Let me pose this question then: Is life really so great and so sacred that it has to be lived?
I'm going to try and touch on as many points for Pro-choice that I can remember, but you and I are looking at this from entirely different perspectives. Your belief regards whether or not murder is relevant before the victim in question has even been born. My opinion does not stem from there at all. My opinion stems from whether or not the woman bearing the child should even bring a child into the world in the first place.
A friend of mine my age (we're both 20) just a couple of months ago got an abortion. She and her boyfriend had consensual sex but were not very careful, they had no intention of having a child. She is still living at home looking for a job, while the boyfriend was kicked out of his house about 5 months ago and is currently staying with her. They are a rocky couple, but he stood by her.
She is one of the most open minded, down to earth people I know and yet she was still pulling her hair out over the decision (mind you she didn't know she was even pregnant until a couple of months in). She knew that the longer she hesitated, the more attached to the child she would become. But as smart as she is she is still young, she is not yet independant enough to be considering a child and she did not know what to do.
I gave her some advice that I had once heard somewhere, I can't remember where: There are two ways you can look at the question of whether one should become a parent:
1. "How will the child impact my life?" - By this I mean, the woman in question is considering how much of a drain the child will be on her money and resources, her social life and her appearance.
2. "How will my life impact the child's?" - The woman is wondering whether she is mentally, physically, financially, etc. prepared to raise a child. Can she provide for it? Will she have a good influence on it? Would it be right to bring a child into an ubringing that may not be stable?
Odds are you're better off having the child if you think by the latter, it shows that you are selfless, compassionate and concerned. However, my friend fell into the first category. There is nothing wrong with that, it just shows that she has priorities to attend to before even thinking about parenthood.
The more she thought about the decision - which she basically was every second of every day - the more depressed she became. She eventually went with the abortion, knowing that keeping the baby would be a detriment to everybody involved and that she was far too young for the responsibility of parenthood.
The reason I bring that up is because I had discussed abortion with her over the bong a couple of times before and her opinion was actually identical to yours. What she realised was that the hypothetical question of murder and abortion isn't going to do a whole lot for you once you're actually placed in the situation and you have to consider ALL factors. She eventually realised that bringing a child into the world just because it had been conceived was actually irresponsible because the child could not possibly have a comfortable upbringing. After all, she can barely support herself at this stage.
Abortion is not legally considered murder. So to go through with having a child simply because someone of an opposing viewpoint may consider you a murderer based on their own moral perspective despite all other factors that play into the woman's living conditions, is simply not rational thinking.
Now, as for "preserving the life of the child"...
There was once upon a time, not all that long ago, that abortion was hugely illegal. But this didn't stop women from having abortions, they just did it in privacy, without trained doctors or safe environments. The death rate of women between 16 and 24 was alarmingly high. Having abortion illegal killed almost an equal amount of women to the children it saved. Not so helpful. Prohibition of any kind does not work as I briefly mentioned in my post above, but in regards to abortion it was actually deadly.
You posed the double murder hypothetical earlier so I... Well, George Carlin has a couple for you:
If a fetus is a human being, how come the census doesn't count them? How come every time there's a misscarriage we don't have a funeral? How come people say "We have two children and one on the way" instead of "We have three children"? Once these Pro-lifers have experienced their first labour pains and first pregnancies and have had to raise a couple of children on minimum wage, then I'd be glad to hear what they have to say about abortion.
I'll conclude this rant by saying this: If you are personally opposed to abortion, despite how little or vast knowledge on the subject influences your perception of it, that's fine. You have the right to believe whatever you want and you have the right to voice your opinion.
But please, for the love of fuck, can you stop using the word murderer to describe anyone Pro-choice?? Putting aside all the physical pain and stress that the birth process involves, almost all women who unexpectedly fall pregnant have to go through one of the most difficult mental dilemma's you could imagine, and even those who abort the child spend a long time kicking themselves over the "what ifs". No woman wants to let motherhood slip away like that, but those who do have chosen so because they realise that they are simply not prepared or ready to become a parent. Parenthood requires women to be almost completely stable and independant in all areas, to be willing to put a permanent filter on their social life, to surrender quite a lot of their youthful appearance as well as at least the next two decades of their life.
Whatever they choose to do, you have to respect their decision because everyone has different lives, different backgrounds, different living environments, socio-economic conditions and perspectives. Calling a woman a murderer because they choose not to go through with it all - at least not yet - is the fucking height of ignorance. I am not willing to show any respect for a Pro-lifer in the abortion argument if they are going to label the woman as scum for making a tougher decision than you could fathom.