That picture doesn't make you look fatter, it makes you look ugly as hell. Seriously, there's a lot of blur there and you look like you've just come back from intergalactic space travel or some shit, and your body is trying to catch up with the speeds you registered in your small, yet very cosy ship...
I have anxiety disorder and it makes my hands very shaky. I frankly don't care about what my face looks like in the picture because it's far from being as nasty as that fat whore's face, it's the fact that a blur still doesn't make me fat.
Post your pic so we can see how ugly YOU are. Any excuse not to will prove you're uglier.
By the way, Stinger. Being cute doesn't mean you have to be beautiful. There is a difference. I'm not saying she is ugly by any means but you seem to think that when a person is cute, they have to be really pretty. Coming right out and telling someone they're ugly just because you feel like bringing them into an argument that has nothing to do with them at all is lame.