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  1. PHX

    MMA General Discussion Thread

    Didn't see a thread for just general MMA stuff so figured I'd make one. Mostly wanted to make this to see if anyone else is gonna watch Rousey vs. Kaufman fight tomorrow like I' am. Been very much looking forward to it as I've become a big fan of Rousey's.
  2. PHX

    CM Punk Wizard World in Chicago Q&A session

    Not liking his retirement comments as he's making it sound like it could be next year or within the next two years which would really suck. :lol: at him calling TNA a indy company that was pretty cold but funny.
  3. PHX

    NBA Offseason Discussion Thread

    So few things I've heard about Ben Gordon gets traded to the Bobcats (He's fucked) for Maggette with 1st round draft picks involved on both sides. Ray Allen might join the Heat *sigh* Anthony Davis trademarks his damn unibrow :lol: Lamar could go back to the Clippers, and Mo Williams to the...
  4. PHX

    Randy Savage Declined WWE’s Hall of Fame Invitations

    So all this time we thought Vince never wanted to invite him but come to find out he just didn't want to get inducted. Guess that means it'll never happen in that case since I'm sure his family won't allow it since Savage didn't want it while he was alive.
  5. PHX

    Feedback on my first sig and avy

    Meant to do this days ago but yeah found some online gfx editor and put this together so curious on what others think of it.
  6. PHX

    Bret Hart On Backstage Changes After Being Champ

    Always see people on here talk about Bret/Shawn's era and how they didn't draw or did draw etc so figure it was worth posting. Bret seems to really be on his own dick in that first part trying to take a lot of credit.
  7. PHX

    Triple H Reportedly Against WWE Utilizing Mick Foley On Television

    Really hope Triple H doesn't truly believe that Foley didn't help make him a star because he really did. Not the first time I've seen this report about his feelings on Foley just seems to be in more detail this time.
  8. PHX

    Former WWE Writer Talks About Vince McMahon’s Disregard of Storyline Consistency

    Can believe this since it's coming right from a source who worked there but not going to think that the writing team is never at fault like he makes it seem as I'm sure the writers do some dumb shit themselves. So he's more than likely telling the truth to me just with some bias.
  9. PHX

    Vince McMahon Ripped Over Mocking Jim Ross’ Bell’s Palsy On Raw

    Was pretty fucked up and unnecessary on Vince's part to do that BAS or not. Have never found myself even chuckling at any of Vince's jabs at JR.
  10. PHX

    WWE Ranks Their Top 25 Talkers of All-Time

    What you guys think of this list? Some issues I have with it such as Miz even being on it. I like him but he shouldn't be near the top 25 esp when a guy like HBK is no where in sight. Heyman should be higher, Triple H should be a lot higher, Punk should be higher, etc.
  11. PHX

    Who have you felt sorry for?

    So after seeing Big Show look as pathetic as a man can look I thought about other cases where I felt legit sorry for a wrestler whether it be due to embarrassment or whatever. For me it's still when Vince made Trish bark like a dog and embarrassed her.
  12. PHX

    WWE having NBA counterparts

    Saw this article and found it kind of amusing. Some make sense (Duncan/Taker) some had me scratching my head (Dwight Howard Is Mark Henry)
  13. PHX

    DDP's original debut idea

    That would have been a hell of a lot better than what he ended up doing and could have made for a great feud. Jericho's debut was amazing but he kind of got his thunder stolen by Rock so would have been better for him to have done it against someone else anyways.
  14. PHX

    Madden 13 Cover Vote

    Madden '13 Cover: Vote for EA Sports' Madden NFL 2013 Cover Athlete - SportsNation - ESPN So what you guys think about the players in this and who you think should win? I don't care what anybody says that damn curse is real to me so I don't want Ray Rice anywhere near it. I think Cam Newton...
  15. PHX

    McGuinness Hard on Himself for Not Making It To WWE

    I think in the long run had everything went right with his pre-screening he would have been better off in WWE. TNA just saw as a chance to get someone WWE tried to which I say it like that because they apparently didn't screen him properly or at all like WWE since issues later emerged with him...
  16. PHX

    Road Warrior Animal Says Sting Isn't An Icon

    Figured this would be a good time to discuss whether or not Sting truly is an icon or not. I personally see the whole Icon thing more as a tagline to make him seem bigger than he really is rather than him truly being one. Guys who I consider icons usually have more than a handful of classic...
  17. PHX

    Most overrated sports moment

    Whether it be a performance, a trade, whatever. While it was important when it came to the merging of the AFL/NFL but I just always feel that the whole Joe Namath guarantee part of it is too overrated. What was he gonna say that they were gonna lose? If you're not going into a game thinking...
  18. PHX

    Wrestling With Rosenberg: CM Punk Pretty good listen imo few things. 1. Interesting to find out that Punk actually was in the "doghouse" and that is why he lost to Bob Holly like he did. 2. Also interesting to hear that him and Triple H have a good...
  19. PHX

    Best performance with an injury

    Will probably go with Donovan Mcnabb's game where he threw 4 tds after breaking his ankle. Should even be able to walk with that let alone be able to play with it the way he did.
  20. PHX

    Russo replaced as head writer?

    Wasn't Lagana a SD writer? Can't remember for sure but guess maybe it can be an improvement or the start of one.