Show: ACW Adrenaline: EPISODE NINE
Theme Song:BODIES by Disturbed
Location: Mayfield Community Center in Yonkers New York [/color]
Date: Sunday Night (May 21, 2012)
Commentators: Martin Mays and Kareem Ali
Announcers: Ashley Sparxxx
Opening Bout: New Blood Match I
Match Type: Triple Threat
Stipulation: N/A
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap)
Cory Allen vs Kid Krazy
Second Bout: Triple Showdown:Last Chance and New Blood II!
Match Type: Triple Threat
Time Limit: 10 Minutes (2 RP Cap)
Solomon White vs Zamil Zalik vs Multiplex
Third Bout: New Blood Match III
Match Type: Singles
Time Limit: 10 Minutes (2 RP Cap)
Michael Black vs Brandon Banks
Fourth Bout: True Bogans meet True Rednecks!
Match Type: Tag
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap)
Jim ROBBO Robertson and Jason Frost vs The Bradley Boys
Fifth Bout: Who wants the shot bad enough?
Match Type: 10 Man Over The Top Rumble
Stipulation: Winner Becomes the number one contender for the ACW International Title and will compete at the next PPV, RIOT ACT!
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap per wrestler)
Abram Vance vs Zasalamel vs Heath Venomous vs Nicky Trix vs Raiden Blaze vs Aaron Asterisk
vs Jacqui M vs Henri Calvash vs Billy Young vs Andrew Sanders
Semi-Main Event: Tag Team Overdrive Aftermath
Match Type: Tag Team
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap)
Rippercussions (Darren Pesinger and Jack Ripper)
Steven Mercy and Tracy Indiana
Main Event: Overdrive Aftermath
Match Type: Six Man Tag
Time Limit: 30 Minutes (6 rp cap> 2 apiece for the ACW and 6 total for the PWA)
Zack Bronko and the Lunatic World Order (El Loko and Maddog w/Wisecrack)
SYN© and Drew Alexander and Eric Snow

Show goes off air May 18th at 12 PM EST (Midnight)
If any of you feel you can't make the cap, let me know. The last three matches are set, but the new characters, there is some give!
We upped the ante on the caps all over because of the extra days to rp and the importance of some of the matches.
Also will be making this our new schedule: Closing on Friday and posting results Sunday/Monday latest
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