When creating a midcard title match, do you:
A: Put the strap on a heat magnet, book him strongly, and have him face a young rookie legitimately trying to overcome the odds and take him down? (Even if the rookie sucks it's a feud that works)
B: Put the strap on a heat magnet, book him strongly, then let him face someone else on his level with a legitimate issue between the two? Like if Daniel Bryan doesn't like his fighting style in his wrestling company?
C: Put the strap on a heat magnet and have him job to everybody under the sun, then have him feud with a guy who's been overpushed to the point of rejection, and have them feud because Sheamus is a bully (be a star) despite being a babyface and is mocking Barrett for being in a movie for no fucking reason.
:facepalm: #wwelogic
Don't see how Barrett doesn't get a complete face reception at 'Mania.
As for Jericho/Henry, that's okay. They only have a little time to get Henry something to do and Y2J could get it over in a month.
Shield seems to be feuding with Jericho, Orton, Sheamus, Big Show, and Ryback right now, so it'll probably be Orton/Show/Ryback against the Shield. Ugh, that's disgusting.