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  1. Shayon

    How much more ridiculous can Vince McMahon make Roman look?

    At this past Sunday's No Mercy PPV, John Cena and Roman Reigns faced each other in what was called as a Wrestlemania 'dream' match. According to me, the match underdelivered, and what annoyed me to the core was that, in this 22 minute match, Vince McMahon's corporately created John Cena version...
  2. Death Walker


  3. Aztecwarrior480

    Which wrestling legend who has never won a WWE world title, do you think was...

    the most deserving of the WWE world title? IMO, this is a very tough one since there was so many talented wrestlers throughout the past 3 decades that had the misfortune of never winning a single WWE world title or even ever being pushed to the main event status. I've always felt that Curt...
  4. Jon1

    Paige Returning to WWE soon

    Paige has recently tweeted her at the WWE performance center and WWE tweeted about Paige saying she might come back also there are rumors going around that Paige will be on Smackdown ()
  5. ¡Tranquilo!

    Build a faction.

    A thing I saw on reddit like a week ago. Basically create a stable with: 1 WWE superstar 1 NXT Talent 1 Guy/girl from ROH, PWG,ect... 1 New Japan talent.
  6. Jon1

    WWE Sends out survey about TV-14 content

    So WWE has sent out surveys like what would you want to see and also about the TV-14 Content. So they noticed that Sales haven't been the best and might try to fix it with a bit of attitude (get it) So hopefully it goes TV-14 and Imagine the promos with Roman and Cena if it was TV-14. Also I...
  7. Jon1

    Can you think of HORRIBLE WWE Gimmicks

    So one gimmick that would be horrible would be someone going out into the ring and steal someonesn gimmick (Not Dolph Ziggler) like if it is SOMEONE Vs AJ Styles then USER would come out with his entrance use his moves and moveset and basically be like them kinda like Ditto from Pokemon
  8. Jon1

    Who should go to WWE from ROH

    For me it has to be Cheeseburger
  9. Jon1

    Why WWE is still PG

    Now this is just my input on why they are still PG. So The only reason why WWE is PG is one for the kids to watch and two because there is not much competition and Vince doesn't think TNA/GFW is competition so if there was competition they will most likely turn the WWE into Attitude Era 2.0 and...