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The Federation Years ▪ RAW is WAR ▪ Mar 10, 1997 ▪

Raider Nation

Active Member
Lot less TV to write in '96.

How do you do your attendance for the houses?

Do you use some sort of calculation? Or, do you just make them up?

You know, looking at some of the gimmicks Vince created back then, you have to wonder if Vince would have been as stubborn as Verne and continued to hold to the same business model he'd been using, if the WWF would have gone under at some point.

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Well-Known Member
Another solid week of programming here. Really like that you're pulling the trigger on HHH/Rocky and especially Faarooq/Ahmed well they're hot. Feels like they never capitalized on Rocky's SS victory properly, and they waited to long for Ahmed to get revenge on The Nation. Looks like these are things that may get fixed here which is great. Really digging The Stalker stuff as well tbh. No full play by play but these are a few things that stood out to me when reading.

I feel like I always compliment you on the added detail behind the scenes, just adds a fun element for me. Enjoyed the response to the TV Guide article, oh and Mike Awesome plz.
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White Rhyno

Well-Known Member
To be honest DTP, your projects have the depth, attention to detail and layout I always envision my projects having when I think of a BTB. Its obvious from the amount of detail you throw in that you do a lot of research to maintain the realism.

For me, I was in my early 20s during the period and was just starting to get back into wrestling. WWF was still a distant second to WCW for me at this time because of the gimmicks I still associated with my childhood WWF experience.

Reading your project, I'm really getting a lot of what I was missing with the Harts, Rocky's build and period where the Stalker idea didn't seem ludicrous. Ahmed is shit on now, but he truly was hot for a brief period. I really thought the WWF machine was prepping him to turn him into a Ultimate Warrior type of champion for a half a second. It will be interesting to see how you handle him.


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Cry me a river
As always, the presentation is just so slick and somehow puts me right into the time period. Doesn't hurt that the booking certainly feels authentic for the time. I mean holy shit yes to the Milton Bradley tournament. Hahaha, what an awesome callback.

Love the little notes along the way about what will happen later and/or next week.

But nooooooo to the Smoking Gunns break up. I hope Uncle Ass gets the push he always deserved...

Obviously a lot of new talent coming in around this time, so it'll be exciting/interesting to see what direction you take some of these - from the eventual superstars like Rocky but also talent like The Headbangers.

A potential return for Savage? Very interesting... as is Mr. Perfect deciding to stick around! Way to turn down that Turney money, Curt.

Really enjoying the start here. The time period is one of my favorites and you've really nailed just about everything here.
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Well-Known Member
Continuing to enjoy what you're producing here with another strong week to get us to the PPV. Really enjoying Sycho Sid's ego getting hurt with all the talk being on Bret and Shawn, and loving what you're doing with Billy Gunn. Same goes with Jim Cornette and Sunny fighting over The Rock, intrigued to see how you eventually decide to use him.

Other things like tag title scene and Ahmed/NOD are progressing solidly as well, but nothing to really call out. I'm not huge on Windham just dropping The Stalker gimmick after he's been basically stalking Bradshaw recently. Was really hoping there'd be more to that other than Barry challenging Bradshaw to a match outside of his Stalker gimmick.

All in all another solid week of updates.
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Active Member
Some In Your House thoughts:

- Obviously weird to look back at Rocky vs Triple H matches given what the pair are up to these days but there was definitely a lot going on here with managers galore. Post match set up Triple H’s next feud and keeps Rocky’s story going.

- The format rules by the way.

- Can’t say I’m too fond of a DQ finish on PPV but you won me back around a bit with the whole fan angle - would assume it’s D’lo Brown unless you’re really planning to swerve us

- Very nice tag match here and good integration of the AAA guys very cool to see and feel they’re gonna be used well at the rumble.

- Fair play for getting The Executioner his PPV payday. This show has been great at moving the stories along in very match and obviously Steve Austin just looked like a complete badass/psycho in the post match here. Austin and Taker have a weird history where they never really had a great match against each other but I’m sure you can change that.

- Nice main event and again a lot of moving parts here with Bulldog then HBK involvement but it didn’t feel like overbooking so that’s a job well done.

- Overall good stuff and just again this is the best presented BTB in the section.


Well-Known Member
I definitely think based on the fact that he can actually draw some form of heat, Salvatore Sincere is a must better choice for Funk’s opponent here than Leif Cassidy was in real life. Obviously, the right call with Funk going over. Would love for you to give him something of substance in the future because too cold was awesome.

Sid interview touched on Hart and Michaels which is basically all you can ask for here.

Again, the booking on this IC Title match seemed to be on point here. The Cornette/Sunny stuff, which will surely continue, costs Rocky the match, and Triple H gets a pretty good title defence in the books. And he has a ready made feud with Mero to fall into which you addressed in the aftermath. Nice work.

“YOU’RE GOING DOWN, YOU GOBBA GOO” is all I took from the Ahmed interview honestly.

Ahmed/Faarooq ending in a DQ probably works, in the sense that this feud is so personal, it will work to blow it off on one of the big five PPV’s. No issues with the result here, although the African American fan is interesting. Considering how much he stood out compared to the rest of the unnamed cronies, I’m predicting that Ahmed’s backup is D’Lo Brown.

LOL at The Godwinns trying to use a computer.

Austin’s promo was pretty filler, tbh. Not sure this type of promo is required on PPV, could have just been a short and sharp interview. With that being said, I’m acknowledging that this has built the curiosity around whether Austin will interfere tonight and lets us know he’s not done with Bret. Other fish to fry has me genuinely curious though.

Kind of a shame to just see Furnas and LaFon get discarded in their first tag title match. I’m all good with Owen and Bulldog remaining champs, I just thought this feud would extend for a few months, but no longer seems likely based off the clean win here for the champs. AAA team watching on is interesting, because why would they watch the tag title match when they are entering the Rumble next month? Clearly an ulterior motive and looks like they could have a good match with Furnas and LaFon upcoming.

Solid interview from Bret here. Fully expect him to somehow land on the rematch with Shawn Michaels in this universe at Mania, so makes sense to have him be top of mind with all going on. Obviously had to address Sid to, considering the title shot tonight, but I think Sid retains because Bret/Shawn and even Bret/Austin doesn’t need the title.

Undertaker/Executioner was a fun war as expected. Honestly wish you held off on the Mankind involvement, because I always thought this really hurt Mankind, and he’d spend basically a fair chunk on 1997 lower on the card. Basically losing in a two on one situation isn’t great. ‘Taker needed to beat The Executioner here so good stuff.

Aftermath with Austin attacking The Undertaker really caught me off guard. Not sure If I’ve just forgotten something but am interesting in the explanation.

Bulldog getting a title shot tomorrow night sounds fun.

Main event pretty much went as expected. Bulldog gets involved, but more importantly, Shawn Michaels directly costs Bret the match. Sid moves onto his next title defence, and as shown by the brawl afterwards, Bret/Shawn seems really likely moving forward.

Solid first PPV. An upgrade from what they churned out In real life, and the main event scene in particular still feels like it could go multiple ways as the road to ‘Mania begins. Good stuff.