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  1. I Dislike

    People saying Joe Hennig can't cut a good promo.
  2. Tell The Truth Thread

    Truth: This is the thread where you tell the truth.
  3. HHH isn't as big of a dickhead as Vince is?

    I don't recall the announcing on this Raw and would have to compare it to a different Raw to make my own comparison but I'm sure Cole/King/Striker/Todd/Matthews/Stanford had to enjoy that.
  4. WCW World Champion to TNA?

    Thank god for that. They really don't need another 40+ yet alone 50+ year old in TNA or wrestling for that matter.
  5. Randy Orton and Goldust Injured?

    Orton is a major part of Raw right now and with so many guys getting injured they don't need another. Same goes for Goldust especially since he was just coming back into his own following that feud with Teddy D.
  6. Fan Forced to Change Clothes at Raw

    To quote a friend of mine. "What kind of fuckin nazi regime is Vince running there, fuck."
  7. Why Does TNA Have KO Tag Team Titles?

    So I was watching Xplosion 11/17/2010 and Taylor Wilde comes to the ring to face Sarita and is wearing a Championship. At first I figured maybe it was a SHIMMER (or other womens indy promotion) championship but as the match went on JB mentioned she was one half of the Knockouts Tag Team...
  8. Currently Watching 2.0

    Whats on your TV/Computer Screen right now? George Lopez
  9. Official ROH on HDNET Discussion Thread

    Discuss ROH on HDNET in this thread Have not watched one of these since like October. I absolutely hate their tape 12 episodes in 2 days program they got going on. When you consistently watch their big shows and watch these it makes it so fuckin confusing. For example Erick Stevens turn on...
  10. First Letter Last Letter

    Think we all know this one but just in case. i.e. Owen Hart would be Tommy Dreamer would be Rhino etc etc I'll start out with Masahiro Chono
  11. Official Final Resolution Discussion Thread

    PPV is this weekend. 7 of the 9 matches are gimmick matches. Should remind me of WCW Great American Bash 2000
  12. Official TLC Discussion Thread

    Match Graphics will be added as they are added to WWE.COM World Heavyweight Championship Tables, Ladders, and Chairs Match WWE Championship Tables Match Singles Grudge Match