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  1. Crown Jewel Cancelled ?

    I'm certainly not talking intervention. It's not even threatening the sovereignty of the Saudi government, unless one considers torture and murder rights under international law. It's simply not accepting money to put on a show. What it IS is not further legitimizing, if not enabling the Saudi...
  2. Crown Jewel Cancelled ?

    Reporting on the torture and killing of a journalist by a tyrannical regime is not "forcing." And considering the threats that have been made on journalists here I wouldn't blame the media if they did "force" the issue, whatever that means. Real life is not a "narrative." Horrific events are...
  3. Crown Jewel Cancelled ?

    I see. So the lessons we learn from your posts are: 1. The best response to murder by a tyrannical regime is to do nothing. 2. While doing nothing you attack those who want to do something for not doing enough. 3. Instead of discussing the merits, you, of course, resort to personal attacks. 4...
  4. Crown Jewel Cancelled ?

    I agree with the last couple of posts. I suspect that McMahon has somebody watching social media to see if there will be much of a backlash. He obviously wants to go ahead with this, but doesn't want to have advertisers cancel, subscribers unsubscribe and the press writing unflattering things...
  5. Crown Jewel Cancelled ?

    Oh, I understand now. You don't speak English. I get why what I'm proposing is so hard for you to comprehend.
  6. Crown Jewel Cancelled ?

    I agree, except it's not "human nature," it's cynicism and indoctrination. People don't get over what really matters to them. This should matter. It's not a time for us to be cynical either. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed, citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is...
  7. Crown Jewel Cancelled ?

    To the serious, informed people on here: It has just been reported that the Washington Post journalist who had written pieces critical of the Saudi regime had been injected with a tranquilizer, had his fingers chopped off, was tortured, killed and them dismembered. This was done in the Saudi...
  8. Crown Jewel Cancelled ?

    Again, it's very convenient to sit on one's ass, do nothing, and criticize others for not doing everything.Yes, one must pick his or her battles. You, who can't even spell, are in no position to lecture anyone else. Keep making excuses for murder, terrorism, misogyny and genocide. Homer Simpson...
  9. Crown Jewel Cancelled ?

    What a humanitarian! How much is he pocketing again? So guys in tights taking money from murderers to pretend to fight for said murderers' amusement and prestige can solve the world's problems?
  10. Crown Jewel Cancelled ?

    So your argument is that if you don't do absolutely everything possible you should do nothing? You'd make a fine Buddhist... or are just filled with excuses. This moral action is something we can do now. It's timely, it's easy and it's right. I know it's popular to deflect questions about...
  11. Crown Jewel Cancelled ?

    If the politicians, particularly the Trump Administration, weren't partnered with or bought by the Saudis and the Fossil Fuel industry, we would have been using green energies by now and the subject would be moot. I hardly see an equivalency between McMahon pocketing zillions of dollars he...
  12. Crown Jewel Cancelled ?

    Hey, guess what? You'll grow up some day too. I wish I was your age again. But then I would have as little maturity and understanding as you do. So what to you is a "difference?" Would hundreds of people cancelling their subscriptions in support of democracy and human life be a "difference?"...
  13. Crown Jewel Cancelled ?

    So that's your answer, nothing matters? I guess I've been around long enough to know different. How about we get serious for a minute and not act like stereotypical wrestling fans? Saudi Arabia just tortured and killed a journalist. In the United States, freedom of the press is under fire, with...
  14. Crown Jewel Cancelled ?

    What I'd like to see is for pressure to be exerted now, promises of cancellation and boycotting, so maybe there doesn't have to be a "divide." Um, right now there are grownup matters to discuss.
  15. Crown Jewel Cancelled ?

    A "divide in the wrestling community" is a bit dramatic. I know a lot of people are pissed, including a number of the wrestlers. I think there will be a backlash, among advertisers as well as some subscribers. But it will probably be forgotten soon by many of them. I don't think there should be...
  16. Crown Jewel Cancelled ?

    Make that 1 yes. In another thread, 2 others said they would if they thought others would.
  17. Proposed Boycott of WWE if they go through with Saudi event

    Well let's see how many people reply to this. Personally, I'm willing to make a statement of conscience regardless. I mean, it's not a huge sacrifice, and the booking of WWE pretty much sucks anyway, but I'd miss it. But at very least we should make this decision as hard as possible for them...
  18. Proposed Boycott of WWE if they go through with Saudi event

    That sounds very conscienable. But the way to modify their behavior is not to placate them, it's to put political and economic pressure on them, precisely the opposite of what McMahon and Trump are doing. Your personal boycott is appreciated though.
  19. Proposed Boycott of WWE if they go through with Saudi event

    I have watched WWWF/WWF/WWE for going on 60 years now. I have attended many, many live events, subscribed to their network almost since its inception, bought its products, and introduced my son to them. But if they go ahead with taking the blood money from the Saudis, I will be cancelling my...
  20. Crown Jewel Cancelled ?

    It had better be, and not just because of the murder of the reporter, but their sponsorship of terrorism, including against the U.S., their killing and torture of their political opponents, the second-class citizenship they give women (some "women's revolution!" and their slaughter of civilians...