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  1. Professor Booty

    80's Hidden Gems Tournament Round 1 Group A

    I'll list the match ups you listen and you vote (in this thread) and if you'd like to comment on the songs I'd love that as well there are no ranking I just did the songs in alphabetical order to make it easy Voting will close in 72 hours new voting polls will be up every day or two days...
  2. Professor Booty

    the absolute insane drumming skills of El Estepario Siberiano

    this is a dude I came across on Tik Tok awhile back and figured I'd share cuz you people like metal and crazy talent just watch the insane shit this dude does with such ease I'll continue to share his shit in here and I hope more than just @Canadian Dragon and I enjoy these
  3. Professor Booty


    as a lot of you know as soon as this season of sideBOTS ends I'll be taking a break from WS for a month or so....I will decide more on the future of BOTS during that time... This sideBOTS was a struggle for me to not get angry because of so many people just fucking off and not communicating or...
  4. Professor Booty

    sideBOTS 1 - The Metal - Round 12 Go To Song

    weather you're hanging with your friends either in real life or on the net or you're trying to just vibe on your own send me a metal song that is your go that you almost always will turn on in any of the above situations can be anything as long as it's never been taken in BOTS before...
  5. Professor Booty

    sideBOTS - The Metal - Round 11 instruMETALs

    Metal instrumentals is the theme no lyrics at all Also can’t be a song that was released with lyrics and they just took out the words. It has to be originally recorded as an instrumental Surfing with the Alien, Eruption & Orion are not eligible since they’ve been previously used in BOTS There...
  6. Professor Booty

    sideBOTS 1 - The Metal - Round 10 - Hair Metal

    no ballads and it has to be classic hair metal so anything pre1995 what is hair metal? aka glam metal which is also related to butt rock we are down to 12 active members so we should be able to get the songs in within 48 hours so Saturday Night at 10pm...
  7. Professor Booty

    sideBOTS 1 - The Metal - Round 9 - No Speak English

    this weeks theme is a song that has to be at least 75% non English instrumentals songs are due by NXT on Tuesday Night 8pm EST @Chris @Sky @El Jefro Blanco @Jimmy King @Wangman Page @Jungle Daddy @Hoss Alexander @CakeWalker @Storm Trooper @John McHenry @Mitch Buchannon @Crocker...
  8. Professor Booty

    sideBOTS - The Metal - Round 8 Body Parts

    choose a METAL song that contains a body part in the song title and cannot of been used in BOTS 3-6 or sideBOTS previously songs are due in 72 hours @Chris @El Jefro Blanco @Wangman Page @Storm Trooper @John McHenry @Mitch Buchannon @Jungle Daddy @Jimmy King @Looch Hendry @Sky @CakeWalker...
  9. Professor Booty

    Billy Jack Haynes arrested for murder

    Always heard he was an asshole
  10. Professor Booty

    sideBOTS 1 - The Metal - Round 7 - This Would Make A Banger Theme

    alright my little sausages this theme is a think outside the box thing choose a METAL song that you think would make an awesome wrestling entrance theme (single, tag team, faction) it or any variation of it cannot of been used as a entrance theme or of been wrestling related before it has to be...
  11. Professor Booty

    sideBOTS - The Metal - Round 6 - Maiden, Priest, & Lemmy

    this round we are making it easy and people gotta choose a song by either Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, or Motorhead. just make sure you check the list of what has been used before songs are due ASAP hard deadline is in 72 hours.. if Sabs doesn't get a song into me by then this will be his second...
  12. Professor Booty

    sideBOTS 1 - The Metal - Round 5 Power Ballads

    alright gonna take things down a notch but it's just a fact that Power Ballads were a huge part of metals success in the late 80s early 90s... what is a power ballad you ask? "Power ballads are played at a slow tempo, but have big sounding musical backings with rock elements, like distorted...
  13. Professor Booty

    sideBOTS changes starting round 5

    now just to be clear this isn't geared at any one of you, it's been pretty prominent for the first 4 rounds I will no longer be bouncing any songs back to you because it doesn't fit the theme. One is because it's becoming a lot to keep going back and forth with people and two because I want...
  14. Professor Booty

    sideBOTS 1 - The Metal - Round that a chick?

    that's right this round is gonna female lead singers of a metal...or very hard rock band just make sure they haven't been taken before...but I think it's a small list of female metal band used in the history of BOTS I am going to Mohegan Sun tomorrow so I'm giving you guys til Monday night...
  15. Professor Booty

    sideBOTS - The Metal - Round 3 - Metal Fusion

    Alright everyone this round we are going with Metal songs that are a combination of Metal with another genre i.e. Rap, Country, Electronic...etc. The song has to have element of metal in it. Starting this round I am just eliminating any songs used in BOTS seasons 4-6 those songs can be found...
  16. Professor Booty

    sideBOTS - The Metal - Round 2 - Guitar Gods

    the topic this round is songs with a killer guitar solo by a top level guitar player it has to be metal/hard rock and it has to have a solo in the song none of the songs used in the last round can be used the deadline to get me your entries is Sunday...
  17. Professor Booty

    sideBOTS- The Metal Round 1 - Covers

    alright let's get this bad boy underway I'm not gonna be crazy strict on the definition of metal I will def allow hard rock for this entire thing the first theme is gonna be something to ease us into this it's covers but it's gotta be a metal/hard can't just be a metal band doing...
  18. Professor Booty

    WWE Cards give away

    I’m going through my wrestling trading cards I have for sale and I’m taking out a ton that have just been sitting there for over a year. They aren’t anything special just a bunch of random WWE cards I have so if anyone wants them just post in here. Only stipulation is you have to be in the...
  19. Professor Booty


    everything is tallied up and congratulations to @Jimmy King who with an average of 4.12 is our winner, congrats buddy I came in 2nd at 5.06 and @Wangman Page in 3rd at 5.81 and the next 3 were super close within .29 of each other 4th @El Jefro Blanco, 5th @Holy Foley , & 6th @Lethal Tiffy ...