell with his brother. He was not little Jackie anymore, living in the shadow of someone two years his junior. No, he had long since stepped out of Max's influence and become his own man. Arguably not as successful as his brother, but building a very respectable career with someone he cherished - a career which was about to reach another landmark at the next ACW Pay-Per-View, when he and Darren would once again defend their Tag Team Championships. And if it were up to Jack, his father would be there to witness it - if only on television.

His resolve steeled, the fashion designer gave the car a bit more gas, and continued to plow through the pitch-black Canadian night. Suddenly, it occurred to him that he was not even sure which hospital his father was in. No matter, he once again told himself. Ottawa was a big city, but it did not have that many hospitals.
Jaxxon should not be hard to find.


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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
The young, auburn-haired nurse in green scrubs turned and gave the two men behind her a big smile:

Nurse: Come this way, please.

The lean, dark-haired youth gently took the old man by the arm, coaxing softly:

Jack Ripper: C'mon, Dad...let's follow that nice lady...

The older man, who looked to be in his mid-fifties, grumbled something under his breath, but began to comply, slowly shuffling his feet along the hospital hallway. With a significant amount of coaxing from both his son and the nurse, he eventually made it to the elevator, the doors of which were opening as he came closer. And this was where the situation began to unravel. For out of the elevator stepped a large, disfgured man, who towered over the trio and caused the veteran to have a screaming fit:

Man: Cast thee to Hellheim, accursed apparition! The power of Odin commands you!

As the chubby-cheeked nurse scrambled to appease the patient, the woman accompanying the hulking monster recognized his companion:

Woman: Hey, Jack!

jack Ripper smirked in response:

Jack Ripper: How's it going, Christine? Going somewhere?

Christine Scanlon looked uneasy for a moment, glancing towards her towering companion as she stammered:

Christine: Yeah, me and the guys were just on our way check-up. To see if we're fit to wrestle, right, Andretti?

Jack, who had guessed the nature of the quest was less than pleasant, felt his heart sinking as the monster cheerfully replied:

Multiplex: Yeah, that's right! 'Cause we gotta beat that chooch Sandahs, ain't that right, fellas?!

The usual one-man chorus ensued, Christine quickly ushering her patient away, with a fleeting goodbye to Jack. The fashion designer held one hand up, sorrowfully, then turned his attention back to his now subdued father. Jaxxon Ripper was panting heavily, and[/b] Jack's heart stopped when he made out the words he was gasping under his breath:

Jaxxon Ripper: Jackie...Jackie...

The fashion designer lunged forward, tears in his eyes:

Jack Ripper: I'm here, Dad!

The youth took the old man by the arm once again, leading him to the elevator, then standing by his side as the young nurse pressed the button and the lift began to move. As soon as the doors opened again, however, he was in for another surprise. For in front of him stood the familiar face of a young man of about his own build, with a shock of dark hair and a manic glint in his eye.

Jack did a double-take. Raiden? What was he doing here? He did not have time to answer his own question, however, as the very next minute Raiden Blaze was lunging forward, grabbing him by the shirt, and whimpering urgently:

Raiden Blaze: Jack! You gotta turn back, bro! They're waiting for you! You gotta run, dude!

Jack stared at his former co-worker in astonishment. Before he could utter so much as a word, however, the young nurse intervened, taking Raiden Blaze by the arm and handing him over to another nurse, who had come to separate the two men. As the former ACWer was dragged down the hall, still raving, she turned to Jack:

Nurse: You two know each other?

The oldesr Ripper son nodded. The girl frowned:

Nurse: He keeps going on about someone named's not you, is it?

Jack was surprised to actually find himself chuckling:

Jack Ripper: Nah. That's Jacqui, spelled J-A-C-Q-U-I. She's another co-worker. They used to...well, nevermind. It's a long story. But no, it's not me.

This seemed good enough for the nurse, who resumed her professional demeanour as she showed Jack and Jaxxon to a nearby room. As she opened the door, however, her pleasant expression turned to one of shock:

Nurse: W-who are you...?

Suddenly, a purple-suited hand shot out of the room, pushing the girl to one side. The following instant, Jackie felt two simultaneous blows, from opposite sides. From the front, Winston Isaac Cracks swung a fist at him as, from the back, somebody struck the base of his neck, causing him to fall to his knees. A moment later, a barrage of kicks was being aimed at his ribs and sternum by his two assailants. Jack had surmised one of them to be the cracked clown, but when he managed to resist the pain long enough to squint at the second attacker, the shock was too much for him. He felt his head going light, his vision blurring from the shock and the pain, as he managed one final question:

Jack Ripper: W-WHY?!

Jaxxon Ripper smirked evilly at his nearly passed-out son, as he continued to kick him in the ribcage:

Jaxxon Ripper: Nothin' major, son. Just family business.