ACW Adrenaline 13 Results

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Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
Reaction score

The pyro goes off and the Yonkers crowd is making tons of noise as NEW song gets the crowd pumped!


The camera pans the fans who are all on their feet with their signs; all waving and trying to get attention.

Suddenly, the video turns to static and changes music...


Martin Mays: I'm not sure what the problem is wrestling fans. We were all set to get another ACW Adrenaline going and seems like their's a glitch.

Kareem ALi: What the hell?

Finally, the music is changed back to ADRENALINE by Nine Lashes.

Martin Mays: OK...seems we're back to where we should be. Let's get tonight's matches started with a bang!

The Pyros go off again as the crowd explodes!


Dr. Frank Urwhich v. Jay Clement

Martin Mays: Looks like we're wasting NO time getting this party started!

Kareem Ali: Up in here!!

Martin Mays: What?

Kareem Ali: Oh, never mind!

Young, fresh Jay Clement hits the stage hard and jams to the beats and the crowd jumps!

Martin Mays: I will say this, he does have the crowd jumping!

He jumps from one end of the stage to the other and, then, dances his way down the ramp; slapping hands with the fans! Running up the steel steps, he stops and turns to the crowd just in time for the chorus again. He sings with them and jumps with them.

Martin Mays: The crowd really likes this entrance!

Kareem Ali: Yeah, but can he wrestle?

Ashley Sparxxx:The following contest is scheduled for ONE FALL! Already in the ring, THE GHETTO SHRED, Jay Clement!!

As the newcomer jumps and jams in the ring and the crowd jumps along...

Another figure walks out onto the stage without fanfare or music. As the DMX's PARTY UP continues to play and most of the crowd is still jamming, Jay stops and watches this strange man walk down the ramp.

Kareem Ali: What the HELL?

Martin Mays: Great! First the Vampire. THen, the guy with multiple personalities that lights people on fire! And, what I thought was the last straw...the DEMON. But, now, we have some mad scientist...

Kareem Ali: Well what the HELL does the bio say?

Martin Mays: It says here that he's a doctor who has decided to shock the world by being the first actual person to ....oh, nevermind!

Ashley Sparxxx:And his opponent, From Berlin, Germany, DR FRANK URWHICH!!

The creepy looking doctor walks slowly to the ring, stopping every once in a while to size up some young skull.

Clement watches the 'Doctor' get in the ring and the referee calls for the bell.

Martin Mays: Well, it says here that both these men are natural brawlers which should make for quite a match!

Clements runs at Urwhich who ducks chops the bigger man across the back. Catching him on the rebound, he whips Jay into the corner! The strange Doctor follows up with a massive splash that misses! Jay has dodged the big slash and begins to put the boot to his opponent. Before Urwhich can get a grip, Clement slaps the full nelson on him. After a struggle, Jay drops the Doctor in a FULL NELSON SLAM!!

Kareem Ali: WHOA!

Clements picks Frank up and gets him in a head lock. Suddenly, the Doctor runs forward spearing Jay into the corner hard! He, then, hits him with a running clothesline that sends Clement flipping over the ropes and onto the floor! Urwhich climbs to the top rope and suicide dives, but Jay catches him and helps the Doctor to the floor!

Crowd: Holy Shit!!

Martin Mays: Oh, my God!

Clements picks up Urwhich and rolls him into the ring. Following him, he goes for a simple pin!

THR...kick out!

Kareem Ali: Jay looks a little frustrated there!

Martin Mays; Oh, it's Jay now?

Kareem Ali: Well, what can I say? We're brothers.

Clement picks the Doctor up again only to get a punch to the gut! Urwhich pushes Jay off and catches him; throwing him into a simple suplex! He, then, picks him up and delivers another; and another! As Jay lays there, Urwhich reaches into his bag and pulls out what looks like a pair of tongs with points.


Martin Mays: What is he going to do with those?

The Doctor puts the tongs across the skull of Jay Clement and takes a few notes in his notebook. He, then, smiles and puts the instrument away! But as he turns away, Clement comes alive and swings to his feet! As Urwhich turns back, Jay catches him and delivers the full BULLET! Jay picks his opponent up, Powerbombs him into the corner and follows up with a Clothesline. The Doctor walks out of the corner and grogily stands in the ring when he runs right through him, knocking him out with a HUGE Shoulder Block!!

Clement drops on the unconscious Doctor!


Martin Mays: A momentary lapse in judgment cost the Doctor the match!

Ashley Sparxxx: Your winner via pinfall; JAY CLEMENT!!

The crowd gives the new comer a huge pop as DMX begins to fill the speakers and the place is jumping again! Jay jams up the ramp along with the crowd. Suddenly, as Clement gets to the stage area, we see Dr. Urwhich running at Clements with a led pipe!

Kareem Ali: Look out!

Out of nowhere, a man in all white appears and delivers an amazing spinning back kick to the temple of Urwhich! The Doctor falls to the ramp as Clement is still looking shocked. The unknown figure knells down by the fallen body of the Urwhich and speaks into a microphone.


Unknown: When evil appears unstoppable, that is when God sends an Angel to do his bidding...

As this strange man stands up and looks down at the evil Doctor Urwhich, an equally strange music plays...


Fade to commercial


Hardcore Match
Andrew Reynolds v. Toyota Chelios

Once back from commercial...

Ashley Sparxxx: The following is a Hardcore match, and it is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, arriving directly from McDonalds and weighing in at 170 pounds, TOYOTA CHELIOS!

Toyota comes out brandishing his trademark sparklers, and almost sets Sparxxx’s hair on fire as he approaches her to correct her about his weight, screaming that it is “169 and a half!” The ring announcer is visibly uncomfortable with the proximity of the sparklers, as well as the fact that Chelios’s spit is hitting her as he yells. She nods, just to get him away, and he continues on his way to the ring, tripping over the steps as he climbs them, then almost getting tangled in the ropes. When he finally – literally – tumbles onto the canvas, he leans against the turnbuckle for support and catches his breath.

Kareem Ali: Look at this fool! And this is a wrestler on a serious promotion?! Gimme a break!

Martin Mays: Well, Chelios is highly unpredictable, and this Hardcore environment might just suit him well!

Kareem Ali: The only reason he’s 'unpredictable' is because he doesn’t know what the hell he’s doing half the time!

Just as the commentators are discussing the simple-minded wrestler, “Lion Skin” by Hands Like Houses starts up on the PA system, announcing the arrival of Chelios’s opponent!

Ashley Sparxxx: And his opponent, from Milford, Connecticut, weighing in at 225 pounds, ANDREW REYNOLDS!

Reynolds comes out, his face still badly bruised and bandaged in several places, after the attack by Multiplex last week. He looks less than pleased, and is totally no-nonsense in his entrance, merely striding down to the ring with his eyes set on Chelios.

Martin Mays: Here’s someone with a chip on their shoulder, and rightfully so – I would be pissed off as well if someone had SET ME ON FIRE!

Kareem Ali: Reynolds is bigger, heavier, stronger, and he’s got all that pent-up rage ready to be unleashed on Chelios…this should be a quick one here!

Martin Mays: Well, it’s a Hardcore match…don’t discount the weapons factor!

As the two announcers continue to debate the possibilities of each contestant, the bell goes, signalling the start of the match. Reynolds loses no time in hitting Chelios with a running dropkick, then rushing to the outside of the ring to rummage under the apron.

Martin Mays: Reynolds wasting no time in taking advantage of the Hardcore rules here…

Kareem Ali: Like I said – this should be a quick one!

Before the New England Cutthroat can find a suitable weapon, however, Chelios has come over the top rope and landed on him. The smaller wrestler applies a few punches to the face, before Reynolds grabs the back of his head and forces it down to meet his, in an impromptu headbutt! This stops Chelios’s momentum, and allows Reynolds to throw the bumbling wrestler off him. As the two men get to their feet, Chelios still groggily stumbling about, both their foreheads are bleeding. The referee is almost halfway through the count.

Referee: THREE…! FOUR…!

Reynolds picks Chelios up and throws him against the ring apron, then rolls both his opponent and himself into the ring to stop the count. He quickly slides back out, and continues to remove the object he had been pulling out when accosted by Chelios: a large two-by-four.

Martin Mays: Uh-oh…Chelios could be in trouble here!

He then climbs onto the apron, tucking the board under his arm, and slingshots up to the top rope. He jumps forward, pulling the two-by-four from his armpit and raising it high, before bringing both it and himself crashing down on the smaller wrestler’s torso! He covers.



Kickout by Chelios!

Momentum still belongs to Reynolds, however, and he picks Chelios up to apply some chops and a couple of well-aimed punches, targeting the simpleton’s vulnerable, open forehead. Chelios winces with every blow, and seems relieved when Reynolds elects to whip him to the ropes. Much to the Cutthroat’s surprise, wrestling’s approximation of Forrest Gump comes back swinging a lariat, which floors his larger opponent!

Martin Mays: A lariat, from out of nowhere! What did I tell you, Ali? This guy’s got more up his sleeve than anyone thinks!

Kareem Ali (grumbling): He doesn’t know HOW he did that…

And, indeed, Chelios seems confused as to what just happened. After looking down at his floored opponent for a moment, baffled, he finally decides to do something about his upper hand, and rushes outside to get his sparklers. He picks them up, then starts going through the rows of fans looking for a lighter for them. A girl quickly helps him with that, and he turns back towards the ring, clearly with something in his mind.

Martin Mays: He’s not seriously going to…?

Kareem Ali (mimicking Mays): “Well, it’s a Hardcore match”, Mays! And they’re technically weapons!

As he re-enters the ring, however, Chelios once again gets tangled in the ropes. Reynolds, who has recovered by this point, quickly shoves him back to the outside, then slingshots into a lionsault to the concrete!

Martin Mays: Lion Skin onto the concrete! What impact!

Kareem Ali: Reynolds can’t cover, though. He HAS to get Chelios back onto that ring!

Before he does so, however, Reynolds stops to pick up his opponent’s sparklers and mime Chelios’s entrance in an over-the-top fashion, flailing about with his tongue sticking out. The crowd see this as too cheap a shot, and waste no time in showing Reynolds their disapproval.

Crowd: YOU’RE-AN-ASS-HOLE! *clap clap clapclap clap*

The rising ACW superstar, however, doesn’t seem to care, facing off against the fans, defiant. That is, until a rollup from Chelios catches him from behind!

Martin Mays: What the…?

Kareem Ali: That’s no good on the outside! The fool!

Indeed, with no legal covers being possible on the outside, the move has little effect other than to annoy Reynolds, who breaks free after a few seconds. He shoves Chelios away, then hits him with a standing dropkick. He begins to pace towards the side of the ring, but Chelios gives chase. Suddenly, Reynolds turns around and hits his opponent with a couple of punches, dropkicking him into the steps afterwards!

Referee: SEVEN…!

Reynolds quickly reaches under the apron and picks up a lead pipe, then rolls into the ring and waits for Chelios to meet him there. The random brawler eventually staggers in, at the count of nine, and slowly brings himself to his feet. He begins to stagger towards Reynolds, looking to mount an attack, only to get hit with a lead pipe to the skull!

Kareem Ali: This could be it, right here! The cover!




Last-ditch kickout by Chelios!

Kareem Ali: What the…?

Martin Mays: Chelios still in this one! Barely!

Reynolds does not seem best pleased, and brings his opponent to his feet before launching himself to the opposite ropes. He is clearly intending to throw Chelios over the top rope to the outside, but surprisingly, the opposite happens – Toyota sidesteps, grabs a handful of trunks, and suddenly, it’s Reynolds who has ended up on the concrete! Chelios, however, does not act on his temporary advantage, instead climbing the turnbuckle and sitting there, calmly waiting for Reynolds to re-enter the ring.

Martin Mays: What does he have in mind here….?

Kareem Ali: “In mind”? Nothing! He has no mind!

Martin Mays: Oh, shut up!

Unlike what Kareem Ali thinks, however, Chelios does seem to have a plan. For, as soon as Reynolds is back inside the squared circle, he launches forward in one of his signature moves!

Martin Mays: The Fart! The Fart!

Reynolds, however, sees it coming. He easily dodges, then acts with lightning precision to lock in the cross-armed headlock known as the Purity Vice! Chelios’s resistance does not last much longer, and soon the small, slightly dim wrestler is tapping out to the submission hold.

Ashley Sparxxx: Here is your winner, ANDREW REYNOLDS!


Kareem Ali: What’d I tell you, Mays?

Martin Mays: A conclusive win here for Reynolds, who finally seems to be getting his act together!

As he celebrates his victory, the New England Straight Edge looks disdainfully down at his opponent, who is lying on the canvas, catching his breath. He spits on Chelios, then applies some stomps for good measure, again drawing heat from the crowd.

Martin Mays: That was unnecessary and uncalled for!

Then, he requests a microphone from Ashley and turns towards the ramp, pointing to his scarred face as he issues a challenge:

Andrew Reynolds: Multiplex…I don’t forget, and I don’t forgive. I will get revenge for this.

Reynolds begins to make his way to the back, with Chelios also being helped out by some trainers.

Shortly after the two wrestlers have disappeared backstage, the words Die Zeit wird kommen flash on the screen without music or fan fare.

Martin Mays: Looks like another glitch, folks.

Suddenly, the music of the winner hits the speakers, but the words in a foreign language don't go away for a long time.

- - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - -- - - -- - - -- -- -

In a break between matches, the flatscreen used for intro packages and backstage segments comes alive. The scene is the Mayfield Community Center’s parking lot, where some high-end vehicles, belonging to the wrestlers, mix with the everyman’s working-class car.

Standing in front of the haphazardly lined rows of vehicles is none other than the ACW’s “Alpha Female”, Jacqui M, once again shooting a handheld promo from the same location where she delivered one a few weeks previously. The fit blonde is wearing a t-shirt with the poster for the movie The Girl Who Played With Fire on it, and has two streaks of black camouflage paint under her eyes, giving her a look similar to the book and film’s heroine, Lisbeth Salander. As the camera s-l-o-w-l-y comes into focus, she gives the unseen audience a sarcastic smirk and begins to talk:

Jacqui M: Hello, Ace. It’s me. Everyone’s favourite girl who played with fire, the girl who kicked the hornet’s nest, the girl you screwed over AGAIN last week…Jacqui M. By the way, is it all right for me to be out here? I never know, the rules for my “suspension” seem to change weekly…

The superstar has a mock-anxious look down at her shoes, as if uncertain whether it is safe to be in the parking lot. Then, after a moment, she continues:

Jacqui M: Oh well, I don’t see five gorillas running towards me from the entrance there, so I’m going to assume it is. Moving on. I’ve got a couple of things to say.

The blonde pauses for a moment, then addresses her first point:

Jacqui M: First of all…Rayce, honey, stop tryin’ to act all badass. I know you want a piece of the bad-girl pie, but sweetheart, there’s only one “Alpha Female” around these parts, and you’re lookin’ at her! So drop the tough-tits act, OK? ‘Cause nobody’s buyin’ it...

The crowd give Jacqui M a considerable pop, which she must hear on the outside, since she looks off-camera for a moment, up and to her right, and smirks. Then, she coolly continues:

Jacqui M: As for our little matter at hand, Ace, which is what I really want to talk about…here’s what I want. I want myself and the Demon, in that ring, with nobody else involved – just the two of us, one-on-one, once and for all. And I want it to be no-DQ, no-countout…

The blonde pauses for a moment, a wicked smirk creeping onto her lips:

Jacqui M: …and NO REFEREE!

Then, as the crowd’s already sizeable pop becomes monstrous, she coolly concludes:

Jacqui M: Book it, Ace.

And with this, the transmission cuts off, leaving the fans and the ring announcers in a stunned silence.


Brandon Banks v. Dave Summers
Ashley Sparxxx: “The following contest is a singles match scheduled for one fall!”

The arena goes completely dark as "Monsters in my Head"" begins to play over the loudspeakers. Twenty seconds later, you can see a dim spotlight in the middle of the top of the stage as Brandon Banks comes out from beneath the stage, with his hand in positioned in a diamond sign, with the arena filling up and a yellow triangle behind him and his initials in the middle. He keeps the diamond position until he finally puts his arms to the side, like Jesus on the crucifix, smile on his face. He keeps this position and feeds from the energy from the crowd, and begins running side to side on the ramp. He takes his vest off at the top of the stage, and viciously walks down the entrance ramp.

Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord, my soul to keep
Wake me up before I’m dead
Don’t bury me with monsters in my head
Monsters in my head
With monsters in my head
And underneath the bed
Underneath the bed

Ashley Sparxxx: “Standing at 6'3" and weighing in at 220 lbs. Hailing from Bostonnnn, Massachusetts by the way of Jersey City, New Jersey... Thhhhhisssssssssssssss isssssssssssss... Braaaaannnnnd-ooonnnnn Baaaaannnkkkkksssssss!”

He looks around at the crowd, mouthing some words until he hits the center of the ramp. He touches the cross around his neck for a few, mouthing something under his breathe, and throws up the double B hand signal as a huge amount pyro in the form of a triangle blows up behind him. Banks then runs and slides into the ring, and begins to pound down on the ground and then gets to his feet. He climbs over to the nearest turnbuckle and does his signature B hand signal as the lights begin to fill the arena. He finally throws the number 1 up on his left hand and 3 on his right and sits in the corner, waiting for his opponent..

Ashley Sparxxx: “And the opponent, from Los Angeles, California, he is Dave Summers!”

The lights in the arena dim as “Wanted Man” by Rev Theory begins to play. A few moments into the song, Summers walks out onto the stage and looks around the arena. He wastes no time at the top of the ramp and quickly enters the ring via the steel steps. Summers climbs onto the closest turnbuckle and poses for the crowd. As the boos rain in for him, a sly smirk appears on his face and he taunts the crowd a little.

Martin Mays: “Two young up and comers preparing to do battle!”

As Mays does his generic introduction, the cameras cut to the titan-tron.

Kareem Ali: “What da’ hell is dis’?”

The crowd falls deathly silent, clearly anticipating this surprising turn of events. After a moment, John McHenry pops up on the titan-tron to a mild pop. He smiles, waves off the applause, and breaks into a rant.

John McHenry: “As you two know, ACW has been in a rebuilding stage, so naturally, I’ve been paying attention to the rookies, tryin’ to feel out who I should push and who just doesn’t have ‘it’.”

Banks and Summers stare confusingly at the titan-tron as McHenry continues.

John McHenry: “Last week, Stevie Starr and Aaron Asterisk really impressed me in that three way involving you, Dave.”

Summers reacts angrily at not being included on McHenry’s impressed list.

John McHenry: “So, I think this is the perfect time to announce that at Striking Distance, Aaron Asterisk and Stevie Starr will do battle to determine the next #1 Contender to the ACW INTERNATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP!”

A massive pop breaks out throughout the arena at the news, but Summers and Banks look furious.

Crowd: “Asterisk… Asterisk… Asterisk!”

John McHenry: “BUT… I WILL be watching, and if you two do something bold to impress me, you might just find yourself in that match…”

A cheeky smirk crosses McHenry’s face as he fades from titan-tron. The cameras cut back to the ring.

Martin Mays: “What a HUGE announcement!”

Kareem Ali: “Ya’ know what dis’ means, Mays?”

Martin Mays: “We’re in for one hell of a match right here!”

Kareem Ali: “Naw, we’re in for one hell of a BRAWL right ere’!”

Bell: “Ding… Ding… Ding”

Both men circle each other, an intense, almost threatening glare in their eyes. Summers lunges first and opens the match with a brutal haymaker to the face. Banks stumbles back in pain, but Dave keeps on him with a few quick jabs to the mid-section, beating him backwards towards the ropes. Banks attempts to cover up but only gets an elbow to the back that sends him to his knees. Summers follows up with a brutal knee to the face, dropping Banks to the mat. Dave immediately mounts him and begins to deliver a series of brutal fists to the face, intending to ruthlessly open up his opponent. The referee intervenes after five shots, but Summers just shoves him aside and delivers another fist to the face. He begins to tear at Banks’ mask when the referee literally drags him off his opponent. Summers refuses to relent and charges at Banks as he attempts to sit up. He delivers a brutal running boot to the face before dragging Banks to his feet. Dave Irish whips Banks into the corner and charges after him. Using his athleticism, Brandon manages to pull himself over the ropes and land on the apron. Summers is unable to stop his momentum and collides chest first with the unforgiving turnbuckle. Dave clutches at his chest, the air seemingly knocked out of him, but Banks wastes no time. He grabs him by the head and drives his skull into the ring rope. Summers begins to collapse to the mat, but Banks acts quickly, dropping to the mats outside and brutally ripping Dave out of the ring by his feet.

Martin Mays: “These two are really out for blood. Just, NO MERCY!”

Banks immediately drives his knee in the mid-section, attempting to prevent Summers from getting a good gasp of air. He brutally Irish whips Summers into the barricade and watches as Dave’s body smashes into it and he slinks to the ground. Banks charges after him and delivers a running dropkick to the face. Summers collapses, seemingly unconscious, but Banks sits him up and lurks over him, staring out into the crowd with an animalistic hunger in his eyes.

Martin Mays: “I don’t think is goin’ to end well for Summers!”

Banks delivers a brutal open handed slap to Summers’ face causing Dave to slump to the unforgiving cement below. Brandon hits his opponent with another shot to the face, extracting his revenge, as the referee begins his count in the ring.


A pissed off Banks drags Summers to his feet and ruthlessly whips the man towards the steel ring steps. Dave collapses on his trip over, but his left upper body still meets brutally with the cold steel. He cries out in pain, leaning against the steps, as the referee continues his count.


Summers uses the steps to get to his feet, but his stance is obviously shaky. A determined Banks charges towards him, looking to deliver a deadly blow, but Summers thinks quickly. He quickly shifts his weight and catches an unsuspecting Banks with a drop toe hold. Banks’ head meets the cold, hard steel with a brutal thud!

Martin Mays: “Great reversal there by Summers!”


Summers slowly pulls himself into the ring and leans against the turnbuckle, clutching his chest and gasping for breath. Banks grabs onto the ring apron, grasping his throbbing forehead and attempting to follow his opponent. He pulls himself into the ring, breaking the count, and both man struggle to reach their feet. After a moment of struggling, they meet in the center of the ring, and Summers starts the exchange with a punch to the head. Banks stumbles back but follows up with an open handed slap that sends Summers reeling. Dave returns the favor with a brutal boot to the mid-section that sends Banks flying into the ropes. Brandon clutches his chest and gasps for breath as he reaches his knees with the support of the ropes. Dave slowly approaches, like a predator relishing their prey, but Summers thinks quick, grabs Summers by the head, and hits him with a surprising European Uppercut. Dave reels back, clutching his face, but Banks follows it up with another uppercut to the face. He swoops in for a third, but Summers manages to duck the blow narrowly. He slides behind Banks, latches on his mid-section, and shocks him with a reckless release German suplex! Banks soars across the ring and lands awkwardly on his back, before collapsing to the mat. The camera zooms in on Summers, blood trickling from the corner of his mouth as he gasps for air on the mat.

Martin Mays: “Both men are down!”

Kareem Ali: “These two brothas’ are workin’ stiff!”

Dave uses the ropes to his advantage and pulls himself to his feet. He wipes the blood from his mouth before crouching and calling for Banks to reach his feet. A groggy Banks latches onto the turnbuckle and pulls himself to his knees. He leans his head against the middle turnbuckle trying to catch his breath as Summers lurks behind him, looking to finish him. Brandon slowly reaches a firm stance and stumbles towards the center of the ring as Dave barrels towards him. He leaps towards him looking to break him in half with a Welcome to Hollywood when Banks unexpectedly gets his leg up and catches Summers with a brutal Yakuza Kick to the head. The impact of the blow sounds throughout the arena, and Banks swoops in for a quick pin.



Martin Mays: “Summers powers out!”

Kareem Ali: “He ain’t goin’ down that easy, but I think he might be walkin’ outta’ here with a concussion after that boot.”

Banks glares angrily at the referee. He rests on his knees for a second, attempting to catch his breath, as the crowd to the right breaks into a massive, seemingly sporadic heat.

Kareem Ali: “What are these foo’s yellin’ about?”

Martin Mays: “It’s Starrdom Nation!”

The cameras cut to the audience where arena security parts the crowd for Robbie Starr and Ray Price. Banks leaps to his feet and stares out at Stevie Starr’s boys, anxiously waiting for their arrival. Starr and Price jump the barricade and stare up at Banks, goading him into attacking. Summers rolls out of the ring subtly, clutching his head, as Price and Starr storm the ring.

Martin Mays: “This isn’t going to end well for Banks!”

Kareem Ali: “Brothas’ about to be jumped!”

Banks immediately lashes out with a boot to Price’s mid-section, but Price stands his ground. Starr swoops in from the side with a Double Axe Handle to the head. Banks drops to his knees, and before he even think, Price charges towards him and drops him with a ruthless Big Boot to the face. The referee calls for the bell and slides out of the ring, heading towards the announcer’s table.

Bell: “Ding… Ding… Ding”

As the referee talks with Sparxxx, Robbie orders Ray to get Banks to his feet.

Ashley Sparxxx: “Due to the interference by Starrdom Nation, the winner of this match by disqualification, Brandon Banks!”

Winner via DQ: Brandon Banks in 10:23

Despite the announcement, Price pulls the groggy Banks to his feet, and Robbie immediately lifts him up for a Flapjack. Ray swoops in on the other side and drops him face first into the mat, nailing The Nation Crash!

Martin Mays: “Why are they doing this?”

As if on cue, “Everybody Loves Me” by One Republic hits over the P.A., and Stevie Starr cockily saunters out onto the stage. A stage hand tosses him a microphone as Starrdom Nation stands over the unconscious Banks and eyeballs the clearly hurting Summers on the outside.

Stevie Starr: “Did you two honestly think I was going to even let YOU compete in the same ring as me?”


Starr lets out a condescending huff before continuing.

Stevie Starr: “I mean, Banks was just involved in a SHOOTING. I am not getting in a ring with someone like THAT.”

The crowd breaks into a massive heat as Starr continues.

Stevie Starr: “And Summers (chuckles condescendingly), you’re a NOBODY. You don’t DESERVE to share the ring with ME.”

Starr turns to the titan-tron and points at the ring.

Stevie Starr: “Hey John, are you impressed by that?”

Starr drops the microphone on the stage and looks on, satisfied, at his dirty work. ACW cuts to a promo for Striking Distance.​


Hardcore Match
Avalanche v. Multiplex

We see the crowd ready for the next match as the lights cut out and a rumbling ingnites the fans

South Texas Deathride - YouTube

Martin Mays: Ok folks, time to get this one started.

Kareem Ali: Do we have the fire extinguishers at ready?

The lights flash off again as the music blares and we see AVALANCHE'S face flash on the screen. The crowd erupts as the lights flash on and the rumbling continues. Avalanche steps out to a huge pop.

Martin Mays: Now, this young man has begun to gain a following here in the ACW and has really upped the hardcore flavor around here.

Ashley Sparxxx: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and will be a TABLES MATCH! The first competitor to put his opponent through a table in any way, form or fashion will be declared THE WINNER! Entering the ring area first, wieghing in at 247 pounds, he is the man know as THE AVALANCHE!

Avalanche flips over the ropes and lands on his feet to the delight of the crowd as he poses...

Psycho Therapy - The Ramones - YouTube

As the punk rock echoes through the speakers, the crowd matches the intensity they gave to Avalanche.

Kareem Ali: Oh, MY GOD! I thought maybe they had finally put this idiot away, but no such luck!

Martin Mays: The match these two had last week was a barn burner...

Kareem Ali: It was almost a community city burner!

We see Multiplex stepping out onto the stage area; having a calm conversation with himself

Ashley Sparxxx: And his opponent, weighing in at an incredible 416 pounds, MULTIPLEX!!!

Kareem Ali: What do you think he's discussing?

Martin Mays: Well, speaking with him earlier, it seems he's talking stratagy.

Kareem Ali: You talked to that lunatic?

Martin Mays: Yes, he's quite pleasant, actually.

Kareem Ali: Until he lights you on fire.

The big man makes his way into the ring; stopping momentarily to stare at the table set up on the outside of the ring. There are several strewn around. Multi suddenly smiles and ascends the steps. Without waiting for the bell, Avalanche runs full speed and catches the big man with a leaping knee to the scared up face. This sends Multiplex falling hard down the steel steps and rolling hard into the barricade.

Kareem Ali: Oh MY GOD! Talk about getting it started!

Avalanche jumps to the top rope and launches into drop kick that also nails the monster in the head. As both me lay on the ground, McGraw rolls to his feet and sizes up the muttering monstrosity. But, just as Avalanche goes for a kick to the head, Multiplex jumps to his feet, catches him in a dead run and rams him into the corner turnbuckle!

Martin Mays: Oh! That'll slow the high flyer down a bit!

After a few chops to the back, Mulit picks up and sets up a table on the outside of the ring. Avalanche fights back, but Multiplex raises him high for a ride through the table. McGraw has other plans, as he reverses it into a hurricarana that misses the table and sends Multi to the floor hard! Both take a while to get up, but Avalanche is up first. He climbs up on the apron and tries to catch Multi with a falling DDT. Unfortunately for him, the big man catches him in midair and powerslams him right there!

Kareem Ali: That lunatic missed a prime opportunity to slam his opponent through the table behind him!

The camera cuts to watch Mutli fight amongst himself violently.

Martin Mays: Yeah, I think that's what THEY'RE discussing right now.

As Avalanche starts to get up, Multi kicks him hard to the ribs out of frustration.

Martin Mays: These two haven't even been in the ring yet!

Kareem Ali: Well, that's just it. They don't have to even get into the ring. Just put their opponent through a table...anywhere!

Multiplex then picks up Avalanche and guillotines him across the top of the table! He, then, delivers a few massive chops to the chest and smiles demonically to the crowd.

Martin Mays: Oh, I don't like that look in his eyes.

Kareem Ali: Yeah, that usually means something insane is going to happen!

Multi picks Avalanche up and lays him out on the table. As he ascends the steel steps, the crowd gets loud. Multiplex stands on the apron smiling and sizing up his opponent. As the big man launches, Avalanche moves quickly out of the way, letting the big man crash through the table.


Kareem Ali: Holy shit, indeed! That could be it for the big man.

Martin Mays: A total miscalculation.

As Multi stirs, Avalanche rolls into the ring. Before the monster can get up, McGraw springboards off the top rope and lands a sick looking leg drop! Both men lie in the rubble that was once a table as Avalanche finally gets to his feet! Behind him Multi suddenly stands to his own feet; towering over the smaller McGraw. Multi grabs him and slams him into the apron edge. The big man sets up a table in the corner of the barricade. Picking up Avalanche, he slings him toward the table hard!!

Martin Mays: Oh, look out!!

Avalanche quickly recovers and runs up the table, flipping backwards and catches Multiplex with a spinning back kick to the head!

Kareem Ali: Avalanche is playing it smart. He has been assaulting the head area all night. Keep the big man reeling!!


Multi tries to get his bearings as Avalanche tries to whip him into the table! But the big man wont budge! Instead, he pulls Avalanche back in for a bear hug and, then, a bear hug slam!!

Kareem Ali: OH! Hard to the floor!

Both men are out on the floor. Multiplex is the first on his feet. He grabs the table and hits Avalanche in the back with the edge several times.

Multiplex: STAY DOWN! He wont' stay down...there's no stopping him...SHUT IT! Gonna end this!!

Multi puts up the table on the outside of the ring again (not far from the other broken one). Then, he pulls out a can of lighter fluid. He maniacally pours it all over the table and, then, places Avalanche out on top of it. He pulls out a match, but stops and stares at it a while.

Multiplex: Don't d-d-d-do it! We don't' need to win like this... JUST GET UP ON THE DAMNED APRON AND JUMP ON THE IDIOT!! DAMMIT, WE'RE WASTING TIME!! Y-y-y-yeah, what he said!

Finally, he puts the match down on the table and gets up on the apron. The crowd is getting loud as a smile comes across the mangled face of Multi. Suddenly, Avalanche comes alive and rolls off the table. He, without hesitation, grabs the match and strikes it; lighting the table afire. The camera catches Multi with a glassy look in his eyes. Almost adoration. Then, it turns to horror as the flames get higher and the crowd gets louder. Avalanche takes advantage of the distraction and jumps to the apron, runs across toward Multi and grabs the big mans neck for a massive RKO through the flaming table!!!

Martin Mays: OH, MY GOD!!!

Crowd: ACW! ACW! ACW!!

As the ring crew shows up with fire extinguishers to put the fire out, the bell rings.

Ashley Sparxxx: YOUR WINNER, via putting his opponent THROUGH the table, AVALANCHE!!!


Both men are still recovering from the match. As they both get up, Mulit mutters something about 'good job'. Avalanche rolls into the ring and accepts the gratitude of the crowd for a crazy hardcore match!!


Tag Team Match
Aaron Asterisk & Nicky Trix v. Abram Vance & Stevie Starr

Ashley Sparxxx: The following is a non-title Tag Team contest, and it is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, from Boston, Massachussets, weighing in at 240 pounds, the "A-STAR", AARON ASTERISK!

Aaron comes out with much less flash than usual, soberly making his way down the ramp, almost absent-mindedly tapping hands as they present themselves. Much of the superstar's usual boisterousness is gone, possibly as a result of the car accident he has found himself involved in.

Martin Mays: Here is a young man who can't seem to catch a break. Not only does victory keep slipping through his fingers, but he also found himself in a rather serious car crash last week, and almost had his career ended altogether!

Kareem Ali: Well, he's here now, and he's had another shot. He should be grateful! I hope he says his prayers, 'cause he sure owes the big guy one!

For once, Martin Mays agrees, as Asterisk finishes his entrance and stands in the ring, waiting for his tag team partner.

Soon, the PA comes alive again, the first chords of "Ignition" prompting an earth-shaking reaction from the crowd. The cameramen, as usual, prove adept at homing in on signs with readings such as "SNEAKT TRIX", "NICKY LOVES NICKY" and "DON'T BE PICKY, GO WITH NICKY". Some of these catch the young wrestler's eye, and he mugs for the camera, exaggerating his surprise.

Ashley Sparxxx: And his partner, from Dallas, Texas, weighing in at 180 pounds, he is the ACW INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION, NICKY TRIX!

Trix continues to bask in the adoration of the fans, which does not stop until ACW's top babyface has leapt over the ropes and taken to the centre of the mat, where he stands alongside Aaron, talking strategy. Suddenly, an improptu chant starts, making the fan favourite smile:



Martin Mays: The crowd firmly behind our Champion here tonight, but he'll have to be on his toes, against two very vaiid opponents!

The first of those opponents soon appear, making his presence heard through the sound of glass breaking, followed by the first few bars of "Back In The Saddle", by Aerosmith.

Ashley Sparxxx: And introducing their opponent, from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 235 pounds, "THE LEVIATHAN", ABRAM VANCE!

Martin Mays: Here's someone both men will want to have a word with. Asterisk, in particular, saw Vance steal a win away from him last week, with his angle-playing shenanigans, and is getting his chance for revenge here tonight!

Kareem Ali: I hope the old dog steps aside and leaves the dirty work to the pretty boy! Otherwise, who knows, he might break something!

Martin Mays: I'll have you know that Vance is a very capable athlete. A cad, but a very capable athlete!

Just as Mays is trying to defend Abram, the theme song for the fourth and final contestant comes on the Titantron.

Ashley Sparxxx: And his partner, from Hollywood, California, weighing in at...

The ring announcer never finishes her spiel; for out onto the platform has stepped Stevie Starr. Instead of his ring attire, however, the superstar wears a nicely cut blue blazer, grey slacks and a tailored white shirt, along with his trademark sunglasses and cocky smirk. As Vance looks towards him questioningly, simultaneously beckoning him into the ring, Stevie brings a microphone to his lips and spits:

Stevie Starr: I'm not going down there with you, you old fart! You make me sick. All of you make me sick. I don't need this match! I'm on the fast track to success already!

The crowd seem to disapprove of these words, and begin to rain hate down on Stevie, who literally grins and bears it.



The movie star, however, just ignores the taunts, turning on his heel and disappearing back through the curtain.

Martin Mays: Well...! With friends like these!

Kareem Ali: I think the guy had class, Mays! He don't need none o' these fools, and he told 'em so! No bullshit!

Martin Mays: "Class"?! It was despicable! Even Vance does not deserve this!

Kareem Ali: Calm your britches, son. Geez...

Martin Mays: As it is, it appears we have a handicap match, and it's Nicky Trix starting us off here, against Vance!

As soon as the bell rings, Abram goes after Nicky's leg, aiming a kick at it that the Champion dodges. Frustrated, the older man tries another, only to have the little face dance out of the way yet again. This time, Nicky completes his evasion with a flourish and a little taunt, making the crowd pop and Abram rage.


Undeterred, Vance feigns another kick to the knee; then, as Trix dodges to his right (Vance's left), the old dog leaps off and brings his other leg to the side of Trix's head!

Crowd: OOOOH!

Martin Mays: Gigantic impact there from Vance, thinking on his toes! Can he capitalize?

The veteran certainly tries as much, quickly getting on top of the fallen Nicky for the Camel Clutch. He successfully locks in the move, and the babyface immediately starts to squirm in pain, desperately reaching for something, anything! He can't find the ropes, but he does find the hand of his partner, Asterisk, who immediately leaps onto the turnbuckle and launches into a seated Senton, breaking Vance's hold on his team-mate!

As a grateful Nicky regroups in the corner, Asterisk lets all his frustrations loose on Vance, nailing him with punch after punch as he sits on his head. This flurry, however, only lasts a few seconds, as the older man authoritatively shakes the young punk off. He starts to get up but, correctly predicting a rush attack from Asterisk, stays down and applies a drop toe hold. He then begins to work the younger man's ankle with a vicious-looking Ankle Lock, which has Aaron yelling in pain.

Kareem Ali: Apparently, the Ankle Lock turns grown men into little girls...

Martin Mays: I'd like to see you go through what he's going through right now!

Kareem Ali: Pfff...that's nothin'! Try gettin' shot!

As the two announcers discuss, Aaron has reached the ropes, breaking the hold. Not wasting a moment, he turns around and swings his other leg into Vance's face, catching him across the nose. As the older superstar reels back, bleeding, Asterisk nips up, his ankle feeling the impact. Knowing he must waste no time, he limps across to Vance, hits him with a big clothesline, then tags in Nicky.

Much like Asterisk in the previous tag, the International Champion wastes no time in leaping to the top rope,

Martin Mays: Uh-oh...this may be an early one here..."What Goes Up..."!!

The move connects, and Trix goes for the pin!



Kickout by Vance!

Martin Mays: Well...guess there's some fight still left in the old dog!

Vance has kicked out with authority, and gone after Nicky's leg once again. This time, it's the little cruiserweight who finds himself in an ankle lock.

Kareem Ali: Vance showing his intelligence here, continuin' to work on that leg...A lame prey is easier to catch! He wants Trix to be lame come Striking Distance. Well, Trix is ALWAYS lame, but you know what I mean!

Martin Mays: Not funny. And this Yonkers crowd begs to disagree with you.


Kareem Ali: Pfff...bunch'a sheep...!

With the encouragement of the fans, Trix finds it in him to make one final effort, and manages to lunge forward far enough to grab the ropes. Vance keeps the hold locked on as long as he can, but eventually does have to let Trix go. He bends down to pick the smaller wrestler up, but is surprised by a backhand to the face! Nicky quickly follows up with some chops, then flings himself at the ropes on the opposite side. Keeping low, to prevent any eventuality, he slides under Vance's legs and pops up behind his back, hitting him with a dropkick from behind!

Martin Mays: Great agility there from our International Champion! But he needs to tag in Asterisk!

Nicky realizes this, and tags in his partner, who yet again takes to the top turnbuckle, looking to fly. Seconds later, he has connected with the "FULL MARKS" onto the worn-down Vance!

Martin Mays: Well, and these two seem to be looking to wear Vance down with high-flying moves! It seems to be working, despite the fact that Vance has been targeting legs all night!

Kareem Ali: Listen, Mays, these kids may be boring goody-two-shoes, but they're younger, faster, more agile, in better physical condition and, as far as I know, not taking anything.It's only natural, what's happening here!

Just as Ali is saying this, Vance reverses the momentum with a right hook to Aaron's eye. The young wrestler reels and stumbles about for a second, which Vance profits from to hit him with a brutal superkick!

Crowd: OOOOH!

Vance is about to drop down for the pin, but suddenly, some movement in the ramp area distracts him. The crowd gasps as Dave Summers and Brandon Banks come out, dragging behind them a lifeless body in blue suede and grey cotton: none other than Vance's AWOL partner, Stevie Starr. They march solemnly down the ramp with their quarry, as the older wrestler looks on, astonished.

Nicky, however, does not let the proceedings distract him: he stoops down and taps the fallen Aaron's arm, blind-tagging himself in. Then, he climbs to the top rope, and patiently waits for Vance to turn back around. Once he does, remembering he needs to pin, he gets hit full force with another "What Comes Up!"

Kareem Ali: Look at THIS sneaky li'l bastard!

At the same time Nicky hits his finisher for the second time, Banks and Summers are rolling the lifeless Stevie Starr onto the mat, and placing it right next to Aaron. As the referee drops down for the three-count for Trix over Vance, Asterisk drags himself over Starr and hooks the leg, making for a nice double-pin for the face team!





Ashley Sparxxx: Here are your winners, the team of Aaron Asterisk, and Nicky Trix!



Kareem Ali: Hey! No fair! They stole the win!

Martin Mays: What goes around comes around, Ali! This was a nice bit of poetic justice!

Kareem Ali: Poetic my ass! Banks and Summers did all the dirty work!

Martin Mays: Be that as it may, a nice win for the fan-favourite team here, as we head into Striking Distance!

The match ends with a close up of the two faces congratulating each other and smiling, as the shot fades to black.


Tag Team Match
#1 Contendership to the ACW International Championship

Starrdom Nations v. The Bradleys

As the crowd calms down a bit...

B.o.B Ft. Morgan Freeman - Bombs Away - YouTube

As Morgan Freeman finishes and BOB rocks on, Robbie Starr and Ray Price hits the stage with energy and authority! The crowd erupts into a hateful rage as the two heels smile big.

Ashley Sparks: The following contest is a tag team number one contenders match! The first team entering the ring area now, ROBBIE STARR AND RAY PRICE, they are STARRDOM NATION!!

Robbie and Ray hit the ring and take the corners already seemingly celebrating victory.

Martin Mays: Now, these two have been arrogant from the very beginning; thinking they have a free ride with Stevie Starr back and riding the coat-tails of his superstar NAME!

Kareem Ali: Well, Pheonix didn't allow that kinda thing and I really don't think McHenry is gonna cater to these Hollywood freeloaders either.

Martin Mays: Got to agree with you, Kareem.

Kareem Ali: Really?? This has to be a first!

As Robbie and Ray irritate the crowd from the ring, Billy and Leroy are seen jumping the barricade behind Starrdom. They climb in the ring and hit Robbie and Ray from behind. A massive brawl erupts in the ring as the Bradleys wail on the city boys. Billy and Leroy catch Ray by the tights and tosses him out of the ring. Leroy, then, catches Robbie with a kick to the gut and lays him out with a twisting neck breaker! Billy follows up off the top rope with a classic falling fist! Leroy gets out of the ring and starts after Ray who has just started recovering. Leroy gives him a running kick to the head!

Kareem Ali: Man, these rednecks are bringing it tonight!!

The crowd starts actually chanting: REDNECKS! REDNECKS!

Martin Mays: I can honestly say that I've never heard this Yonkers crowd chant that!

Billy has Robbie in a headlock and looks out over the audience.

Billy Bradley: YEEHAW!!

He drops him hard with a DDT! Ray is trying to fight back against Leroy, but the redneck catches him with an old fashioned cutter! As the crowd celebrates, Leroy climbs the commentator's table and gives Ray a nasty leg drop.

The cameras cut to the stage and we see Wisecrack and his lunatics El Loko and Maddog sitting in lawn chairs with shorts and flowery Hawaiian shirts and outrageously big sunglasses in cheap lawn chairs eating popcorn!


Kareem Ali: What the hell are THEY doing?

Martin Mays: Looks like they're eating popcorn.

Kareem Ali: Very funny.

Billy lays out Robbie Starr with the MUDBOMB as we see Leroy has scaled the turnbuckle to the top rope. He turns and looks down at the camera.

Leroy Bradley: This here is called usin' yer head!

The redneck turns and drops hard with a diving head butt off the top rope!! The crowd erupts! Looking back to the stage, the Lunatics are going wild as Wisecrack is laughing his ass off. Suddenly, Stevie Starr shoots out of the back, but comes to a screeching hault when he finds he's surrounded by lunatics. He wants to go help his boys, but you could tell that he doesn't want to tangle with El Loko and Maddog right now. He looks up at the stage as Billy Bradley drops for the pin.




Stevie fades to the back as the rednecks celebrate their victory!


Kareem Ali: Damn, that was barely even a match! How can we say they won the #1 challenger's spot with that?

Martin Mays: Well, barring any retractions from McHenry, that's exactly what it means. And, if you ask me, the Bradleys manhandled Starrdom Nation through the whole match!

Kareem Ali: And that's why I never ask you, Mays!

The Bradleys are whooping it up and celebrating with some buds and sharing a moment with the Yonkers crowd who have warmed up to these rednecks surprisingly well.

We go to a commercial for WDHA, the MORNING JOLT, and when we come back, the Bradleys have left Starrdom Nation regrouping in the ring.

Wisecrack in his Khaki shorts and flowery shirt takes off his huge sunglasses and addresses the Nation.

Wisecrack in his worst Southern accent: WELL! Looks like you CITY SLICKERS juss didn't geet the job DUN!

El Loko leans into the microphone: GET'R DONE!!

The crowd erupts into laughter.

Robbie gets mad and starts ranting after being handed a mic: Oh, yeah? You think your two losers could've done any better?

Wisecrack laughs: Well, they couldn't done any worst!

Robbie is beet red: Listen, you LUNATICS (Wisecrack feigns being hurt) you want a piece of the NATION? Why don't you idiots come up here and get some?!

Wisecrack laughs again: Oh, we COULD do that. But, since you don't have a date for the dance, why don't we just plan to hook up at STRIKING DISTANCE?

The crowd erupts in approval. Robbie and Ray are shaking their heads and waving them off.

Wisecrack suddenly pulls something out of his pants: Well, I just so happen to have here a contract via BIG John McHenry that says if you two stooges lose this match, you're obligated to fight......US!

The crowd continues to chant: YES! YES! YES!!

Ichigo Vs Grimmjow - Hollow Again - YouTube

Ray and Robbie continue to argue with each other as Wisecrack smiles and HOLLOW AGAIN by Project 86 plays.

Martin Mays: Well, looks like we have a match whether Starrdom Nation likes it or not!

Kareem Ali: Yeah, I guess that'll teach Robbie to read the fine print!


#1 Contendership to the ACW World Heavyweight Championship
Eric Snow v. Zack Bronko

Ashley Sparxxx: “The following contest is a singles match scheduled for one fall and is for the number one contendership to the ACW Heavyweight Championship!”

Martin Mays: “And here we go, our main event!”

Incubus’ “Pardon Me” hits, and there's a short delay, pyro and smoke fill the arena, after it clears, Snow appears on the entrance ramp and stares intensely at the ring. He begins his descent down the ramp, taunting people just off the stage.

Ashley Sparxxx: “Introducing first, the opponent from Chicago, Illinois, he is ‘The X Factor’ Eric Snow!”

A heat breaks out throughout the arena as Snow reaches the bottom of the ramp. He takes off for the ring. Snow slides into the ring and waits for his opponent.

Ashley Sparxxx: “And the opponent, from Long Beach, California, he is ‘The Revolution’ Zack Bronko!”

As the speakers blare the heavy Pantera beats, Zack walks out in his leather chaps over his black and red wrestling tights. He also wears a leather vest with no shirt. Most of the times, he wears a red or black bandanna with various designs. He steps out to the edge of the ramp and raises one fist high in the air as red pyro explodes igniting the Crowd. Without much show, Bronko walks slowly down to the ring either watching the ring and his competition or looking behind him and into the audience (expecting an attack). Stepping slowly up the stairs, he stops and looks over the Crowd before hoisting a leg over the top rope and heading straight for the center of the ring; Once more raising his fist in the air, beating his chest and yelling over the music and the Crowd; "I STILL BELIEVE!!"

Bell: “Ding… Ding… Ding”

Martin Mays: “Word backstage is that Bronko wants Syn’s head, so don’t be surprised if he comes out gunning tonight.”

Just as Mays predicted, Bronko immediately charges Snow and drops him with a stiff clothesline. Eric bounces back to his feet, and Bronko barrels towards him yet again. He extends his leg and catches Snow in the face with a huge big boot. Snow quickly reaches his knees, shaking off the cruel blow, but Zack tears him to his feet by his short hair. He delivers a quick yet stiff shot to the mid-section before Irish whipping Snow into the corner. Bronko follows at Snow’s heel, but Eric smartly leapfrogs to the top rope. He flips backwards through the air and crashes onto his opponent, nailing Bronko with an unexpected standing moonsault. Snow hooks the leg looking for a quick win.



Martin Mays: “Bronko powers out!”

Both men quickly reach their feet, and Snow attempts to drop Bronko with a dropkick to the knee. Zack only falls to his knees though, so Eric takes off for the rope. He sprints back towards Bronko, seemingly looking to take his head off. Zack reacts quickly, jumping to his feet, and uses his Snow’s momentum against him, nailing him with a brutal flapjack. Snow rolls around the ring in pain, suffering from the unexpected reversal. Bronko snatches up Snow by the hair yet again and drives his knee into his mid-section, knocking the air out of ‘The X Factor’. Eric haunches over in pain, gasping for air, but Bronko refuses him the break and instead scoops him onto his shoulder. He slams Snow into the mat, delivering a brutal power slam in the center of the ring. Eric clutches his back in pain, but Zack wastes no time. He locks Bronko into a piledriver position and taunts for the Crowd, drawing a massive pop. ‘The Revolution’ rolls Snow into a powerbomb position, looking to decimate him, but Eric smartly uses the roll to his advantage and pushes himself over Bronko’s shoulders. He rolls down Zack’s back and quickly rolls him up from behind.

Martin Mays: “What a reversal! Can he end it early?”



Martin Mays: “Another quick kick out by Bronko!”

A furious Bronko gets to his feet and recklessly charges a calmer, more focused Snow. He goes for a running clothesline, but Snow drops to the mat and slides between his legs. Eric jumps to his feet as Bronko turns towards him. He quickly delivers a jumping dropkick to the chest sending Bronko stumbling back into the ropes. Zack attempts to shake off the blow, but Snow stays on him and lunges towards him with his leg extended. His heel catches Bronko on the chin, and the impact of the brutal super kick sends Bronko tumbling over the top rope.

Martin Mays: “Snow is playing smart here. Bronko is clearly fighting recklessly, so it’s better just to take the beating and pick his spots carefully.”

Kareem Ali: “It’s neva’ betta’ to take a beatin’, Mays.”

Zack shakes his head furiously, trying to get re-orientated. He gets a hand on the barricade and slowly pulls himself upwards as Snow waits on the far side of the ring. When Bronko reaches his knees, Snow sprints towards the ring ropes nearest Bronko. He jumps between the top and middle rope, and his outstretched body barrels towards Bronko on the outside. Snow nails Zack with an impactful jumping crossbody sending Zack back first into the unforgiving ring barricade. Bronko cries out in pain and clutches his back as Snow takes off for the ring. He gets on the apron and motions for Bronko to reach his feet. Despite the pain, Zack obliges, and a hungry Snow leaps from the apron. He locks his legs around Bronko’s head and begins to drag him downwards looking for a jumping hurricanrana, but Bronko musters up his remaining strength to stop Snow’s momentum. He pulls ‘The X Factor’ upwards into a powerbomb position and ruthlessly tosses Snow towards the ring. The back of Eric’s head slams awkwardly into the ring apron and jerks oddly forward. His body collapses onto the outside mats like a corpse, and a massive pop breaks out throughout the arena as Bronko stands over the unconscious Snow with a smile on his face.

Martin Mays: “Snow has to be hurt after that! Just brutal.”

Kareem Ali: “Snow ain’t in no sissy International Division anymore. This is the big leagues now!”

Zack drags Snow’s lifeless body off the mats and slides him into the ring. He follows at his heels and quickly has Snow on his feet. He lifts Snow over his head and holds him dangling lifelessly in a Gorilla Press position. The Crowd rallies behind Bronko as he allows the hated ‘X Factor’ to dangle helplessly. Bronko cuts off the pop by dropping Snow onto his shoulder and driving him into the mat with a brutal Death Valley Bomb. Eric literally bounces off the mat from the impact, and Bronko pretends to swoop in for the pin. The Crowd breaks into a massive pop as Bronko shakes his head and runs his hand across his throat in a slitting motion. He turns to the turnbuckle and begins to scale the ropes as Snow begins to stir in the center of the ring. He points down to Snow as he reaches knees.


Kareem Ali: “Big men on the top neva’ ends well!”

Martin Mays: “I think he’s sending Syn a message. ‘If you screw with me, this is what I’ll do to you’.”

Eric uses the canvas to pull himself to his feet, and Bronko immediately leaps off the top. He extends his right arm looking to finish Snow with a flying clothesline. As Bronko drops towards the ring, Snow takes a huge leap off the mat and thrusts his feet towards Bronko’s chest. In a shocking turn of events, Snow catches Bronko with a desperation dropkick to the chest, killing his momentum and brutally dropping him in the center of the ring!

Martin Mays: “By gawd, what a reversal!”

Eric groggily grabs the ropes and leans against them for support. Bronko pulls himself to his knees and begins coughing for air, attempting to shake off the brutal dropkick. To the ire of the Crowd, Snow throws his hands over his head in the shape of an ‘X’.

Kareem Ali: “Snow closin’ in on Bronko. He’s gonna’ end it here!”

Snow stumbles into the center of the ring as Bronko slowly reaches his feet. He begins to lunge towards Bronko looking to finish him when the lights in the arena cut out mysteriously.

Kareem Ali: “What the hell?”

Martin Mays: “It couldn’t be.”

The lights flicker back on, and ACW Heavyweight Champion stands between Bronko and Eric Snow with a steel chair in hand.

Martin Mays: “It is! It’s SYN!”

The World Champ begins to swing the chair towards Bronko, but suddenly stops. Zack stares on in confusion when the World Champion suddenly turns and cracks Snow ruthlessly over the head with the unforgiving.

Martin Mays: “NO! What is he doing? Why Snow and not Bronko?”

Snow collapses to the mat as Syn looks down at the downed challenger with a sadistic smile on his face. The referee calls for the Bell as Bronko stares on, still confused.

Bell: “Ding… Ding… Ding”

Ashley Sparxxx: “The winner of this match via DQ and NEW NUMBER ONE CONTENDER to the ACW Championship, Eric Snow!”

Winner and #1 Contender to the ACW Championship: Eric Snow in 9:42

Syn turns to Bronko as Zack realizes what Syn has done. Before Syn can even react, Bronko extends his leg and plants his boot in the center of the chair. The impact of the boot sends the chair hurtling backwards, colliding with Syn’s face!

Martin Mays: “Syn may have outsmarted the big man, but Bronko isn’t done with him!”

The referee slides out of the ring as a pissed off Bronko rips Syn to his feet. He tosses the smaller man over the top with ease and snatches up the chair. Syn slowly gets to his feet, trying to get orientated, as Bronko whips the unforgiving chair towards him. The chair collides with Syn’s upper body causing the champ to collapse to the mats. Bronko wastes no time and takes off for the opposite set of ropes. He bounces back and charges towards Syn on the outside. Zack leaps clear over the top and nearly breaks Syn in half with a massive Suicide Dive!

Martin Mays: “Suicide Dive from Bronko!”

Kareem Ali: “The freak is down!”

Bronko gets to his feet and cockily raises his arm over his head, drawing a massive pop. He takes a breather as Snow reaches his feet in the ring. He leans on the nearby ropes and happily watches Bronko tear Syn apart.

Martin Mays: “Snow smartly hanging back!”

Zack makes eye contact with him before turning his attention to Syn. He begs down to scoop the champion up, but out of nowhere, Syn drives the top of the chair into Bronko’s ribs!

Martin Mays: “He may have just broken Bronko’s ribs. What a brutal shot!”

Zack falls to his knees as the World Champ uses the chair to get to his feet. He lifts the unforgiving steel over his head and ruthlessly drives it down onto Bronko’s skull!

Kareem Ali: “This guy ain’t playin’.”

A freshly bloodied and now unconscious Bronko collapses at the bottom of the ramp as Syn raises the chair over his head to a mixed reaction. He looks into the ring and pauses, noticing Snow happily staring on. Eric motions for him to carry on, and Syn happily follows with a brutal chair shot to the back of the downed Bronko!

Martin Mays: “Someone has to stop him!”

Kareem Ali: “This is what happens when you screw with the champ, Mays.”

He raises the chair over his head yet again and brings it down with an impactful thud on Bronko’s exposed back!

Martin Mays: “Not another!”

Kareem Ali: “Look at Snow, callin’ for a third!”

The cameras cut to Snow who flashes three fingers at Syn. The champion raises the chair over his head when a forceful yell cuts him off.


Despite the order, Syn ruthlessly drives the chair into Bronko’s back for a third time!

John McHenry: “Do it again, and I’ll strip you of that belt.”

Syn chuckles before tossing the chair aside. McHenry nods, satisfied, before scolding the World Champ.

John McHenry: “Syn, this ISN’T your playground anymore. This is MY company now, and I will not accept you spreading chaos EVERYWHERE.”

Syn looks on, uninterested, but McHenry continues, getting more heated.


John McHenry: “This match was supposed to give me the deserving contender to your belt, but since you just pulled that stunt, I think you deserve a little punishment.”

The Crowd falls silent in anticipation as Syn anxiously stares on.

John McHenry: “So, at Striking Distance, it will be Syn versus Eric Snow…. VERSUS ZACK BRONKO for the ACW Championship!”


A sadistic smile crosses Syn’s face while Snow clenches his fists furiously. The Crowd breaks into a massive pop as the cameras close in on a final shot of World Champion Syn.​

Quick Results
Jay Clement def. Dr. Frank Urwhich via pinfall
Andrew Reynolds def. Toyota Chelios
Brandon Banks def. Dave Summers via DQ
Avalanche def. Multiplex by putting him through the table
Aaron Asterisk & Nicky Trix def. Abram Vance & Stevie Starr
#1 Contendership to the ACW International Championship: The Bradleys def. Starrdom Nation
#1 Contendership to the ACW World Heavyweight Championship: Eric Snow def. Zack Bronko via DQ

Dr. Frank Urwhich v. Jay Clement: ~Primetime~
Andrew Reynolds v. Toyota Chelios: Pete
Brandon Banks v. Dave Summers: The_King
Avalanche v. Multiplex: BDC
Aaron Asterisk & Nicky Trix v. Abram Vance & Stevie Starr: Pete
Starrdom Nations v. The Bradleys: BDC
Eric Snow v. Zack Bronko: The_King​
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Mar 18, 2012
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Thought I'd post this, so we don't have to throw everything together at the last minute. Just some ideas for the show. Post if you want something changed/have better ideas/etc.

Segments & Feud Plans for A13
-Segment 1: The Angel hype promo airs directly after the DeSanto/Urwhich match, possibly with both still in the ring. Challenges the two to a rookie three way at Striking Distance. (We can either write this ourselves or get something from FWR. Not sure who's been in contact with him, but whoever it is, maybe toss him a PM asking for a hype promo by off air?)
-Segment 2: Before the Summers/Banks match, McHenry pops up on the titan-tron and announces a Starr/Asterisk match at Striking Distance for the #1 C to the IN title. Says that he hasn't seen the same fight that Starr/Asterisk have from Summers/Banks, but he'll be watching and if they do something 'bold' to impress him, he might just toss them into the mix. [I'm writing the match, so I handle this unless Prime wants to write McHenry].
-Segment 3: Pete's Demon/Jacqui segment to hype their match at Striking Distance.
-Avalanche v. Multiplex: We need something after this match to get the Predator Division going. Any ideas?
-Asterisk/Trix v. Vance/Starr: We've got to do A LOT in this match to get everything in order for Striking Distance. For Starr/Asterisk, towards the end of the match, I think we should have Summers/Banks (assuming they both RP. If one doesn't, don't include them in this part) come out at separate times to try to 'impress' McHenry and attack Starr/Asterisk, taking them out. Then just have McHenry extend the Starr/Asterisk contender's match at Striking Distance to a three way or four way including Banks and or Summers. For Trix/Vance, I think we should stick with the Vance targeting Trix's leg throughout the match and possibly use Vance's manager Rayce as a way to play dirty for the heel Vance/Starr team. At the end, if Vance wins, have Trix submit to a hold that pressures the leg. If Trix wins, just make it convincing and have him taunt Vance after the match to push the feud.
-Snow/Bronko: I know we talked about it not ending clean to set up a Syn/Snow/Bronko three way at Striking Distance. So, if Bronko wins, have Syn come out and attack him with a chair as revenge for last week's win, getting Bronko DQed and giving him the win. Snow can lay out Syn while he's finishing his attack and gesture for the belt. And, if Snow wins[/b], have Syn come out, go to attack Bronko, but really turn around and lay out Snow, giving Snow the win and screwing over Bronko. The two can brawl from there while Snow watches on, intelligently reserving his strength while the two enemies ware each other down.



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Mar 18, 2012
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Not trying to be pushy here, but the show closes tomorrow and five matches still haven't been claimed haha.


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
I'm taking the Avalanche/Multi and the tag match.

I think we need to have a specific hardcore match on the opener and the one I'm taking. SO I'm calling a TABLES match. Prime wanted the opener, so I'll let him call that one.


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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Guess I'm stuck with Reynolds-Chelios, although it's my pleasure to take the other one... :mark:
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Mar 18, 2012
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Tables match sounds good, gives it a little extra spice!


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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
OK, King, when you write the Bronko match, I know you have the end ready made for you. But could you do me a favor and make Bronko raging? He can miss and get bested at times, is fine... I just want him in beserker mode when he hits the ring...


Active Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Quick Results
Dr. Frank Urwhich v. Jay Clement
Jay Clement

Andrew Reynolds v. Toyota Chelios
I love Toyota, but Andy seems to be going somewhere! I give the win to Andy.

Brandon Banks v. Dave Summers
OK, this one is a close one. Summers is a tight heel promo and Banks has the drama and dialog.
I say make the ending inconclusive or have STARRDOM NATION come in and raise contest.
(If I"m pushed...Banks gets it by a smidge)

Avalanche v. Multiplex
This little rivalry is growing and I like it. It's become the showcase for the Hardcore which is what we need.
Hard to chose. I loved both of them. Lots of pathos and drama. But I'm giving the edge to Prime here.
This dichotomy between the brothers is becoming intriguing. I think these two have to be involved in a big PREDATOR match either in the PPV or after.

Aaron Asterisk & Nicky Trix v. Abram Vance & Stevie Starr
This match both excited me and disappointed me. If Starr had shown up, it would have been a win for Vance/Starr
I call it Asterisk/Trix, but make Vance look super good and heelish.
I say we have Starr show up and either make an announcement that he's already in the #1 contendership, so he doesn't need to impress anybody. He makes it look like he and McHenry have made a deal already. Leaving Vance to fight against TRIX and Asterisk

#1 Contendership to the ACW International Championship: Starrdom Nations v. The Bradleys
Give it to THE BRADLEYS by default
maybe have the ending be inclusive and have it a three way...unless Shaun is having probs with internet

#1 Contendership to the ACW World Heavyweight Championship: Eric Snow v. Zack Bronko
No comment and no need to
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Mar 18, 2012
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Had a second RP for my tag match, but Shaun was clearly no showing so I just saved it for the PPV haha. He probably had internet problems or something because he seems pretty reliable. Nbd.

Anyways, I like the Starrdom Nation thing for the Banks/Summers match. They could come out and take both guys out on Stevie's orders, whose trying to prevent Summer and Banks from getting into the contendership match- hence the attack. Personally, I'm not a fan of the no contest thing unless there's definitely not a clear winner, just because I like to give the better RPer for the week their props with a win. So, if Pete (and Prime if he has internet) can nail someone down, I'd push for Nation just to target one specifically, giving whoever they target the DQ win. Then, turn their attention on the other guy who thought he had escaped.
We could drag this to the tag match too. We'll roll with Stevie coming out and abandoning Vance for a handicap match. Then, towards the end, Summers and Banks get their vengeance by dragging a beaten Starr out from backstage and giving him to Asterisk for an easy pin. McHenry pops on the screen, says he's impressed, and books the four way contendership match.
Does that work?

Oh and on the tag match, I'd just leave it as a two on two with Ben and Pete, just because Shaun no showed (even if he had a legit reason, it looks bad if we give a title shot to a guy who no showed). For the Snow/Bronko match, we have a legit reason to give both guys a shot regardless of the outcome because you two put up six quality RPs. Just my opinion though, if Pete and Prime prefer a three way tag for the belts, I'm down.

BDC said:
OK, King, when you write the Bronko match, I know you have the end ready made for you. But could you do me a favor and make Bronko raging? He can miss and get bested at times, is fine... I just want him in beserker mode when he hits the ring...
Yup, np!

I'll get my votes up tomorrow morning! Sorry for the long post haha


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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
It's votin' time!

Dr. Frank Uhrwhich v Jay Clement (default)
Toyota Chelios v Andrew Reynolds (Andy FINALLY delivers an RP I unequivocally like. Clear winner, although Slim's not going to be happy, lol)
Dave Summers v Brandon Banks (I much prefer the human side of Summers, rather than this generic heel side. Brandon is still cramming too much into his first RP - could easily have been two - but it is miles ahead of Strike's. As for that second, it's a shame to see it go to waste, despite some inconsistency with the girl's name, it's really really good).
Avalanche v Multiplex (no comment)
Vance/Starr v Trix/Asterisk (numbers game really. I continued to enjoy both RRS's and King's storylines, and Aaron is picking up steam again. Not one filler RP among the lot. If my bromance had RP'd, it would be even better, but I'm going to make this epic)
Bradleys v Starrdom (default, but a fun little RP from Ben nonetheless. Loving the hicks!)
Zack Bronko v Eric Snow (VERY close call. BDC has me really intrigued about who Macy may be, and his opener was stunning, but to be honest his third was a filler, and the second was unrelated to the other two. Ben started very strong, came close to a filler with his second, but just brushed past, and then cemented his win with his outstanding third. He made me want Bronko to smash his face in. Giving this to the X-Factor, sorry BDC :( )

Regardless of results, I have to say - everyone is building up amazing storylines. There were very few RPs this week that left me indifferent - PY, Ben (both characters), BDC, King, RRS, Andy, and to a lesser extent Primetime, Slim and Lewb all had me extremely intrigued as to what's coming next for their characters. Also, feuds are definitely starting to build. Well done, guys!
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Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Jacqui M promo:


In a break between matches, the flatscreen used for intro packages and backstage segments comes alive. The scene is the Mayfield Community Center’s parking lot, where some high-end vehicles, belonging to the wrestlers, mix with the everyman’s working-class car.

Standing in front of the haphazardly lined rows of vehicles is none other than the ACW’s “Alpha Female”, Jacqui M, once again shooting a handheld promo from the same location where she delivered one a few weeks previously. The fit blonde is wearing a t-shirt with the poster for the movie The Girl Who Played With Fire on it, and has two streaks of black camouflage paint under her eyes, giving her a look similar to the book and film’s heroine, Lisbeth Salander. As the camera s-l-o-w-l-y comes into focus, she gives the unseen audience a sarcastic smirk and begins to talk:

Jacqui M: Hello, Ace. It’s me. Everyone’s favourite girl who played with fire, the girl who kicked the hornet’s nest, the girl you screwed over AGAIN last week…Jacqui M. By the way, is it all right for me to be out here? I never know, the rules for my “suspension” seem to change weekly…

The superstar has a mock-anxious look down at her shoes, as if uncertain whether it is safe to be in the parking lot. Then, after a moment, she continues:

Jacqui M: Oh well, I don’t see five gorillas running towards me from the entrance there, so I’m going to assume it is. Moving on. I’ve got a couple of things to say.

The blonde pauses for a moment, then addresses her first point:

Jacqui M: First of all…Rayce, honey, stop tryin’ to act all badass. I know you want a piece of the bad-girl pie, but sweetheart, there’s only one “Alpha Female” around these parts, and you’re lookin’ at her! So drop the tough-tits act, OK? ‘Cause nobody’s buyin’ it...

The crowd give Jacqui M a considerable pop, which she must hear on the outside, since she looks off-camera for a moment, up and to her right, and smirks. Then, she coolly continues:

Jacqui M: Another thing is, Zack...? I'm getting out of your hair now, bro. You've been great and all, and I really appreciated your help, but you've got your title shot now, and I'm not gonna stand in your way. I'm the one who started this, and I'm the one who needs to finish it. Thanks, though.

There is another pause, this time more sincere and serious, after which the "Alpha Female" proceeds to her final point:

Jacqui M: As for our little matter at hand, Ace, which is what I really want to talk about…here’s what I want. I want myself and the Demon, in that ring, with nobody else involved – just the two of us, one-on-one, once and for all. And I want it to be no-DQ, no-countout…

The blonde pauses for a moment, a wicked smirk creeping onto her lips:

Jacqui M: …and NO REFEREE!

Then, as the crowd’s already sizeable pop becomes monstrous, she coolly concludes:

Jacqui M: Book it, Ace.

And with this, the transmission cuts off, leaving the fans and the ring announcers in a stunned silence.
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Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Zack Bronko v Eric Snow (VERY close call. BDC has me really intrigued about who Macy may be, and his opener was stunning, but to be honest his third was a filler, and the second was unrelated to the other two. Ben started very strong, came close to a filler with his second, but just brushed past, and then cemented his win with his outstanding third. He made me want Bronko to smash his face in. Giving this to the X-Factor, sorry BDC :( )

Regardless of results, I have to say - everyone is building up amazing storylines. There were very few RPs this week that left me indifferent - PY, Ben (both characters), BDC, King, RRS, Andy, and to a lesser extent Primetime, Slim and Lewb all had me extremely intrigued as to what's coming next for their characters. Also, feuds are definitely starting to build. Well done, guys!

Yeah, my last one was definitely filler; just to put a bookend to the Macy thing. Also, I knew I wasn't winning
The second one was to build how he was taught to channel his rage. Which may or may not come back to haunt him. Control issues.

Was a great week for storyline. Looking forward to what comes next. STRIKING DISTANCE should be nice.


Another option with Starrdom Nation is to have them screwed out of it by the returning Lunatics. BUT, I'm cool if you guys think what King has is better.
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John McHenry

John McHenry
Jun 12, 2011
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So opener no closer?