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  1. Zany Clowny

    Fallout 4 reveal trailer/discussion PEEP THAT SHIT
  2. Zany Clowny

    Last time you watched SmackDown?

    I just realized I haven't watched it this year. At all. Damn. What's it been like? And have you been watching it?
  3. Zany Clowny

    Payback Is Dean just a body?

    I can't tell if he's going to be part of a big swerve involving The Shield, or if he's just there so Orton doesn't get pinned. What do you think will happen?
  4. Zany Clowny


    im here lel
  5. Zany Clowny

    Rate Raw 9/2/15

    Rate it.
  6. Zany Clowny

    Muhammed Hassan

    Would he be better received now, in the ISIS era, or the post 9/11 era he was in? Would he still be fired over political correctness?
  7. Zany Clowny

    Cena as an elite mid carder?

    So, yeah, it sucks that Cena burying Rusev is likely to happen. This however, could mean Cena is going to be the odd man out in the current main event love triangle with Rollins, Lesnar, and Cena. So come WM, imagine if Russv is defending the strap against Cena, and they have a long match but...
  8. Zany Clowny


    Compared to previous visits, the site is lagging. I post once, and then this shit forum makes me post three times. Seriously, I'm trying to fucking do a suplex, not the three amigos, calm the fuck down. Fuck it though, I deserve it for being a fan of some fucking garbage ass luchador who...
  9. Zany Clowny

    Look what I found?

  10. Zany Clowny

    based god

    Has once again fucked my bitch. The prodigal son returns.
  11. Zany Clowny

    RAW 100th Episode COMMERCIAL

  12. Zany Clowny

    Just a joke I'd like to tell.

    Black people & Mexicans are the EXACT SAME once you've seen Juan, you've seen Jamal. :yes:
  13. Zany Clowny

    Rate No Way Out

  14. Zany Clowny

    Would you like Kane as champion?

    :mj: Go! Vote!
  15. Zany Clowny

    Come on WWE, really? Like, are you serious?

  16. Zany Clowny

    I don't like Wade Barrett, but I don't know why.

    Yeah, he was good with Nexus. He controlled his group, his Corre thing was absolutely horrendous, but I just CAN'T see why everyone falls for his charming good looks and sweaty pre-Jew fro. His move-set is nothing spectacular, his finisher is okay but I couldn't imagine it being a top level guy...
  17. Zany Clowny


    Hi, I'm a Sin Cara fan. :otunga: