ACW Adrenaline Episode Fifteen (7/27/12) Results

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Mar 18, 2012
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Hardcore Match
Andrew Sanders v. Multiplex

Both competitors came out hoping to prove a point. Sanders started off the match with a series of quick blows, but Multiplex used his size to easily throw around Sanders. After a series of chair shots, Sanders managed to ground the big man and swooped in for the kill, but Multiplex got the shoulder up just in time. As the match progressed, Sanders showed signs of wear and tear, and Multiplex managed to finish him off with a powerbomb in the center of the ring. The man with five personalities left an unconscious Sanders in the ring after laughing at a sign saying 'Sanders: Hardcore Legend'.
Winner in 8:41 by Pinfall: Multiplex


Hardcore Match w/ Aaron Asterisk on Commentary
Abram Vance v. Toyota Chelios

The reigning International Champion came down to the ring with his usual cocky swagger, clearly not taking the match as seriously as Chelios demanded. After Toyota stormed the ring, the two opened the match trading stiff blows to the face. Vance managed to get the best of Chelios and turned to weapons. Toyota kept 'The Leviathan' in check after punching the chair in his face. Despite a con-chair-to and flying elbow with the chair, Chelios fell just short when Vance managed to catch him with a lucky Leviathan. After the match, the crowd gave Chelios his much deserved ovation as he stood, still bloody, in the ring.
Winner in 12:15 by Pinfall: Abram Vance


Half way through the night, former ACW Heavyweight Champion, SYN, is seen waking through the backstage area of the Crisler Arena in Ann Arbor, Michigan. He seems to be focusing for his big match; staring ahead at his hands. Suddenly, he stops cold and give a defiant look forward and UP! The camera pans to show the NEW ACW Champion, Zack Bronko, belt over his shoulder, doing much the same thing.

Zack Bronko cracks his neck: Syn. Just the man I've been looking for.

SYN grins wickedly: Sorry, Bronks, I'm straight. But there's a gay bar down on fifth.

Bronko laughs: Oh, funny....and strange that you'd know that. Listen, this whole tag team thing. McHenry's trying to cause issues and, as far as I'm concerned, there is NO issue. Just YOU and ME in the ring at HUNTING GROUNDS!

SYN steps up and looks solid at the big man: Oh, yeah. Nothing I want more than a clean one on one and a shot at MY title!

Bronko grins, but you can tell he's getting tense: Well, it's MY title now. With all due respect, you're gonna have a HELL of a time getting it off me!


SYN grimaces and gets closer: Well, HELL is what I do best!

Suddenly, a third person intervenes. Alexander Cray steps in and forces his way between them.

Cray with a smile: GENTLEMEN!! Please! Although, you obviously have your points of contention...

Cray runs his finger across the ACW Heavyweight Championship belt only to get an irate look from Bronko. Quickly he removes the finger and drops the greedy smile.

Cray: My name is Alexander Hamilton Cray and, as I said, although you have your differences, your main problem seems to be with management. John McHenry has stepped beyond the bounds of his ownership and has purposefully inserted himself into your legal rematch.

Cray: Now, I think you gentlemen could benefit from not only some legal representation, but also somebody at ringside watching your back. Somebody to handle the board room crap and free you two to do what you do best...Beat the living hell out of each other.

The two wrestlers stare for a while and Cray gets uncomfortable with the silence.

Cray:'s my card. (He hands them both a business card) My cell number and email are right there, as well as, my Facebook and Twitter. Feel free to hit me up on all four.

Cray stops and is greeted with a solid, stunned silence.

Cray tries to move on with the conversation: OK! Listen, you two are not going to deal with McHenry by sheer force. Just think it over, cause if you're gonna handle his kind, you're go to need someone with a business savvy and a devious mind. And, Gentlemen, I got ya covered! Just think about it and give me a call!


Kareem Ali: What the HELL does Cray think he's doing?!

Martin Mays: I honestly do not know, but he better tread carefully. Those two are NOT to be trifled with.

As Cray walks off, both men look down at the business card and, then, back at each other. After cold hard stares, the scene fades to black.


Tag Team Match
Jacqui Monroe & Raiden Blaze v. The Bradleys

Before the match, Monroe received a phone call from Blaze informing her he would not be competing in their match and hoped that she would get injured during the tag match. Just as things looked bad for Monroe, ACW Owner John McHenry announced The Bradleys would not be competing because they were crocodile hunting.
Winners by No Show: Jacqui Monroe & Raiden Blaze


Triple Threat
Donnie Trix v. El Loko v. Jack Ripper

With both Jack Ripper and Donnie Trix in the ring giving each other rather cold looks…

LWO - YouTube

HOLLOW AGAIN by Project 86 begins to play and the crowd begins to boo instantly. Both Jack and Donnie turn to see the entrance of Wisecrack flanked by his Twin Engines of Destruction, El Loko and Maddog. Wisecrack is wearing a mostly black suit with psychedelic lapels. He also has a multicolored flower stuck to it. On his head sits a black fedora with a small multicolored flower sticking out of it. The cracked clown looks up from under the hat to reveal his white face paint and a strange tie die outlines on his lips, cheeks and around his eyes. Wisecrack grins as he blurts out!

Wisecrack: The BASTARD’s Daddy is Jack Ripper!!!

The crowd is stunned and confused as are the two wrestlers in the ring as they look at the idiot as if to question, WHAT?

Wisecrack stops and reevaluates the situation. Looking around: Wait! This isn’t TNA!

The fans give a chuckle as the clown grins mischievously.

Wisecrack: But it could be couldn’t it boys? Or maybe the Days of our Nights or some hockey soap opera crap! Yeah, your two families are just full of secrets and intrigue! Why, I bet there are SO many things that you both really don’t know about the other.

Donnie Trix leans over the ropes, points and rants at the clown.

Wisecrack: Oh, put a sock in it, Donnie! There’s enough material in your life alone to keep the ladies down at the hairdressers talking for LIFE!

As the LWO manager stops and grins knowingly at Donnie Trix, Donnie returns a rather worried look. Jack is just confused and angered.

Wisecrack: And JACK. You’ve come a long way from the days when you and daddy dearest were busy stabbing baby brother Max in the back, haven’t you? But, at least, you’ve matured. But can you forgive like you’ve been forgiven? Hmmm? Ha….

The clown has a little chuckle as Jack shoots Donnie a look and Trix tries to convince him that Wisecrack’s full of it.

Wisecrack: By the way, Jackie? Maxie says HI!

That sets Jack off a little as he starts to jump the ropes but is restrained by his tag partner Darren Pesinger.

Wisecrack: Nah, old wounds DO heal. Although your pops isn’t doin’ so good, is he JACK? All those steroids reaking bloody havoc through his body. Only a matter of time before he joins Macho Man and Eddie up there in the squared circle in the sky!

Jack is screaming for Darren to let him go.

Wisecrack grins: But that’s what you get when you mess with steroids, isn’t it DONNIE?

Jack looks over at Donnie wondering what that meant and Donnie throws his hands up as if to tell him he has no idea what he’s up to.

Wisecrack: Two families of wrestling royalty. Each family’s history wrapped up in the other. Some of those ties are nooses, boys. I mean, I can really understand why the two of you would have massive problems….knowing what I know…

Suddenly, Joey Maverick runs at Wisecrack and actually knocks the microphone out of his hands. But before he can lay a hand on the manager, Maddog bulldogs him to the steel and the clown backs off to safety. But, without hesitation, Donnie Trix jumps over the top ropes and joins him; only to met by El Loko. The two tag teams war on the ramp for a few minutes when, finally, Jack wiggles free of Darren and slides under the ropes and runs after Wisecrack who disappears into the back. Behind the two of them, Pesinger follows frantically. As all three disappear into the back, the Trixes and the LWO continue to assault each other.

Kareem Ali: Somebody better get control of this circus! Call security!

Martin Mays: And they better get to Jack fast! There’s no telling what Wisecrack has waiting on him back there!

El Loko and Donnie have made it to ringside and begun trading blows. Maddog and Maverick are on the stage. Joey suddenly gets a strong boot to the midsection of the lunatic and follows up by Irishwhiping Maddog off the stage! The crowd goes nuts! Joey ends up sitting on the stage out of exhaustion as he bleeds from the forehead.

Martin Mays: Folks, we have word in the back! We have a man down!

The cameras cut to the back as we see the trainers seeing to Darren Pesinger who is out cold on the floor and bleeding from the mouth! Jack Ripper suddenly comes running to his side.

Jack Ripper: DARREN!! Darren!

Kerry Buckingham is seen kneeling beside him.

Kerry: Jack! We’ve got this under control! You need to get to the ring!

Jack Ripper: But…

Kerry: NOW, Jack!! He’ll be fine!!

After a moment’s hesitation, he runs back toward the front. At the ring, Donnie Trix has gotten the upper hand and muscled El Loko into the ring. The referee calls for the bell! But before, Donnie can get in the ring a figure runs to the barricade and nails Trix with a foreign object! He, then, rolls Donnie into the ring and El Loko gets into position to end it! Suddenly, JACK RIPPER runs from the back and the figure jumps the barricade and runs! El Loko drops for the pin!


Jack Jumps to the apron and, then, to the top rope; launching into a impromptu swanton bomb!! The crowd goes absolutely wilds as his nails El Loko; ending the count!! He quickly takes advantage and hooks the leg.


Winner in 5:20 by Pinfall: Jack Ripper

Ripper immediately slides out of the ring and makes his way up the ramp, staring back at the ring. Donnie Trix returns the stare with a glare of his own that just screams 'this isn't over'. El Loko looks on at the two, smiling gleefully despite the loss.


Hardcore Match
Avalanche v. Dr. Frank Urwhich

Urwhich entered first, and Avalanche followed hesitantly at his heels, concerned about becoming a 'victim'. The mad doctor dominated Avalanche throughout the match delivering multiple chair shots, sending him through a table, and dropping him with a snap DDT, head first, into thumb tacks. Urwhich scored an easy pin but refused to stop there, instead dragging Avalanche by the hair out of the ring and up the ramp- a trail of blood following behind him. As Urwhich neared the stage, fellow contender to the Predator Championship, Toyota Chelios, jumped the mad doctor from behind with a chair and tossed him off the stage. After falling roughly twelve feet, Urwhich collided with the cold concrete below and immediately fell unconscious. Urwhich was escorted out on a stretcher as Chelios stood over a bloody, beaten Avalanche, silencing his doubters.
Winner in 11:03 by Pinfall: Dr. Frank Urwhich


Tag Team Match
Eric Snow & Nicky Trix v. Syn & Zack Bronko

All four competitors entered the ring hesitantly, clearly concerned about their opponents and their partners. ACW veterans Snow and Syn started it off with a series of quick maneuvers. Eventually, Syn managed to get the best of Snow and dropped him with a Chaos Theory DDT. The former World Champion called for the Falling Into Chaos, but 'The X Factor' quickly slid out of the ring to evade it. Shockingly, he waved off Nicky Trix calling for a tag and left his partner. An irate Trix fended off the tired Syn, but the former world champ managed to tag in Bronko. Despite an early offensive, Nicky fell victim to Bronko's strength and size advantage, eventually being dropped with a brutal ZackBreaker!
Trix just barely managed to get the shoulder up and continued to fight on. As Zack continued to break down his potential contender, ACW Owner John McHenry arrived at ringside and jumped into Trix's corner. Trix took advantage of Bronko's initial shock and tagged in McHenry. After a threat from the owner, the referee allowed the tag, and the two bitter rivals exchanged blows while Trix got in a rest in the corner. Syn stopped McHenry's assault with a missile dropkick, sending the owner back to his corner. He tagged in Trix as Syn continued to advance on him. A fresh Trix charged Bronko only to be caught with a big boot and then dropped with a Military Press Bomb for a surprising pin.
As Bronko and Syn awkwardly celebrated in the ring with an intense stare down, a furious McHenry grabbed a mic' and announced himself as the special guest referee during their World Title match at Hunting Ground.

Winners in 14:21 by Pinfall: Syn & Zack Bronko

Quick Results
Multiplex def. Andrew Sanders
Abram Vance def. Toyota Chelios
Jacqui Monroe & Raiden Blaze def. The Bradleys
Jack Ripper def. Donnie Trix & El Loko
Dr. Frank Urwhich def. Avalanche
Syn & Zack Bronko def. Eric Snow & Nicky Trix

Roleplay Voting: Pete, ~Primetime~, & The_King
Editing & Quick Results: The_King
Trix v. El Loko v. Ripper: BDC
Cray Segment: BDC



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Nothing wrong at all with this. ITs quick but it still gives enough detail. Definitely good for the weekly shows for now.


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Nice showing Manon! We make a good team! :)

We should do that more know, when we aren't killing each other over The World Heavyweight Championship.


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We should do that more know, when we aren't killing each other over The World Heavyweight Championship.

you two? a team? Heh... Chelios could beat you both :p


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Alton, England
Maybe you guys could have joint custody of the World Heavyweight could be Syn's on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Sundays, and Bronko's on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays :cmtroll:


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Nah, I'd rather Bronko have it. He cares more about it. Me, I just use it to find suitable opponents.

Not saying I won't try to take it from him, but thats pretty much Syn's thoughts on it in a nutshell.