ACW Adrenaline 15: Eric Snow & Nicky Trix v. Syn & Zack Bronko

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Mar 18, 2012
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Main Event:
Match Type: Tag Team
Stipulation: N/A
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap- 4 Total Per Team; 2 Per Person)
Eric Snow & Nicky Trix v. Syn & Zack Bronko

If you want feedback on your roleplay, please leave a visible message on your roleplay asking for it. If not, please do not spam this thread with unnecessary OOC talk.
TWO RP cap with all RPs due by Wednesday July 25, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Hurry up and wait. That’s what the friendly skies are about.


Here I am sitting waiting for our plane in the Terminal of John F. Kennedy Airport and, by the look on my face, you’d think I was the one dying. Matthew’s sitting on the floor playing a game on the computer; one of those damn I spy kinda games, I think. Nikki’s been rather quiet today. And THAT usually means that I’m in for it.

“What are you gonna tell him?”

There it is.


Zack Bronko: Whatcha mean?

She’s trying to talk where he can’t hear. I mean, he’s all absorbed in what’s on the screen.

Nikki leans in: You know damned well what I mean! Now, I’m proud of you for showing some maturity and inviting HIM along, but what are you going to tell Matt about WHO he is?

Great. Hadn’t really thought ahead. She always hates it when I make it up as I go. But you’d think she be used to it by now.

Zack Bronko grins: We can always say he’s my publicist or something.

The smile didn’t work; as usual.

Nikki Bronko: If you’re going to insist on HIM being around, you’re going to have to explain it to him!

Zack Bronko: I didn’t book us in the same area of the plane. That’ll buy us SOME time. I don’t know. Maybe I’ll talk to Pops during the flight and, maybe, in Long Island, I can lay this all out for him.

Nikki doesn’t’ seem convinced: You’re lucky he’s never asked before. As far as he knows, he never…(she looks at Matt and leans in and whispers lightly) he never had a grandfather!


This was becoming far more complicated than I had ever thought. But everything to do with Pops IS complicated.

Zack Bronko: I gave him his ticket already. Who knows? Maybe he won’t even show.

Nikki creens her neck: No chance of that. There he is.

I look up and, sure enough, he’s standing there in a nice polo shirt and slacks. Hell, his shoes are all shined up. You’d think he was going to somebody’s funeral….

Great. I’d kept the thoughts of my sister and her impending doom caged up somewhere in my mind; keeping it from being real. But it keeps coming back to life over and over again; haunting me…

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - - - - -

Once I got Nikki and Matthew settled, I made my way to the back of the plane. His ticket had been an afterthought. I really don’t know why I was doing this, but there was no going back now. As I came close to him, he tensed up. Hard not to expect the worst between us.

Zack Bronko: Thanks for understanding about the seating arrangement.

As I sat next to him, he looked forward like we were spies or something; not trying to be seen talking together.

William Bronko: Well, to tell you the truth, I’m still a little stunned.

Zack Bronko: Yeah, I know what you mean.

We sat there; a little uncomfortable…HELL…A LOT uncomfortable.

Zack Bronko: Listen. I’m still not sure what I feel about you right now. The fact is your little girl is going through hell alone out there and she needs US. About time you started dealing with it.

William Bronko: How are you dealing with it? Way I’ve heard, you two haven’t talked in about 5 or so years.

There’s the Big Bill Bronko I know and hate. Prick, always diggin’!


Zack Bronko: I’m dealin’! But that’s not the point! This isnt’ about US. This is about Macy! I’ll be damned if she dies alone in some freakin’ hospital room.

William Bronko: What are you gonna do? You gotta be back within a week!

Zack Bronko: Gonna try and talk her into coming to New York and stayin with me and Nikki.

William Bronko: Wow. Have you talked with Nikki about that?

How does he always KNOW these things?

Zack Bronko: No…not yet.

I start to get up and my shoulder screams in pain. I wince in reaction.

William Bronko: Heh. I knew that Suicide Dive was a bad idea.

Zack Bronko, rubbing the sore muscles: I’ll deal.

William Bronko grins: Just like you’ll deal with McHenry? You think he’s gonna let that shot go without some retribution?

Zack Bronko: Don’t give a damned what he will or won’t LET GO! I’m the damned champion now. He’s gonna have to deal with that. And, I swear, he best keep out from between me and SYN.

William Bronko laughs and takes a sip of something in a glass: Well, you know your history with management. Eric Bischoff. Claressa King. Yeah, that always works out, doesn’t it.

Why does he have to be like that?

Zack Bronko: This is between ME AND SYN. That’s it! All I want is a clean rematch with the guy.

I get up slowly. That shoulder really needs some rehab.

William Bronko: Well, good luck with that, Zack. Just watch your back. Maybe it’s time you had somebody close by watching it for you.

There it is.

Zack Bronko looks back at his father: The day I look to you to ‘watch my back’ is the day I turn in my gold and walk away. Damn, see you in Cali!

As Zack walks away, William pulls his cell phone out and makes a quick call.

William Bronko: Hey. Yeah. He’s gonna be a tough sell. But I think he’s primed and ready. The ball’s in YOUR court now.

As he hangs the phone up, the stewardess warns him: SIR, cell phone calls aren’t allowed at this time.

William smiles: Oh, so sorry. Won’t happen again.​


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The scene opened up inside of Syn's locker room, where the lights had been dimmed and the temperature had drasticaly been lowered, giving off an eerie, almost ominous feeling. In the middle of the room, a lone individual sat in a chair, a contemplative look on his painted features. It was Syn, dressed to compete, staring off into the darkness as he thought of his recent encounters withboth John McHenry and The World Heavyweight Champion, Zack Bronko. His rivalry with Bronko was something that took up most of his attention. It seemed that, for the first time in his young career, he was in a rivalry that was based off of respect and a desire to find out who was the better man, rather than based off of his actions. It was a concept that was both puzzling and interesting.

There was, however, one small problem with his rivalry with Bronko: The General Manager of Alternative Championship Wrestling, John McHenry. It seemed that, for whatever reason, the man had saw fit to place himself in the middle of this clash between he and Bronko. Syn didn't know what prompted this change in attitude, but it has grown annoying. Syn's thoughts were interrupted as he felt his cell-phone vibrating inside of his trench-coat pocket. He absentmindedly pulled it out and, without seeing who it was, answered it.

Syn: I take it this call is more business than a want for brotherly bonding, Kai.

The line was silent for a moment, before Kai's familiar monotone was heard.

Kai I called to warn you that McHenry is supposedly planning something for you.

Syn merely rose a brow at his brother's response, before leaning forward, interested in Kai's word.

Syn: Is that so? I thought he would have had the common courtesy to wait until Adrenaline to spring his little trap, insted of wasting on a lowly house-show.

Syn knew that Kai was just as suspicious as he was, and was likely wondering exactly what it was that McHenry was planning, much like he was.

Kai: If I were you, brother, I would be on my look out.

Syn chuckled darkly.

Syn: If you were me, little brother, your sense of humor and your outlook on life would be vastly improved; but your advice is well recieved none the less.

Syn hung up the phone and stood up, brushing his coat tails aside as he strolled out of his locker room and down to ringside.


"Duality" by Slipknot played as the lights dimmed, causing the fans to erupt as they await Syn's arrival. The lights cam back up, and the cheering reached a fever pitch as Syn was balancing himself on the Guard-Rail, his hands inside of his trench-coat pocket as he looks out into the crowd with a dark smile. He casually hops off the rail, before he circled over the ring and crept up the steel steps and climbs up the top ropes, before hopping into the ring.

Ashley Sparxxx: The following contest is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, weighing in at 217 pounds, THIS.....IS......SYN!!!!

Syn slid off his trench-coat and handed it to a stagehand, before patiently sitting down indian style in the middle of the ring as he awaited his opponent. Suddenly, a stagehand sprinted from the backstage area, to the confusion of everyone in the arena, and ran over to where Ashley was sitting. He told her something, cauing her to give Syn an uneasy glance, before she rose the microphone and bean to speak.

Ashley Sparxxx: Um....under the orders of The General Manager, John McHenry, the following match will now be contested under No-Disqualifications, No Count-Outs, and if Syn's opponent manages to win tonight, he will win a spot on The ACW Roster!

The crowd didn't like that ruling, and showed it with a chorus of boos. Syn, however, managed to stay calm for the most part, although he appeared to be twitching slightly in annoyance. He slowly stood up and walked over the ropes, politely asking Ashley for a mic. She hands it to him, and he starts pacing the ring as he speaks.

Syn: So, it seems that you've realized that you alone can't take me away, John-boy. And in this realization, you've turned to someone outside of the company to face me.

Syn sneers slightly in disgust

Syn: How....sad, that you yourself aren't capable enough to stop me.

The crowd roared at the insult.

Syn: I honesty don't know what your reasoning is for your actions as of late, nor do I find myself caring. You have some sort of problem with me, enough of one to where you would not only insert yourself in my business with Zack Bronko, but go out beyond the company to find someone to "Test" me. Well then, John, If you, Zacky, and I are going to be playing games...

Here, Syn gives a truely evil smile.

Syn:...You had better be prepared to be delt from the BOTTOM of the deck.

With that, Syn dropped the microphone and dropped back down into a sitting position, awaiting his opponent's arrival. The arena was tense with silence for a few moments, before an entrance theme very familiar to Syn began to play, causing the crowd to boo.


Out from behind the curtain stepped a young man, who looked to be around Syn's size, with an air of smug superiority around him. He had slicked back blonde hair, shock-bright blue eyes, and an arrogant smirk plastered on his face as he slowly walked down to the ring, his eyes locked on Syn's the entire time.

Ashley Sparxxx: And his opponent, from Chelsea, England, weighing in at 202 Pounds, Harrison Andrews!

He quickly walked up the steel steps and entered the ring, his full attention still on Syn as he rose back to his feet, picking the mic back up as they stared down for a moment. Finally, Syn rose his mic, a look of utter distain on his face as he spoke.

Syn: Hello, Harrison.

Harrison's smirk widened considerably at Syn's less than pleasent greeting.

Harrison Andrews: You sound less than thrilled to see me, Sunshine. After all, you had to think at SOME point that if I coulnd't get to Kai, you would be next in line.

Syn frowned at the other wrestler, remembering all too well what he was elluding to. Several months ago, Kai had broken Harrison's leg with a particularly painful submission hold in a fit of rage after being cost a World Title shot. While Syn fully encouraged the violent action, both he and Kai knew that Harrison wasn't the type of person who would just let something like this go.

Harrison Andrews: You see, your "precious" little brother took 5 months off of my career. And in that time, I've watched as the both of you just moved on, as if he nearly ending my career was of no matter to either of you!

Harrison seemed to be raging at this point, before he paused, and gave a calming sigh as he ran a hand over his hair, before continuing.

Harrison Andrews: But then, I got a phone call from your General Manager, John McHenry, with a most generous offer: I would be able to recieve a spot on the ACW Roster if I beat you into a mangled, bloody pulp.

Harrison suddenly got right in Syn's face.

Harrison Andrews: I more than readily accepted his offer.

Syn nods slightly, blankly staring at the blonde wrestler with very little interest. He looked around at the cheering crowd, before

Syn: That was a very...interesting monologue, Harrison. Very interesting indeed. You and I have alot of history.More than I care to remember, actually, and far more issues between us to count.

Syn calmly started circling Harrison with a cold look on his face, before stopping right in ont of him.

Syn: On second thought, I won't even attempt to waste my words on you. No, no, I have something else planned, something that you and I both know. Something that you and I both can understand better than nearly anyone in this very building-

Syn suddenly lashed out and nailed Harrison right in the jaw with the microphone! Harrison staggered backwards into a corner, clutching his now bleeding mouth with his left hand as he glared hatefully at Syn. Syn gave Harrison a cold smile as he glared at him from the corner, before speaking.

Syn:-Pain. An Ungodly amount of pain.

Syn dropped the mic as the ref rang the bell, signaling the start of this volitile match up.

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So, this is what it was like? This is what it was like to be at peace. Nicky breathed in the fresh cool air emanating from the lake. It was early in the morning, and this was the one time he was actually quite happy about waking up early in the morning. He had his fishing gear, with his father and Dwayne. The children were at the Ruthgow’s for the day. Nicky was truly thankful for them taking his children on such short notice, but this was a guys day. He looked at Dwayne who looked absolutely awkward in the fishing gear he was wearing. The man was nearly seven feet tall and built like a rhino. He didn’t fit the description of a fisherman at all. Now Toby on the other hand, he was all decked out. He had the baseball hat that had a fish on it with the text reading “Gone Fishin’!†He had his camping vest on, which he also used for fishing. He had his large rubber boots on. He just seemed to fit the part of an old fisherman. Nicky just couldn’t help but smiling. He just wore his normal clothes. He wore his sunglasses, never truly wore a hat. Every time they had gone fishing, he always ended up swimming at some point.

They finally made their way down to the dock where the boat was. Nicky really liked the boat; it was classy, yet showed grit to it. He jumped on with the rest of them and they set off. It was still fairly early in the morning; the sun had just come fully out. It was a beautiful day for sure, especially for fishing. He looked around and took notice of all the regular fishermen who come out on this lake every morning. He had to admire the determination, and the joy it brought to these folks was just astounding.

Toby Trix: “So, no talking about wrestling from here on out. This is just going to be a nice and relaxing day, got it?â€

Both Nicky and Dwayne nodded as they started to fish. It was the type of leisure fishing one would expect. Nearly peaceful, almost as if it had known that they all needed this break from their otherwise hectic lives. Nicky looked over at Dwayne who looked somewhat nervous to be out on the water. His left hand never leaving it’s resting place. When the boat rocked even slightly, he would tense up and tighten his grip on the boat. Nicky felt slightly bad for Dwayne, it was clear he didn’t like water.

Nicky Trix: “It’s okay dude!â€

He said while putting a reassuring hand on Dwayne’s shoulder. It didn’t seem to ease the much bigger man much.

Dwayne Fisher: “I can’t swim dog. I hate the water, I watched my grand daddy almost drown in this same lake. It’s scary for me man.â€

Nicky shot him a smile, more or less to try and ease the tension. He wasn’t sure how to help Dwayne in this sticky situation. Suddenly his line got extremely tight and even attempted to pull him in the water. Nicky lost all focus on Dwayne and looked at the water where his line was. He struggled with it for a little bit, hearing his father chime in with sarcastic jokes. He finally got the better of it, and reeled in a nice looking fish.

Toby Trix: “Fine looking fish if I ever saw one. Great stuff Nicky, more of those and we’ll have quite the feast tonight!â€

Nicky was beaming with pride. He was very proud of himself, he had never really been much of a fishermen. He put the fish in their fish box and continued on. Dwayne screamed loudly as he caught something on his line. It was something clearly big and heavy as he struggled terribly with it. It came close to pulling him in with it. Suddenly Toby jumped in to attempt to save it, but the fish was proving for be very strong. Toby and Dwayne accepted the challenged as they clamoured over each other to try and get an advantage over their rather large prey. Suddenly the boat began to drift. The fish was pulling them with it. Nicky was beside him, extremely curious as to how a fish could be so strong. He looked around and saw other fishermen looking at them with confused looks. Nicky blushed a little bit, he was slightly embarrassed that two strong men such as his father and Dwayne could struggle so much with a fish.

They seemed to finally get the upper hand as they slowly started to reel it in. They still struggled with it, but eventually won. Both men fell backwards as the fish was pulled inside the boat. The thing was huge! It was a huge catfish. Nicky couldn’t believe what they had just caught. The fishermen around them started to cheer for them as it was clear the wrestlers had won their match.

Dwayne Fisher: “Damn dude! That thing is huge!â€

Toby started to laugh hysterically, he was obviously proud. He would inhale deeply as he attempted to catch his breath. Dwayne was shaking, clearly nervous of how close he came to being in the water.

Toby Trix: “Great catch Dwayne! This is truly going to be an amazing feast tonight!â€

Both men smiled widely as they put the huge fish in their rather large fish box. Nicky looked at his father, than at his good friend and smiled himself. For his first time fishing, Dwayne had done a fine job.

Toby Trix: “Well look at the time, it’s time to get back inland boys. This was a great trip, and I look forward to the next time.â€

Both Dwayne and Nicky nodded their heads in agreement as they started to head towards land. The trip back to land consisted of Dwayne going over what had just transpired. He was clearly proud of what he had caught. Nicky just enjoyed the whole time out on the water. It had been so long since he had any time for peace. And this was just what he needed before his next match. It was a very soothing adventure.