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  1. LoneStar305

    NFL 2017 Discussion Thread

    Does WWEF have a Fantasy Football League?! :cornette:
  2. LoneStar305

    What WWE Superstars/Celebrities have you met?

    Welp, lucky me...I get to follow that up lol. I met Dave Bautista at a Publix in South Florida! He was wearing dark sunglasses and seemed hungover lol. Riveting stuff I know :cry:
  3. LoneStar305


    Sorry to hear that dude. I'd definitely go with a rental for the time being though. Uber/Lyft are no bueno
  4. LoneStar305


    --Bigshow enters the arena after his promo shoot on "Conan" and heads towards the training facility--
  5. LoneStar305


    ooc- Lmao thank you sir
  6. LoneStar305


    --Chavo Guerreros music hits and he walks out on stage being heavily booed by the HoH audience in attendance as he sports a cocky smile and is greeted by Matt Striker who is interviewing him-- Striker: Alright alright thank you everyone and thank YOU Chavo Guerrero for being here! --Guerrero...
  7. LoneStar305


    --Bigshow is seen representing HoH on the TBS Tonight Show "Conan" while promoting the upcoming PPV "Extreme Rules" scheduled for Aug. 20th at 9PM EST--
  8. LoneStar305


    --Chavo Guerrero unpacks his things and checks the Velocity match card on the HoH homepage-- Chavo: Looks like Baron just cant catch a break..Ive got no problem whipping that puto again. --Chavo heads to a taping area where he is scheduled to be interviewed shortly--
  9. LoneStar305


    ooc- curse your witty dry humor lol
  10. LoneStar305


    ooc- Wait im confused lol. GPR you done with HoH?
  11. LoneStar305


    *Bigshow throws his bat to the side knowing he wouldn't need it anyways and grabs Dean by the throat pressing him hard against the wall* Bigshow: You have no idea..what is coming. *Show lets go of Ambrose and backs off glancing over at Roman as he continues to leave* Bigshow Your 15 mins of...
  12. LoneStar305


    *Bigshow looks unimmused and takes a step closer as its taking all he has not to break Ambrose in half* Show: Nice to see you have time to play games. Some of us take this industry a bit more serious. Oh and thats cute..I should wait to use this? *Glances at his bat and back at Dean* Show...
  13. LoneStar305


    --Bigshow approaches holding a baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire looking pissed off-- Show:What the f*ck is so funny Ambrose? Give me one reason I shouldnt split your sh!t right here right now after what you did to screw me.
  14. LoneStar305


    --Bigshow enters the arena and heads to the training area-- --Chavo Guerrero is receiving a massage in his LR--
  15. LoneStar305


    *Bigshow slowly smiles loving Jerichos plan* Show: Sounds good to me..and when you face Styles down the road..Im going to make sure you win that X Division Strap. No questions asked. *He shakes hands with Chris and heads to his LR*
  16. LoneStar305


    Bigshow: Agreed. They are no competition which is why they had to ambush me to steal the World title. As long as we can get our hands on those two Thursday...thats all that matters.
  17. LoneStar305


    --Bigshow is seen in the training facility going over moves with a "Local Talent"-- --Show looks up at a tv playing Matt Morgans attack on Roman Reigns and Natalya-- Bigshow: He proved he can be trusted.. --Show begins to smirk thinking of what's to come from his newly assembled team--...
  18. LoneStar305


    *To everyones amazement Bigshow walks out on stage with the back of his head bandaged up* *He demands a microphone as he enters the ring* Bigshow: CUT THE MUSIC NOW! *Crowd begins chanting "Screw Job"* Bigshow: You're damn right I got screwed. Dean Ambrose... I thought I took that garbage...
  19. LoneStar305


    ooc- Bigshow got screwed but I dig the storyline lol. Great show overall!
  20. LoneStar305


    *HoH crowd erupts when the World Heavyweight Champion Bigshow walks out from behind the curtain and stands tall at the top of the ramp holding his title in one hand and a microphone in the other* *Show glances around as fans reach for highfives and surprisingly send cheers his way* Crowd...