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Active Member
Mar 19, 2012
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Morris, Oklahoma
Third Bout:
Match Type: Tag
Time Limit: 20 Minutes (2 RP Cap per team/one per person)
Jacqui Monroe and Raiden Blaze vs Andrew Sanders and Aaron Asterisk

If you are not in this match, don't post in this thread. If you are in this match, don't spam it up with OOC talk.
Only two rp cap per team/one rp cap per person with the deadline being May 26, 2012 at 11:59 PM Eastern Time.
Show will be up by Monday the 28th / Good Luck!


Active Member
Mar 18, 2012
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Alton, England
Well, it’s all gone to hell in a hand basket, hasn’t it?

I mean, if you were to ask me what the fuck happened at the end of the last show…fuck if I would know. I wouldn’t even know where to begin with that shit.

It started off pretty standard. Me and
Raiden and Ripper and the cowboy dude – who isn’t as bad as I thought – went out there to kick those goddamn clowns’ asses, we’re having a damn good brawl, and then next thing I know, Phoenix comes out, cusses us all out, and says she’s quitting ACW.


I still can’t believe that actually happened. I thought
Phoenix was stronger than to let a bunch of jackasses get to her, to the point where she quits the one thing she valued the most, the one thing she built with her own flesh and blood. Can’t say I blame her, though – the amount of bitchy crybabies in this fucking company is enough to make ANYONE lose their cool!

And now there’s all sorts of rumours going around. That
Claressa’s backing off; that old man Vych’s going to be GM; that McHenry’s planning an overthrow and rebooting ACW as a whole new fed; all sorts of fucked-up shit. Hell, there’s even people saying I’M going to be GM. ME?! Are they nuts?! If whoever’s calling the shots now picks ME to be GM, they’re officially Blue!

Then again, there ISN’T anyone calling the shots, is there? And
Phoenix *did* trust me, so I can kind of see where they’re coming from with that. But to think I would want to be GM…that’s just Blue. I’m doing damn fine where I am, thank you very much! But again, if that was what it took to stop that bitch Claressa from taking over…

But no. I ain’t going to do shit until I absolutely have to. I’m doing bad enough in the ring that I don’t need anything else taking my mind away from the matches, let alone some management power-play bullshit. Let them fight over their precious little spot;
Jacqui M’s going to stay right where she is, in the middle of the ring, kicking ass and taking names.

And speaking of being in the ring, whoever made the card for this week obviously loves me. Not only am I getting my hands on li’l
Aaron , the teacher’s pet, once again, but I’m doing it alongside Raiden. Me likey very much. That kid is seriously cool, and watching his back tonight will give me a chance to apologise for that accident last week. Because of me, the dude lost his shot at the title; that's not cool. If I can do anything to apologise for that, then you can be damn sure I’m going to do it! Raiden’s my bro, and that’s what bros do. And beating Aaron and that goddamn whiny bitch Sanders (or whatever his name is now) might be just what the doctor ordered.

Whatever happens, though, one thing’s for sure: me and
Raiden? We are OVER, bro. We’re over like a motherfucker. Raiden looked awesome against Malcolm Ass and Virgil, and me? Well, I’ve heard I have a bit of a fan club out there in the stands. Apparently, people don’t mind that I’m losing; and you know what? That’s kind of awesome. That’s what I like about the indies; folks around here recognise when someone’s busting their ass for them, even when they’re not winning.

Of course, the fact that I have tits – big, real tis – and I’m the token chick among the guys might have something to do with that – most marks are either rednecks or geeks, and those people think with their dicks. But I’d like to think there’s something more – that when someone is REALLY good and hard-working, it stops mattering what sex they are and how big their cans are, and their work speaks for itself. Hell, look at
Chyna, Trish Stratus, Lita – they were up against guys and they did great! Sure, that shit’s scripted, but they wouldn’t have gotten to where they got if they didn’t earn their dues. And the fact that they were chicks fighting guys didn’t even matter – they were GOOD, period, end of story. And the rubes recognised that.

So yeah – I ain’t so worried about my losing streak anymore, or about all the bullshit that’s been going down. Tonight, they better be ready, ‘cause
Jacqui M has risen above all of that crap, and is ready to kick some ass. Like some douchebag once said, “form is temporary, but class is permanent”. And I am one classy chick.
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Apr 23, 2011
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It's early Tuesday morning and Raiden Blaze just woke up, all so fucking sore from Adrenaline, because his ass is busted like never before. The match he was in was probably the biggest challenge he had in his wrestling career, and he knows it. What bugs him even more is that he failed. He did not win. But he's a calm person, he knows what he should do. He woke up with a smile, you know. That is not so typical for him, yet still he smiles. He smiles at himself, almost as if he was smiling at someone else. This is the morning when he'll be a guest on an Indy Wrestling Radio Show, for the very first time in his life, and although people won't see him, he's getting ready to come there and look hot like the sun. Suddenly, his Samsung Galaxy S II starts ringing.


Raiden picks it up. The screen says that Steve is calling.

Raiden: Sup, Steve, how's it goin'?

Everything cool bro. Just wanted to tell you that we were at Adrenaline. Crazy shit got on there.

Raiden: I know, right? But this morning is freaking weird. I had this weird dream.

Steve: Raiden..

Raiden: Ah, shut up dude. And, listen to my dream, because it was freaking weird. It was from a tied man's perspective. Like I was tied to a couch and was forced to watch a brutal scene. There was a dude in a long coat, pretty tall, but he was no Khali. He had long hair, but it seemed like a wig to me..

Steve: Dude, I already told you..

Raiden: No, listen. And the guy, he was like some dude from Avatar, his face was all blue and black. Mostly blue, I couldn't see his eyes. And that freaking son of a bitch kidnapped some girl and he cuffed her hands and feet to a bed and he kept cutting her arm. He always like.. poured the blood from her hand into some kind of a.. what was it.. some kind of a cup and then he began painting on her chest with the blood. It was weird and well fucked up. And the dude kept yelling "WHY". A fucking nightmare, if you ask me. I mean, I still don't understand how the fuck come that I woke up with a smile.

Steve: Yeah, but..

Raiden: But what?

Steve: Whatever. Anyways bro, just wanted to tell you that you put on a superb performance on Adrenaline and that me and Jenn will always happily come to see you wrestle, 'cause you're my best mate since childhood.

Raiden: Yeah, I guess. Sure man. Come whenever you want, I'll make sure you get free tickets. I gotta go man. See ya later.

Steve: Yeah, later bro.

Raiden hung up. He put his phone deep down in his right pocket. He went to the bathroom and straightened his hair. He shaved, but just a bit, so he could look badass and stuff. He put his t-shirt on and took the keys of his place from the table. He unlocked the door, just to get out and lock the door again. He was outside now. It was hot outside though, but the slight wind was present. Because the radio station wasn't that far from his place, he went there by walk. Basically nothing interesting happened until he was in the studio with the show host, Mike Stantler.

Raiden: So... are we ready and when are we going to be live on air?

Mike: In like.. 3.. 2.. 1..!

And they were on air.

Mike: Wassup wrestling marks and smarks, this is your favorite show on your favorite wrestling radio station, Wrestling Indy Radio, and this is Chilling with Mike Stantler, and as you could have already guessed yourself, my name's Mike Stantler and we're gonna chill with a VERY special guest today. He's a rookie in the business, yet he already has a HUGE fanbase all over the USA and all over the internet worldwide. Ladies and gentlemen, Raiden Blaze. Hey, Raiden.

Raiden: Wassup Mike. Thanks for the invitation, it sure is an honor to be your guest.

Mike: I'm nothing but happy that you think so. So, I've got a plenty of questions for you man, so let's get this going! First of all, your loss. You kept talking about the streak and how you wanna remain undefeated, and how come you let the match end without Raiden Blaze having the W?

Raiden: Well, it was and it wasn't a loss. It's the same like if Bill Goldberg was eliminated in a Royal Rumble match, would you call that a loss?

Mike: Yup.

Raiden: Screw you bro *laughs* Nah, I mean, I wanted to remain undefeated, but this isn't even a loss, I was just eliminated. Technically the last guy eliminated was the one who lost you know. Yet still, I do care about the streak and my win-loss record. However, my main goal is to be the top dog, just as dad pictured it when I was a kid.

Mike: Yeah, I understand that. Now, what about the PWA situation in ACW? I saw that a bunch of guys from the defunct PWA invaded your precious ACW, plus Phoenix, your owner, called it quits and it seems that you'll be working under someone else's regime, as far as I see.

Raiden: Well, this all is a very specific situation. They all, the PWA guys, are acting like a bunch of legends, although their federation never went really mainstream. They were nothing more than ACW really is right now. That means I'm a nobody too. We all are nobodies until we show up on TV. Although, PWA actually may have been televised? I dunno. But I never heard about any of them, so their existence doesn't count, haha. The worst thing is that they just.. invaded us, for no reason. Their ass will be kicked in time, don't you worry, especially if someone from PWA decides to run ACW. They better pray they don't meet me if that happens. Because Claressa, Pete, and company, they piss me off on a daily basis, totally. It's just a matter of time before the ACW kicks the asses of the PWA.

Mike: Wow, some strong words there. Now, on a more laid-back note, is Jacqui good in bed?

Raiden: What?

Mike: You heard me.

Raiden: Dude, we're just friends. We don't sleep together. She's a friend and such, and I don't think me and her would be a good couple. Although, if she decides to try the Blaze Pie, she can, haha.

Mike: *infinite laughter*

Raiden: Yup, you should all take notes from my interviews and such, because the things I say might even help you.

Mike: Totally, bro. Totally. About Jacqui, the two of you are tagging together next week, what are your thoughts?

Raiden: Well, it's pretty simple. It's cool that we're tagging, since we're mates and such and we help each other, when it comes to wrestling, of course. So I'm fine with it.

Mike: And what about Syn, the champ. Your thoughts on him?

Raiden: We don't see each other very often, since we're working different parts of the show. But from what I have heard about him, he's a cool dude. The one you don't wanna piss off, but the one that has the brains. He reminds me of myself, yet I don't know why.

Mike: Yup. I guess we're done man. Thanks for visiting.

Raiden: My pleasure.

Mike: So, that was it folks, hope you have enjoyed the interview with Raiden, and I'll look forward to bring more interesting guests for you next week. Until then, bye dudes!

The show goes off the air and a song plays.

---End of RP---​


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2010
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Merthyr Tydfil
A dark hallway glimmers with the dust in the air, movement evident in these parts at some point in the recent past. The glistens in the air only being made by the small portion of the half moon shining through the old cross-wired glass in the emergency exit door. The camera moves further back, and you can tell an overpowering light is getting closer, the further back the camera goes, until it stops. And faintly, can music be heard, not well enough to be able to tell what it is, just well enough to know it's there. Like as if your sat next to someone on the subway that has earphones in, but haven't got them on full. The light is coming from a projector shooting against the wall, and the camera shows the image on the wall of old home videos, of a mother and son. The camera pans the room and in sits Aaron Asterisk watching every flicker of light bounce off the wall into his pupils. The door creaks open and the lyrics of what he's listening to can now be heard clearly.

I was her
She was me
We were one
We were free
And if there's somebody, calling me on
She's the one.

You sure don't like knocking do you. Yeah, I've given you access to my life but Christ, man, manners can go a long long way.

Aaron stares back up at the screen.

Mrs. Asterisk.... Jane Harvey Asterisk, the only woman in my life. The only one person that has ever given me the belief and confidence to be able to do anything I've ever wanted. When she..... When she... You know.... Everything stopped. My school work. My social life. Everything. For those six months, I kept myself in a cocoon. My fathers was the only face I had seen for months and months until he showed me this. He showed me this, and it was everything I ever wanted. Even though I can't have her, I still... have her.

He keeps staring at the screen, and keeps talking, not taking his eyes off his late mother.

You're never prepared for it you know? It's like, when it comes along, it still hits you like a ton of shit-bricks, even though you've been told months down the line it's inevitable. Cancers a fucker. It's one unfair bitch, she never picked up a cigarette, never touched anything of the sort; What do you know, lung cancer. And people wonder why I get angry when they tell me they smoke forty a day. But, i know that the main thing she would want me to be is moving on, happy and successful.

And that's the real thing that's pushing me on. And then you got people like
Jacqui that believe that everything is down to proving who is the fairer sex? Believes that this is all sticking it to the males of this company, and that she's a lone star on this course, now that Phoenix has taken up and left. Jacqui, I hope that you get to see this at some point before our match, because you need to realize the reason why my intensity is so damn high when you find me in the ring next week. You might be one tough bitch, and yeah you may be able to hang it tough when some of the guys here... hell even me. I eliminated you last week and beat you at the Pay-Per-View but there's not a lot between us. But let me guarantee to you now that this woman here was ten times as tough, than any of us will ever be. In the jaws of death she always had the strength to smile at me and ensure me that everything is going to be fine, and it's only when time has passed that you realize that she was telling the truth. This might be a tag team match, but I do personally know Andrew from before, he's a good fighter, we trained together back in 02', and I know he has more than enough to keep Raiden at bay. And that's all I'm asking for because this is not about just a straight up match anymore. This about teaching this bitch what's important in life.

Rest in peace momma, I'ma do you proud.
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