1/2/2013 SmackDown Spoilers

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Captain Charisma

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Sep 1, 2012
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- Thanks to Bill R. for the following WWE SmackDown spoilers from tonight’s tapings in San Diego:
* SmackDown opens with Booker T and Teddy Long in the ring for their big World Title announcement. Sheamus, Randy Orton, The Great Khali, Daniel Bryan, Kane and Dolph Ziggler are also out as Elimination Chamber participants. Ziggler interrupts and isn’t interested in all this because he already has a guaranteed shot. Booker makes Ziggler vs. Alberto Del Rio for later tonight. Also, Team Hell No vs. Sin Cara and Rey Mysterio. Jack Swagger returned and wanted in the Chamber but Booker says he has to earn it, as does everyone else tonight.
* Alberto Del Rio is shown looking for Big Show and he is ready to fight.
* Cara and Rey vs. Team Hell No is up next. Mysterio and Cara get the win in what was said to be a great tag team match. Kane and Bryan argued after the match.
* Matt Striker interviews Alberto Del Rio outside. Del Rio is waiting with a baseball bat but tells Striker he’s just getting some fresh air.
* The Great Khali defeated Jinder Mahal. Heath Slater and Drew McIntyre tried to get involved but Hornswoggle stopped them.
* Teddy Long tells Booker backstage that it was his idea to bring Jack Swagger back. Cody Rhodes and Damien Sandow come in. Booker books Sandow vs. Sheamus for tonight.
* Lots of recap videos from RAW. They show video of Vince McMahon being stretchered out of the arena with Stephanie McMahon at his side.
* Sheamus vs. Sandow is up next. The Shield ended up interfering and attacking Sheamus.
* Wade Barrett vs. Randy Orton is up next. Orton wins after a RKO.
* Barrett is being interviewed backstage when he sees Bo Dallas. They brawl and Barrett gets the upperhand.
* Jack Swagger vs. Kofi Kingston is up next. Good back and forth match. Swagger got the win with the ankle lock.
* Del Rio is outside as Big Show’s tour bus arrives. Del Rio attacks him as he gets out. They end up fighting on top of a car. Del Rio chases Show but he jumps into another car and drives away.
* Alberto el Rio beats Dolph Ziggler with the cross armbreaker.
* Big Show is backstage and he has Ricardo Rodriguez held hostage. Del Rio runs to the back but Show knocks Ricardo out with a knockout punch.

This one looks like it sucks. No WHC at Chamber? Contender match?


Now I’m a big, fat dynamo!
Apr 1, 2012
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Get the full spoilers. They look much better than those watered down ones.


Now I’m a big, fat dynamo!
Apr 1, 2012
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Full Spoilers:

WWE SmackDown

* Smackdown kicks off with Booker T entering the ring for his big announcement with Teddy Long. Sheamus, Randy Orton, Dolph Ziggler, The Great Khali, Kane and Daniel Bryan are in the ring for the announcement. World Champion Alberto Del Rio is outside looking for Big Show with a bat. Booker starts to announce that they will compete in the Elimination Chamber, but gets interrupted by the return of Jack Swagger who wants in the Elimation Chamber match. He has a beard. Booker T says Swagger has to earn it. Dolph Ziggler says he’s not interested in the Elimation Chamber match as he has a guaranteed shot. Booker said that Ziggler can chicken out of the Chamber match, but he can’t chicken out of his match with Alberto Del Rio tonight.

* Rey Mysterio & Sin Cara defeated WWE Tag Team Champions Team Hell No. Kane and Rey start. Rey gets some offense in early on and tags in Sin Cara, who gets dominated by Kane. Daniel Bryan is tagged in and Cara gains the advantage. Fast paced match with the crowd behind Rey and Sin Cara. Late in the nmatch, Kane is working over Sin Cara and tagged in Bryan, while Cara made the hot tag to Rey. Rey got in some offense on Bryan and set him up for a 619, but Kane tried to block it with a chokeslam. Rey kicked Kane out of the ring, and Bryan locked in the No Lock. Sin Cara broke it up, Rey hit the 619 on Bryan and gets the win. Team Hell No argued after the match. Said to be a great match.

* A video recap of Alberto Del Rio and Big Show from The Royal Rumble and RAW is shown.

* Matt Striker attempts to interview Del Rio outside, who is still waiting with a bat. Del Rio said that he is just getting fresh air and told Striker to leave him alone.

* A recap of the 3MB – Great Khali segment from RAW is shown.

* The Great Khali (with Natalya and Hornswoggle) defeated Jinder Mahal (with Drew McIntyre and Heath Slater). 3MB tried to interfere, but Hornswoggle blocked that. Khali destroyed Mahal in a short match.

* Backstage segment with Booker T and Teddy Long discussing Jack Swagger’s return, and Teddy Long revealed that it was his idea. Team Rhodes Scholars interrupted and quoted something, and then hugged for a long time. Booker makes Sheamus vs. Damien Sandow for later tonight, and then said, “you’re welcome.”

* A recap of the Vince McMahon – Paul Heyman segment from RAW was shown, which was the same package shown on Main Event. A WWE exclusive video showing Vince being stretchered out of the arena with Stephanie beside him is also shown.

* Del Rio is shown out back still waiting.

* A recap of John Cena winning the Rumble, deciding on which title to go after and then getting attacked by The Shield is shown.

* Sheamus vs Damien Sandow is next. Sandow took the early advantage. Sheamus fought back and started to dominate when the Shield entered and attacked Sheamus. Rollins is in first, but gets laid out by Sheamus. The Shield beat him down and then planted him with the triple power bomb. The hits were hard, and Rollins sold well. The Shield then left through the crowd.

* A recap is shown of Wade Barrett losing to Bo Dallas on RAW.

* Randy Orton defeated Wade Barrett. Barrett dominated early. He sat Orton on the middle rope and kicked him off it to the outside. Cool move. Outside of the ring, Barrett missed a forearm into a pole. Orton put him in the ring and hit an RKO for the victory.

* Backstage Wade Barrett is being interviewed about losing to Bo Dallas, but says nothing. Barrett sees Dallas and attacks him. Dallas fights back, but Barrett throws him into gear.

* Jack Swagger defeated Kofi Kingston. Swagger dominated Kofi early on using wrestling moves. Kofi kept trying to find back, but Swagger kept putting him back down. Kofi finally is able to knock Swagger down and hits the Boom Drop. Swagger fights back, but Kofi sends him out of the ring. They fight outside with Kofi missing a kick and accidentally kicking the announce table. Swagger then rolled Kofi in the ring and defeated him via submission with the ankle lock. Swagger looked good, it looks like he’ll be getting pushed.

* Back outside, and Del Rio hides as The Big Show’s bus pulls in. Big Show gets out and Del Rio attacks him. Show tries to get away and tries to climb on top of a car. Del Rio breaks the window and they fight on top of the car. The play a game of chase around the car before Show gets in another car and drives off.

* A recap of The Rock – CM Punk segment from RAW is shown.

* This was said to be really good. The crowd was hot for Ziggler early on. Early in the match, Del Rio was on the top rope but AJ Lee distracted the referee and Big E pushed Del Rio to the mat. The referee then ejected AJ and Big E, but the distraction put Ziggler in control of the match. Ziggler kept control for awhile until Del Rio managed to catch him on the top rope and superplexed him. The crowd is behind Del Rio, who plants a side kick to Ziggler’s face. Ziggler kicked out and countered Del Rio’s arm lock and hit a famasser, but Del Rio kicked out. Del Rio hit a backbreaker, but Ziggler kicked out. Del Rio jumped off the top rope, but Ziggler caught him in the air with a drop kick. The crowd started chanting, “this is awesome!” Del Rio eventually locked in the arm bar to get the win.

* Big Show has Ricardo hostage backstage. Show punches out Ricardo again.

Big Show comes out to the ring in street clothes and talks trash and insults the crowd. Del Rio tries to make it to the ring, and fights trainers to come out to the ramp. Del Rio eventually breaks through and runs in, but Show spears him. Show then grabbed a chair. Del Rio managed to get the chair and nail Big Show with it about 10 times. Show then rolled out of the ring and ran away. Del Rio celebrated in the ring to a huge pop.

Looks like a good episode. I like the idea of the EC being for the number 1 contender spot and people having to qualify/impress Booker to get in.

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Now I’m a big, fat dynamo!
Apr 1, 2012
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deth said:
What's so great about Swagger? :george:

Has the right size and build. Great in the ring (especially for a man his size) and somehow very entertaining even when he doesn't intend to. Lots of untapped potential that needs to be formed right.

Mustafar Reginald

The Lunatic Fringe
Sep 26, 2012
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Team Hell No vs. Sin Cara & Rey Mysterio could be a really good match, and it's hard to imagine that Del Rio vs. Dolph wouldn't be at least mildly entertaining. Nothing else seems remotely interesting to me. I couldn't care less about Jack Swagger.


Chillin' with the snowmies.
Feb 5, 2012
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WWE: You're trying to make Bo Rotundo look like a star when he wins the IC belt, right? Well then... why not book his opponent like a star first, because I've got a chance to beat Barrett the way he's been booked.

And for what? So Orton can keep looking strong? Orton hasn't done anything relevant in months and feels like filler going into EC... What's the point?
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The Artiste
Jan 22, 2013
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Really looking forward to the tag team, Swagger/Kingston, and Del Rio/Ziggler matches. Sounds like it could be a very good show, wrestling wise at least. Not too keen on another Sheamus/Sandow match, but hopefully the Shield attack will come off well.

Also, I know I'm in the extreme minority on this one, but I am liking the fued that's getting started between Barrett and Dallas. I think it's a good way to get a new guy in, and Barrett has already done a fantastic job coming off as if he loathes this guy to the core.

Definitely will catch this episode.


Nov 24, 2012
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Elimination Chamber PPV with no world title contested inside the chamber.


Captain Charisma

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Respect Vegeta6425 said:
Elimination Chamber PPV with no world title contested in an EC match.


Same idea.