ACW Adrenaline 14: RipperCussons v. Donnie Trix

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Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Fourth Bout: Challenge Accepted
Match Type: Handicap
Stipulation: N/A
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap)
RipperCussions v. Donnie Trix

If you want feedback on your roleplay, please leave a visible message on your roleplay asking for it. If not, please do not spam this thread with unnecessary OOC talk.
TWO RP cap with all RPs due by Wednesday July 18, 2012 at 11:59 P.M. (Eastern). Good luck!​

Rated R Superstar

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Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
As was his typical fashion, Donnie was drunk. He didn’t remember the last time he was truly sober, save for the anniversary of Kari’s death. That was the one time he refused to drink. He knew it would upset Nicky more than anything to see his younger brother drunk on the anniversary of his wife’s death. Donnie truly felt sorry for his older brother; he had gone through so much in a short period of time. He had to grow up far fast than he planned to. Since the death of his wife, Nicky had to take care of three children. Donnie knew that Nicky loved his kids, heck, Donnie loved those kids! After so long of having to deal with these mafia punks, he had just had enough of it, he figured it would be easier to just drink himself to death. However, his best friend Joey Maverick wouldn’t allow that. Joey nearly kicked Donnie’s head off as he kicked the bottle of whiskey Donnie was drinking from. Donnie was fascinated with how talented Joey was in that aspect, but also thoroughly annoyed. That was some good whiskey that he just destroyed. Donnie looked up at Joey from the seated position he was in on his couch.

Donnie Trix: “So, you gonna buy me a new bottle of whiskey?â€￾

Donnie said in a joking manner, but it didn’t seem like Joey was taking it as a joke.

Joey Maverick: “Despicable. How could someone with so much raw talent just waste his life away on the drink? What is it Donnie? Did the mean old mafia men scare you? Grow the Hell up!â€￾

Donnie wasn’t too fond of the tone that Joey was using with him; it was almost like he was the adult speaking to the child. Donnie truly hated when people did that. And he knew that Joey knew that, but why would Joey still do it? He knew of the danger that came when people spoke to Donnie in such a way.

Joey Maverick: “You have been given an excellent opportunity to show the world once more that you are no joke. It shames me to be affiliated with you when you are in such a stupor.â€￾

Donnie slowly got up, towering over Joey, he tried to look as intimidating as possible. Joey never backed away as he stood up to the much bigger man. Donnie had to really give Joey respect for that, the man never feared anything. But Donnie knew that if he didn’t get a drink or some sort of drug into him soon, he may go insane.

Donnie Trix: “Joey, you best watch yourself.â€￾

Joey knew Donnie much better than that; he knew the man wasn’t himself right now. He knew his friend meant nothing by the threat. He just wished his friend would sober up and see that for himself. It truly disgusted him seeing his old friend in such a state. It was as if alcohol and drugs consumed him, made him who he was. It was as if it all was the reason he was alive. He had no real inspiration to do anything like he used to. After his last stint in an organization, he had just never been the same. He truly blamed that last organization for what Donnie has become. Joey looked out through the window of the rundown apartment, he couldn’t see much because of the curtain, but he decided to change that.

Donnie Trix: “Ow! Fuck! Dude what the Hell!â€￾

Donnie screamed as Joey ripped open the blackout curtain. He looked down at Donnie who was covering his eyes from the near blinding light.

Joey Maverick: “I’m not just going to sit here and allow you to destroy yourself. You need to get up and get moving! It’s time to get out of this place and move in with your father again.â€￾

Donnie looked up at his best friend with wide eyes as he realized what a mess he had become if Joey suggested living with his father again. He really wasn’t sure if he could do that though. He looked around at the small apartment. He noticed a ton of stains from spilled drinks when he was drunk. He noticed the mass amount of drugs such as pain killers and copious amounts of illegal drugs. He looked down at the bottle of Jack that lay beside him. Suddenly reality hit him hard as he breathed in deeply. He instantly got up from the floor and headed towards to the door.

Joey Maverick: “Where you going?!â€￾

Donnie looks back at him and shoots him a mischievous smile.

Donnie Trix: “To crack a few skulls, and fresh air.â€￾

And with that, Donnie left his old apartment for the last time.


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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Monday, 06.45AM

"Springsteen", by Eric Church, wakes Darren Pesinger up with a start. Muttering groggily, the man who just the previous night helped ensure that his team retained the ACW Tag Team Championships fumbles around for the phone and declines the call. He buries his head back in the pillow and tries to go back to sleep, but before long the song is starting up again, insistently. This time, the cowboy picks up, growling impatiently into the speaker:

Darren Pesinger: Yeah?

The unnaturally chirpy tones of RipperCussions's manager, Kerry Buckingham, greet the Southerner from the other end of the line:

Kerry Buckingham: Darren, darling! Rise and shine, sweetheart!

Darren is dumbstruck. What does this bitch want at such an ungodly hour?

Darren Pesinger: ..the hell...? What the hell time is it?

Kerry promptly replies, her tone still fresh and energised:

Kerry Buckingham: Quarter to seven, darling. And we've got no time to lose! We'll want to be out there before the crowds come out, now won't we?

Darren frowns:

Darren Pesinger: We? Out where?!

The Englishwoman titters airily:

Kerry Buckingham: Why, at the riverside, of course. For our little run!

Here, the cowboy cannot repress a gasp:

Darren Pesinger: Run?! Are ya out of your everlovin' marbles, darlin'? You know what yesterday was?! Goddamn Strikin' Distance! Today's our day off!

The manager's tone this time is a mixture of condescension and obviousness:

Kerry Buckingham: Darling,when one wants to get to the very top, there is no such thing as days off! Besides, a run is an excellent way to keep fit!

Then, as if the matter was settled beyond any discussion:

Kerry Buckingham: Now go on! I'll see you at the riverside at seven-thirty! About twenty miles should keep us in sufficient shape!

Kerry is about to hang up, and Darren, resigned, to press the 'End Call' button, when, almost as an afterthought, the manager adds:

Kerry Buckingham: Say, darling, is Jackie there with you?

Once again, the cowboy frowns in puzzlement:

Darren Pesinger: No...? He's in his room... We don't sleep together. We're not queers.

Kerry's tone shows that she does not totally believe this, but is wishing to avoid a fight:

Kerry Buckingham: Of course you're not, darling... Seven-thirty! Toodles!

And with this, the new RipperCussions manager hangs up, presumably to call Jack Ripper with the same sort of proposition. As for Pesinger, he groans, wondering what sort of deal he and his partner got themselves into, and plops his head back down on the pillow. If he has to be outside in less than an hour, he will get all the sleep he can until then.
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Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Darren Pesinger: Hey...! Can ya h-hang on a minute?

Darren Pesinger hunches over and places his hands on his knees, exhaling heavily. Sweat trickles down his forehead and stains both the front and the back of his grape-coloured sleeveless shirt. His breath is ragged and heaving, and his overall physical condition is closer to a rank amateur than a professionally trained athlete.

A little ahead of him, his partner,
Jack Ripper - sporting an elegant red tracksuit - stops powerwalking for a moment and looks behind him, to ascertain why the cowboy has stopped. Darren waves feebly with one hand, and the fashion designer hurries ahead to inform Kerry Buckingham, the duo's manager, who is also power-walking, in a violet ensemble. The British blonde similarly turns her head, and tuts, in a tone somewhere between amusement and scolding:

Kerry Buckingham: Darren! Really! I expected more from you, darling!

Ripper, however, is sympathetic to his partner, and signals for the spinster to go ahead:

Jack Ripper: Go on. We'll catch up to you.

The blonde looks doubtful, but eventually chooses to comply, shrugging one last time before turning and resuming her exercising. As for the fashion designer, he joins his partner in a nearby bench, taking a grateful swig of the water Darren is spilling over his bald head. The pair sit in silence for a moment, watching the boats travel in the Hudson river and the first commuters hurry along. Then, at lenght, the cowboy finally asks:

Darren Pesinger: So why d'ya think this Donnie fella wants ta fight us?!

Surprisingly, Jackie has a pretty good idea of the younger Trix brother's potential reasons:

Jack Ripper: My family knew the Trixes. I think my Dad knew heir dad - they were both old timey wrestlers, see? - and I know my brother Max was good friends with Nicky. Donnie was always...difficult. He was kind of a black sheep. Nicky was the model child. Kinda like me and Max. Y'know?

Darren nods, reading between his partner's words:

Darren Pesinger: So you're sayin' this Donnie wants us 'cause he's got a problem with you?

Jack is quick to cut in:

Jack Ripper: I wouldn't know about a problem. I never did anything to him, didn't even know him that well. But I would bet money his reasons are connected to me, yeah. Don't ask me what they are, though, 'cause I have no idea.

The Southerner nods again, thinking it fair. Then, after another long moment of silence, he grins:

Darren Pesinger: Whatever he's doin' it for...we're gonna beat him. Right, bud?

Pesinger extends a fist, which his best friend promptly bumps, with a smile of his own:

Jack Ripper: Right.

Dsrren Pesinger: 'Cause we're RipperCussions, the ACW Tag Team Champions, and don't nobody messes with us. Right?

The fashion designer smiles again:

Jack Ripper: Right.

Darren Pesinger: Atta boy, buddy. Now c'mon. The old hag'll be waitin' for us, an' I don't want her on my ass.

And as he follows behind his seemingly re-energized partner, Jack cannot help but marvel over the fact that, for once in their now year-long partnership, the roles have reversed, and Darren has actually acted mature. "Gosh", the fashion designer thinks to himself, as he picks up the pace again. "Hell must be about to freeze over".

Rated R Superstar

Well-Known Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Ottawa Canada
He couldn’t remember the last time he felt so good. But right now, this was the best feeling in the world. He threw his fist down into the man’s neck once more for assurance. He looked down at the two mafia men he had just made quick work of. He couldn’t how frightened he had been of them for so long. He looked back at Joey who was standing at the front of his car. Joey looked worried, almost afraid. Donnie wasn’t sure why, until he actually looked at his surroundings. They were under the highway, it was nearly midnight and it was quite possibly the best place to shoot a rape scene for a movie. Donnie headed over to his friend and leaned on the hood of the car beside him. He looked over at him, Joey didn’t seem impressed. But what could Donnie have done? He didn’t have the money to pay these guys back; he needed to do the next best thing. Beating the Hell out of them was exactly that! He noticed that they started to move again, and he was just a little more cautious about starting towards them. Joey grabbed onto his arm and shook his head. Donnie knew not to really disregard anything that Joey said, the man was smart.

He looked over at the men finally coming back to life.

Donnie Trix: “I don’t owe you fucks anything, got it?â€

The taller of the two men stood up first and looked at Donnie with a look of cruel intent.

Man #1: “This ain’t ova Donnie. You don’t know what you’ve done, and now... Now you’re gonna get really hurt.â€

Donnie laughed hysterically as he inched closer and closer to the two men who had been tormented him and his family for far too long. He couldn’t help but notice the slight look of fear in the taller mans eyes. He couldn’t help but feel satisfied that he had instilled fear in the hearts of these cowardly men. What they did to his brother was inexcusable. He would make sure that they would suffer for it.

Donnie Trix: “Like you did to my brother? You almost cost him his damn match a few weeks ago. Did you really think I was going to let that slide? Now you’re going to pay for it, nobody attacks my family and lives to tell the tale.â€

Joey tried to intervene but Donnie didn’t hear him. His mind was filled with a rage he hadn’t felt in a very long time. It was almost bloodlust really. He was in so much of a rage it nearly consumed him, but it was inevitable. He couldn’t continue hiding from these men. It was his time to make a stand. He let out one of his battle cries and charged. He tackled the taller man to the ground and laid into him. The smaller man tried to pry Donnie of his partner, but Donnie was an immovable object at this point. Continuing with his flurry of attacks Donnie started to almost cry. It all felt so good to let this pent up frustration out. Sure, he had the perfect job to do that, but with these guys, it almost medicinal. It was as if he had been sick for so long, and beating up these two men was the cure he needed. Along with the pep talk that Joey had given him hours before, Donnie felt nearly invincible.

Finally figuring that he had done enough damage to the first man he finally took notice of second. The smaller man let out a cry of panic as he scurried away as much as possible. Donnie was far too fast for him however as he quickly gained the ground between them. He looked down with a sick and sinister smile. He growled as he pounced on the man, kicked him directly in the face before jumping on him and relentlessly attacking him. Joey looked on in near horror; he wasn’t used to seeing his friend like this. He knew he couldn’t really get involved though, that would only draw Donnie’s furious attention upon himself. He didn’t think he was capable of handling Donnie in such a state. He felt utterly sorry for the men. He didn’t think anybody deserved this kind of punishment. Donnie finally got up and stood over the two fallen men once more. He looked back at Joey and grinned. Joey shot him a grin back, even though he didn’t mean it. Suddenly Joey could hear sirens blaring, and he knew that it was the cops.

Joey Maverick: “Donnie! We have to go!â€

Donnie nodded as he too heard the sirens and jogged towards the car. Once inside, both men didn’t even bother with their seatbelts as they sped off in a hurry. Once a good distance away from where the two men lay, nearly broken, Joey decided to speak.

Joey Maverick: “Was it worth it? Do you feel better now?â€

Donnie nodded as he let out a very mischievous chuckle. Joey really hated this side of Donnie. It was clear he was on something; nobody could be that angry and unleash that kind of punishment. Unless he was completely sober and was just sick and twisted in the head.

Joey Maverick: “Good, because you probably just brought more trouble to the table than ever before. You know who those guys work for?! They work for Sal, Donnie! That man is ruthless and you know it, he won’t rest until he has your head, or your money. And you know he won’t care which he gets first.â€

The reality of Joey’s words seemed to hit Donnie hard as the once sinister smile on his face was replaced with a look of almost concern. Donnie looked over at Joey, who was driving the car and was nearly shocked at the revelation.

Donnie Trix: “Fuck! I hadn’t thought about Sal! He’ll probably send his whole crew after me. I don’t think I can handle that many guys on my own Joey.â€

Joey didn’t seem very concerned however.

Joey Maverick: “Just relax, I’ll make some calls. In the mean time, lay low. Stay at your fathers place or something. Stay somewhere safe.â€

Donnie stared blankly straight ahead, not even noticing the night life flashing by him. He knew where it was safest to be. He told Joey where to go, and Joey hesitantly complied as he drove in the direction of the one place Donnie felt he would be safe.