ACW Adrenaline 15: Donnie Trix v. El Loko v. Jack Ripper

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Mar 18, 2012
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Fifth Bout:
Match Type: Triple Threat
Stipulation: N/A
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap)
Donnie Trix w/ Joey Maverick v. El Loko w/ Maddog v. Jack Ripper w/ Darren Pesinger

If you want feedback on your roleplay, please leave a visible message on your roleplay asking for it. If not, please do not spam this thread with unnecessary OOC talk.
TWO RP cap with all RPs due by Wednesday July 25, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​


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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Shortly after their very first defeat on ACW, at the hands of Nicky Trix and Joey Maverick, the ACW Tag Team Champions, RipperCussions, are returning to their locker room, accompanied by their attractive manager, Kerry Buckingham. The Brit fusses over the limping, beaten-up Ripper, but Pesinger has long since stopped paying attention to his partner. Instead, he is venting his frustrations on assorted tables and vending machines, ranting all the while:

Darren Pesinger: We lost. We motherfuckin' LOST!

The cowboy upturns a catering table, startling the employee behind it and warranting a reprimand from Kerry:

Kerry Buckingham: Now, really, Darren darling! Do control yourself!

This, however, only makes the Southerner even more angry, as he now turns on the manager:

Darren Pesinger: You shaddap, sweet cheeks. This is all yer fault!

K-Bux looks wounded and offended, drawing a hand to her bosom in a disbelieving gasp. Before she can open her mouth, however, it is Jackie who intervenes, harshly:

Jack Ripper: It's NOT her fault, Darren! In case you didn't notice, she was trying to HELP me out there!

Buckingham smiles gratefully at Ripper, but Darren is not yet convinced. He fumbles for words for a moment, trying to make a coherent argument, then fires back:

Darren Pesinger: Yeah, but it's her damn fault ya needed helpin' in the first place! Makin' us run at six in the mornin' an' all that bullshit!

Kerry once again gasps in disbelief, and this time does stand up for herself:

Kerry Buckingham: *I will have you know*, darling, that the program I drew up for you is beneficial on multiple levels. I researched online and...

Darren, however, cuts her off, a bit rudely this time:

Darren Pesinger: Ba-ba-ba-ba SHADDAP! Gawd!

With this, the Southerner disappears into the nearest locker room, leaving his manager to exchange a baffled look with his tag team partner. Jack tries to put Kerry's mind at ease:

Jack Ripper: I'll deal with this...

He begins to limp into the locker room, but the Brit holds him back:

Kerry Buckingham: Hold on, darling. You really shouldn't exert yourself. I'll help you.

She ushers Jack into the changing room and sits him down in one of the wooden benches, the fashion designer not refusing the help. Then, as if realizing at last that she is in a men's dressing room, she hurries out the door, leaving Ripper to face his estranged partner. At first, however, none of the men say anything, and it is only after a long moment of silence that the Canadian finally asks:

Jack Ripper: Well...?

Darren does not even look at his partner, continuing to fold a t-shirt as he answers:

Darren Pesinger: Well what?

Jack Ripper: Are you going to apologise?

Here, the cowboy does face his partner, his expression genuinely astonished:

Darren Pesinger: Apologise for WHAT?! We just lost, an' it's her fault, Jackie!

Ripper sighs:

Jack Ripper: She means well, Darren. She's genuinely trying to help. And tonight's defeat had nothing to do with her...

The Southerner immediately cuts in, ranting:

Darren Pesinger: Yeah it god damn did, she had us runnin' at...

The fashion designer, however, holds up a finger, cutting his partner off mid-stream:

Jack Ripper: DARREN! It was just a setback. It happens. You can't win them all. What matters is, you hurt Kerry's feelings, and you're going to apologise...

Then, with a meaningful glare:

Jack Ripper: ...RIGHT?!

The cowboy initially seems reluctant, but faced with his partner's damning glare, relents as usual:

Darren Pesinger: OK, fine. But the chick's bad news if ya ask me.

Another long moment of silence ensues, eventually broken by Darren:

Darren Pesinger: But what 'bout Donnie? He seems ta have it in for ya, bud!

Ripper assents with a nod:

Jack Ripper: Sure seems that way.

Darren Pesinger: Any idea why?

Jack shrugs:

Jack Ripper: Not really. Can't remember my family ever having any bad blood with the Trixes. I told you my brother Max was friends with Nicky...

Darren nods, then places a hand on his partner's shoulder, in a gesture of unexpected tenderness. Jack does a double-take, initially staring at his partner agog, but soon smiles.

Darren Pesinger: Whatever he wants with ya, ya know ya can count on me, purdner!

The designer's grin goes wider:

Jack Ripper: I know. But like you said, this is something Donnie Trix has against ME. Which means *I* have to deal with it. Don't get yourself hurt unnecessarily.

Darren, however, seems to take offence at the mere idea of not being there for Jackie:

Darren Pesinger: Hell no! If yer goin' out there, I'll be with ya ev'ry step o' the way! That's what purdners are for, purdner!

Faced with his friend's loyalty, Ripper cannot help but smile:

Jack Ripper: OK, fine.

Darren smiles:

Darren Pesinger: Shake on it, buddy.

The two best friends shake hands, then share a man-hug - another uncharacteristic gesture for Darren. Jack picks up on it, but decides to not say anything, instead just turning to his partner with a matter-of-fact tone in his voice:

Jack Ripper: C'mon. We don't wanna keep Kerry waiting.

The Tag Team Champions leave the locker room with their arms around each other's shoulders, much to the delight of their manager, who smiles as she sees them return:

Kerry Buckingham: All sorted out, are we, darlings?

Jack nods:

Jack Ripper: Yup.

Kerry Buckingham: Smashing. Come along, then, We don't want to be late.

Instantly suspicious again, Darren frowns:

Darren Pesinger: Late f'r what?!

The Brit, however, does not lose her composure this time around:

Kerry Buckingham: Well, I thought whatever the outcome was tonight, we would have use for a little I made reservations in a very exclusive restaurant downtown.

Then, as the two men gawk at her, genuinely taken by surprise, she concludes, a note of amusement to her voice:

Kerry Buckingham: That's right, dears...we're going out to dinner.


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma

Wow. Is this the place? THE BEGUILING…I love it already!

The tall, thin gentleman slipped into the front door of the typical comic book shop and found he was already in the back of a busy line. By the door was a stand with a lot of copies of one book…


The man takes a copy and starts to flip through the pages with his purple gloves and begins to giggle to himself. This grants him the attention of most of the people in front of him.

Suddenly, the man blurts: Tricks aren’t for Trix! HA! I get it!!

The forty something clerk glares at the newcomer: SSHH!

The man glares back: WHAT? Didn’t know this was a damned library!!

The line moves a bit and the man keeps reading and giggling; visibly angering the man at the register. After a while of this, the man makes it to the front of the line. The clerk seems to be hoping he’s almost out of here. The man wearing a lime green leasure suit with a matching tie and white alligator shoes, smiles; although the man at the table in front of him can’t see most of his face for the carnival barker’s hat that allows just his unnerving smile to show.

Behind the table is the man on the cover, Max ‘the Beast’ Ripper is showing signs of fatigue.

The man grins: Signing autographs and dealing with the public can be so much more taxing than working in the ring, can’t it Mr. Ripper?

Max gives him a slight glance; seeing that he’s the last man in line.

Max Ripper: Yeah. I’d much rather be powerbombing someone right now. In fact, I’m really feeling the need for it about now.

The thin man hands the much bigger, more muscular man the book: I hear ya, brother! These public relations things can be hell. I mean, ask your dad!

As Max finishes signing, he looks up slowly: Uh, yeah.

The thin man in the outrageous lime green suit: The media backlash after that whole STEROID thing was almost too much for the old man, eh?

Max is looking a little irritated: Yeah. Here ya go. Thanks for supporting my book.

The man smiles back and shoots him a look from one eye: Yeah. And where do you suppose he got those STEROIDS? I mean, he’d have to have a close ally supplying him, I mean, to keep it hush hush…

Max Ripper gets angry: I wouldn’t know…now if you don’t mind

The man pulls out another book and hands it to the monstrous man across the table from him: Yeah, it’d take a douche bag to be supporting a habit like that wouldn’t it, Maxxie?

Ripper signs the other book with an angry flair; almost tearing the first page with every stroke: You seem to have read my book. In fact, it seems you’re reading too much between the lines!

As Max Handed the stranger the two books, the stranger plods on into unwanted territory: OH, AM I? MAXXIE? Ya see, that’s the TRICK! OR should I say TRIX!??

Suddenly, Max Ripper is up and towering over the irritating fan: Ok, I don’t know you and I think you better pay for your books and leave!!


Suddenly, the man looks up to expose his long, white face and sinister grin.

Wisecrack: Oh, I’m bruised, Maxxie! Has it been that long? Of course, it COULD be the steroids talking!!

Max Ripper slams both hands on the table: Wisecrack, you got about two seconds to hit the door before I hit you!

The cracked clown smiles: But I haven’t paid yet…

Max Ripper: Oh, don’t worry. Those are on the house!

Wisecrack: Oh, El Loko and Maddog will be SO pleased!!

Max Ripper blurts: OUT!!

The clown calmly and slowly turns and begins to leave. Once to the door, he turns and looks Max in the eye from across the room.

Wisecrack: Oh, and DO tell Jack hello for me, will you? And while you’re at it, maybe give the Trixes a call. You know. JUST FOR OLD TIMES…HA!!

As the door slams and the insidious laughter fades, Max pulls his cell phone out and begins to dial!

For more on the history of the exalted Ripper Clan....

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Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Jack Ripper stares at the iPad screen in disbelief. The words and characters there have long since stopped making sense to him, but that does not really matter: the basic message has been assimilated from the first couple of times he skimmed the e-mail.

"Somebody knows about our past with the Trixes. Stuff even I had forgotten about! But *who*?"

Out of the corner of his brain, he catches his partner and best friend, Darren Pesinger, arguing with their manager, Kerry Buckingham:

Darren Pesinger: Salad AGAIN?! Gawsh darn it, darlin'! I ain't no rabbit! I want some prime rib!

He also vguely registers Kerry's answer:

Kerry Buckingham: You boys are athletes. You need to have a healthy diet!

Normally, Jackie would find the duo's perpetual failure to see eye to eye amusing. Right now, however, it is hard for anything to register as more than a background buzz.

"Somebody knows all the dirt on Dad and me. And they're willing to dish it out to the dirtsheets."

Suddenly, he is awoken from his reverie by the sound of his manager's voice. He snaps back to reality to find the Brit staring at him questioningly. When she speaks, her tone is surprisingly sharpish:

Kerry Buckingham: Interesting read, isn't it, Jackie?

Jackie nods, still befuddled:

Jack Ripper: Y-yeah...

Kerry's instantly back on the attack, now in full-on journalist mode:

Kerry Buckingham: Is this true...?

Jack hesitates for a long moment; then, the very picture of shame, he nods. Kerry's features become even more pointed, but the fashion designer's focus instantly switches to his partner, who has now taken the iPad:

Darren Pesinger: Is WHAT true?! Lemme see that!

Both the manager and his tag partner try to deter the Southerner, but to no avail: he turns away from them and quickly skims the e-mail. When he turns back around to face Jackie, his face is the picture of naive confusion:

Darren Pesinger: Jackie...they're sayin' you an' yer Pop pulled a fast one on yer own brother! They're makin' you out to be a jackass, buddy!

Ripper nods:

Jack Ripper: I know.

Darren's tone rises:

Darren Pesinger: Well, we should go after 'em, buddy! Teach 'em to spread bullshit like this! Hell, my buddy ain't no jackass!

The Georgian's righteous indignation brings a pang to Jack's heart, as he softly interrupts his partner:

Jack Ripper:'s all true. All of that.

This takes both the manager and the cowboy by surprise, and neither can repress a gasp. Seemingly unaware of the reaction he's caused, the designer goes on to explain:

Jack Ripper: Remember when we first met?

Darren instantly cuts in:

Darren Pesinger: Yeah, yeah...boy, was I a jackass! An' that stupid gimmick!

Here, in spite of himself, the fashion designer can't help but smile. Then, seeing his partner is about ready to go on a rant, he swiftly cuts in again:

Jack Ripper: Yeah, well....let's say I wasn't the best of people back then, either. It was a very confusing time for me. I was still discovering myself, who I was, and I got caught trying to impress my Dad, and...well...let's just say I didn't always make the best choices. *That* was a perfect example.

The cruiserweight points at the newspaper, then concludes, with a sigh:

Jack Ripper: But at least, now, I know why Donnie Trix is after me...

Then, looking up at the two most important people in his life:

Jack Ripper: I hope you guys can forgive me, and won't think any worse of me...

There is a moment of silence, after which Kerry nods:

Kerry Buckingham: That was very brave of you, dear. Very honest.

With a lump in his throat, Jack then turns to his partner:

Jack Ripper: Daz...?

Pesinger ponders for a long moment, then shoots:

Darren Pesinger: Hell no, I don't forgive ya! Ya jackass!

A devastated look invades Ripper's features, but lasts only as long as it takes the fashion designer to realize his partner is joking. Letting out a high guffaw, Darren punches his best friend in the shoulder playfully:

Darren Pesinger: Hell, just messin' with ya, Jackie! Of course I forgive ya. Hell, ain't no big deal! We all do dumb stuff sometimes!

Jack chuckles, not resisting a rib at his best friend:

Jack Ripper: I know. *You* do dumb stuff ALL the time!

And with another fist to the shoulder and a display of mock-offence, another hump in the relationship of the team known as RipperCussions is overcome.

Rated R Superstar

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
Donnie couldn’t help but continuously laugh at every dirtsheet he read. They had some kind of theory that he was after Jack Ripper for their families’ history. If only they knew the half of it. Well, in his opinion, he wished these types of people would stay away from his business. Donnie looked over at his buddy; Ramsey is what everybody called him. He was a mysterious guy who normally kept to himself. He was passed out, clearly extremely high from the amount of drugs he and Donnie had just done. Donnie felt great however; he almost had a new found energy about him. Suddenly someone knocked on the door and the thoughts he was thinking vanished. He opened the door and to his delight, his best friend Joey Maverick was standing right in front of him.

Donnie Trix: “Joey! Come in my homie!â€

Joey shot Donnie a strange look.

Joey Maverick: “Your what? Nevermind, listen we need to talk man. You haven’t answered any of my phone calls; you’re getting high all the damn time. What’s with you man? Why are acting so foolishly?â€

Donnie looked at his friend with a stern look almost that of a challenging look as both men stood there in silence. The TV suddenly seemed to have gotten louder. This however was due to the silence that had followed the commotion both men made upon Joey’s entrance into the room. Joey sighed as he entered the room and chose the chair across from the sleeping Ramsey. Ramsey looked incredibly uncomfortable, but in his state, he clearly didn’t care.

Donnie Trix: “Look man, I’m just trying to relax. A lot of shit has gone down, I don’t think being all crazy about it is healthy.â€

Joey Maverick: “Donnie! This isn’t high school anymore man, you can’t just hide from your problems. You also can’t just beat the Hell out of anybody just because you’re bigger than they are. What you did to those guys is going to land both of us on Sal’s list. You know it, I know, and I’m pretty sure Ramsey probably knows about it. And he’s basically dead to the world half the damn time! News travels fast around here, and sooner or later word is going to get to Sal about this whole ordeal.â€

Joey at this point had gotten out of his chair and slowly started to pace back and forth. With the entire room engulfed in silence, the TV once again made its presence known. Joey showed just how frustrated he was when he angrily turned off the TV. He looked back at Donnie but couldn’t say anything as Ramsey finally woke up.

Ramsey: “Hey, I was watching that!â€

Joey looked at the man with a look of pure annoyance.

Joey Maverick: “Look who’s come back to life to grace the world with his presence.â€

Ramsey simply smiled, knowing all too well Joey’s serious demeanor. He simply stretched and allowed the comment to go. He was feeling too darn good to be upset over Joey’s words.

Ramsey: “Joey, man how you been? It’s been a long time.â€

Joey just rolled his eyes while shaking his head.

Joey Maverick: “No it hasn’t, you moron! You saw me two nights ago, remember? Or have you been on a continued high since we last met? Seriously, why the Hell do you guys rely on those drugs so heavily? It sickens me.â€

Donnie got up from his spot on the couch and went into the kitchen. Opening his fridge he looked inside it for just a moment, once he found what he was looking for he called out to Joey.

Donnie Trix: “Want a beer Joey?â€

Joey didn’t say a word, and Donnie assumed he wanted a beer. He tossed a tall boy over to Joey who caught it, but looked dead serious at Donnie. Donnie slowly started to cringe at the sight of those soul crushing eyes. He knew right away that Joey was upset about something, he just couldn’t remember what.

Donnie Trix: “What’s the matter Joey?â€

Joey threw his hands up in the air in disbelief.

Joey Maverick: “Are you serious right now Donnie? I defended you so many times in the past, but now I think I’m done with all of this. I mean, you make no attempt to help the situation. You have to make everything so much worse. You get high or drunk, and on that rare occasion you are both. And you got around beating the living Hell out of anybody. Never once did you think about the consequences of your actions, and now those actions cost us dearly. How do you think your father is going to feel about this whole predicament you now have us in?â€

Donnie dropped his gaze from his best friend as he tried to collect the words, or even just the thoughts he assumed Joey would want to hear. It was obvious to Joey however that those words wouldn’t come out.

Joey Maverick: “Just what I thought, I’m going to Sal, getting my name off his list. You can rot for all I care, it seems you won’t.â€

Before Joey could even get close to the door, Donnie jumps in front of him. It was clear that Joey’s words had gotten to him.

Donnie Trix: “You can’t do that man, we’re a team. I need your help.â€

Joey Maverick: “You had that chance, you blew it when you didn’t return any of my phone calls, and I phoned you a lot. You’re on your own man.â€

Donnie slammed his fist into the wall.

Donnie Trix: “Dammit Joey! I’m scared! I don’t know what to do! I can’t go to my dad, he’ll kill me. Nicky is probably pissed off at me for using his name as a reference for my ACW hiring. I don’t have many options, and you’re my best friend. We’ve always had each other’s backs. Always will. We’ve always been Brother’s in Arms. I don’t think I’d change that for anything in the world.â€

Joey tried to look away from his friend, tried to avoid those puppy dog eyes Donnie was notorious for when begging for something. He unfortunately couldn’t do it. He smiled as he sat back down. Donnie did the same as both men started to converse about the whole situation and how they would handle it. Once a team, always a team.