I think Hotrods main point is the fact that body type alone is not what constitutes whether she considers somebody ugly or not. If the personality is rotten, you instantly can view a normally pretty girl as someone who is totally undesirable. Whippy looks like someone who would normally be a nice, generous, kind person with a great sense of humor. Thats more than enough for any guy. While DX is a cheater, and cheaters only cheat themselves, I know first hand. She deserves every bit of flaming that LH can dish out, while Whippy should be given a cookie for confidence.
you are 100% right but some asshole had make everyone f-ing think i was evil or something for some reason...
A. LadyHotrod
B. Kassidy's Ex Bitch
C. Whippy!
D. Showstopper's mother
Hint: The answer is always either B or D.
again... why me dammit?
(and i dont care if no one cares, i have all right to clear my name and defend myself, although LadyHotRod did a damn good job at defending me.)