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  1. PHX

    Cowboys @ Seahawks

    Cowboys At Seahawks
  2. PHX

    Skins @ Rams

    Redskins At Rams
  3. PHX

    Cardinals @ Patriots

    Cardinals At Patriots
  4. PHX

    Saints @ Panthers

    Saints At Panthers
  5. PHX

    Raiders @ Dolphins

    Raiders At Dolphins
  6. PHX

    Vikings @ Colts

    Vikings At Colts
  7. PHX

    Chiefs @ Bills

    Chiefs At Bills
  8. PHX

    Browns @ Bengals

    Browns At Bengals
  9. PHX

    Texans @ Jags

    Texans At Jaguars
  10. PHX

    Bucs @ Giants

    Buccaneers At Giants
  11. PHX

    Bears at Packers

  12. PHX

    Chargers @ Raiders

  13. PHX

    Bengals at Ravens

  14. PHX

    Will Mysterio or Cara Turn Heel?

    No, no and just no. Rey is the last guy in the company who needs to turn heel and I see no reason for Cara to do it either. If they face each other at mania just make it face vs face.
  15. PHX

    Better than expected

    Whether it be a PPV, a match, a push, a character, whatever what are some instances where something in WWE turned out better than you expected it to? JBL - Came out of no where and didn't think the gimmick would get passed the midcard but he not only did but far exceeded in his mic work than...
  16. PHX

    Best available non title feuds

    Just had a pretty solid one with Dolph and Jericho so what do you think could be a good feud WWE could do that doesn't involve a championship and why? Think rather than just flatout doing jackshit with Christian they could make good use out of him feuding him with Dolph over the brief case and...
  17. PHX

    Devon Suggests He’s Leaving TNA Wrestling, Bully Ray On The Way Out Too?

    Can't see Ray staying in TNA if Devon is on the way out so could probably see them back as a team in WWE as it's not like I see these guys going the indy route.
  18. PHX

    WWE Called The “Biggest Bully On The Blockâ€￾, Ripped For Mocking J.R. On TV

    Almost a week ago it was I was going back n fourth with someone on here about this about how just cause he's Vince McMahon don't mean he'll get a pass on breaking the company direction and this is further proof. Just gonna make WWE look much worse than the A.W situation or anything any wrestler...
  19. PHX

    CM Punk: "I’m Not Out There Pandering Anymore"

    Found it a little interesting since he talked about where his character is at and I really like that he is just letting the fans purely decide where that stand on according to whatever he does. It's different from anyone else right now.
  20. PHX

    Randy Orton's current situation

    He is in a horrible situation it seems as they obviously don't want him in the world title scene at least for the time being but he's too much of a name to not have storyline or feud for. Really interesting that he didn't get booked a feud upon return nor even got a half assed PPV match like...