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  • Welcome to "The New" Wrestling Smarks Forum!

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  1. Professor Booty

    David Bowie

    01/08/47-01/10/16 full disclosure I am 100% and 80s guy so my preferred Bowie songs are gonna slant that way my top 10 Bowie songs 1. Pretty Pink Rose w/Adrian Belew - 1990 2. Blue Jean - 1984 & Let's Dance - 1983 3. Magic Dance - 1986 4...
  2. Professor Booty

    Booty’s Artist Spotlight - Suggestions thread

    This section I will be making threads about artists and bands. Giving my top 5-10 songs as well as a rundown of who they are and my thoughts. This thread is where people can request someone they want me to cover… Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro
  3. Professor Booty

    BOTS Rules & Changes suggestions and discussions

    if anyone has anything they'd like to see done differently we can discuss them in here...not guaranteeing they will happen but I will listen to everyone...also this is a discussion thread not an argument thread please save the drama for your mama.
  4. Professor Booty

    Artist Limits Per Round

    please vote and discuss you may vote for more then one option now
  5. Professor Booty

    The Smarks Album Draft Info and discussion thread

    With this season of BOTS almost over I wanted to do something else kinda fun..gonna get 10-15 participants and then we are gonna snake draft full albums that we love as a whole. Albums that you feel that front to back are banger after banger. Once the draft is over the participants will then...
  6. Professor Booty

    Battle of the Songs IV - Final Round Christmas Voting Only Thread

    Votes are do ASAP but hard deadline Sunday Night at 10 PM EST Please use this thread to vote only please keep discussions in Battle of the Songs IV - Final Round - CHRISTMAS SONGS!!!!!! Match 1 1. Bing Crosby - I'll Be Home for Christmas v 2. Snoop Dogg - Santa Claus Goes Straight to...
  7. Professor Booty

    Battle of the Songs IV - Final Round - CHRISTMAS SONGS!!!!!!

    our man 4th and I had a pow wow and it's Christmas Song time! for our final round... get your picks into me ASAP but hard deadline is Friday 10pm EST Hanukkah Songs count just not the Adam Sandler Hannukah Song because that was used in Round 1 the Final Battles are @Sabre Pilgrim v @Jimmy King...
  8. Professor Booty

    Battle of the Songs IV Round 11 Debut Albums VOTING ONLY

    once again I am going to ask that all discussion is done here this thread is for voting only please and thank you votes are due by Wednesday 10PM please let me know if you aren't able to get them...
  9. Professor Booty

    Battle of the Songs IV - Round 11 Song from a debut Album

    This rounds theme is outside the box for sure It’s a song from an artist or bands debut album It can be their indie OR major record label debut And also it can be their debut as a solo artist for example it can be a Beatles song or a song off Paul’s first solo album or Wings debut album. Just...
  10. Professor Booty

    Booty's Mystery Boxes & Misc Figures For Sale Thread

    Hello everyone, as some of you know I have come across some hard times with my vehicle which is how I make my living. So I am now pushing to sell mystery boxes full of wrestling memorabilia or various other things as well. I sell them for $25, $50, & $100 plus s&h but they generally have way...
  11. Professor Booty

    Battle of the Songs IV - Round 10 Hair Metal Voting

    Allright here are your matchups for this week please vote for every match and don't vote for yourself, also rank the top three songs. And please for my sanity use the numbers associated with the songs, you can post both the name and the song but the number has to be there to make keeping track...
  12. Professor Booty

    Battle of the Songs IV Round 10 Hair/Glam Rock/Metal

    alright the almighty WANG has won and decided to go with Hair/Glam Metal/Rock it's a genre that has been called many things it's like Pop Metal and is also known for Power Ballads this specific to 80s & 90s. For anyone not familiar with the genre here is this list of bands...