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  1. Bought Payback 2014 tickets!

    I've been to Extreme Rules in 2012, Payback in 2013, RAW this week and now Payback 2014.
  2. Bought Payback 2014 tickets!

    I will. I will post 30+ of LIVE footage from yesterday RAW in Chicago here after editing all together. I'll do the same for PayBack.
  3. An Evolution Reunion: Updated thoughts?

    Actually not sure if you saw the ending of RAW, but after RAW went off air, Orton, Batista, Kane & HHH were working together. I got whole video of the ordeal which I will post here soon.
  4. Bought Payback 2014 tickets!

    So due to pre-sale from the RAW I attended yesterday, I got a decent discount I suppose for the seat I am in. I bought the corner seat so hopefully I see the Shield. Though it is a long way, can't wait to go and see what feuds will be available during that time!
  5. Real Stuff at Chicago

    I'd pay $1000 to to lick that fart smell form your nose. She is shit a hot milf.
  6. Real Stuff at Chicago

    No. Even hotter. Seriously HHH is the luckiest guy in the world.
  7. Real Stuff at Chicago

    We do. We were even cheering for Colt Cabana. We also had a guy who literally looked like Bray Wyatt. So we started cheering "There is Wyatt".
  8. Real Stuff at Chicago

    After punk fans, we are fans of good wrestlers. Not just cheer them if they are face, and boo them if they are heel.
  9. Real Stuff at Chicago

    I did't mean it in a negative even way more of a positive even way.
  10. Real Stuff at Chicago

    When I look back at the actual footage shown on TV, I will say it is edited a lot. They have mostly edited the voice of the crowd so they can hear the wrestlers. I will post it soon. Been a busy day today.
  11. Real Stuff at Chicago

    Trust me they were. In TV you could hear them cause they mutesd us. In reality I was trying hard to hear but I could hear a word Stephanie said. Hell, I couldn't lip read her either. I was thinking abouy her luscious lips instead.
  12. Real Stuff at Chicago

    I went there and have over 30+ mins of footage on my phone. Over 14GB worth of shit from tonights RAW alone. I will post a video tomorrow merging all of them together. The crowd went crazy. They obviously block it for TV users so just to let everyone see what exactly happened at RAW. I have to...
  13. Raw LIVE 3/3/2014 - Allstate

    I will chant only when necessary. I personally won't shit on all matches. I can't wait to get off work and be there! Ill post photos and videos by tomorrow.
  14. Raw LIVE 3/3/2014 - Allstate

    I was just wondering if anyone from here is going and would like to meetup before the event.
  15. Raw LIVE 3/3/2014 - Allstate

    I think we should. I mean they have to borrow their moms money, get our of basement, borrow a friends car to come see the show. We are safe for now. Chi Chi can do whatever she wants to me.
  16. Raw LIVE 3/3/2014 - Allstate

    That's sexy.
  17. Raw LIVE 3/3/2014 - Allstate

    I would lick Stephanie's shit of your tongue after you lick it off your face if we are still at it
  18. Raw LIVE 3/3/2014 - Allstate

    She definitely is. There is no one on the roster currently as hot as her or as developed as her as they say.
  19. Raw LIVE 3/3/2014 - Allstate

    I'd still tap that. Her over Chyna anyday.
  20. Raw LIVE 3/3/2014 - Allstate

    Angel? I'd hit it. Anyone would hit it. Can't say no to someone like her.