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  1. Andrew

    Cena not happy with character

    I'm actually surprised Cena doesn't like his current gimmick. Be interesting to see if his character is soon changed.
  2. Andrew

    Reason to why Swagger has been buried

    Thoughts on this? I didn't expect him to be a pot-head.
  3. Andrew

    *SPOILERS* Smackdown for 8/24/12

    *Smackdown opened with Randy Orton discussing what happened on Raw. He said he wants a World title shot and challenges anyone who has a problem with that to come out and face him. WWE World champion Sheamus hits the ring. He comes out and agrees with Orton that Alberto Del Rio is a complainer...
  4. Andrew

    Usain Bolt Sig

  5. Andrew

    *Spoilers* Smackdown for 8/17/12

    Really a strong go home show for Summerslam. Everything made sense but I am somewhat still surprised that Christian and Orton are not booked at Summerslam but I like the build they used here to make it good for Summerslam. Can't really see any faults in this show really. Will tune in.
  6. Andrew


    Seeing PSD-Dreams isn't functioning at all, what other sites do you use to get renders?
  7. Andrew

    *Spoilers* Smackdown for 8/10/12

    This is a DUD show. Will most likely skip, there's nothing here I enjoy one bit other than Jericho/Ziggler is happening at Summerslam now :mark:
  8. Andrew

    Impact Wrestling Live Discussion Thread - 2/8/12

    Both these matches will happen tonight.
  9. Andrew

    John Laurinaitis no longer Senior Vice President of Talent Operations

    This is somewhat surprising, Laurinaitis has had this role for like ages.
  10. Andrew

    Justin Bieber Facing Six Months In Jail

    Interesting article from Yahoo! there, thoughts?
  11. Andrew

    Ryder says Kane & Eve killed his career

    This is the funniest thing I've read all day. Do read the interview, I barely care for Ryder these days anyways.
  12. Andrew

    WWE Smackdown Spoilers for 27/07/12

    Contiunation of Del Rio/Sheamus which is probably a good move, wonder what Rey will be doing. Also good to see Cesaro get the win, it'd be good if he won the US Title and it could be moved to Smackdown whilst Miz is defending the IC on RAW. Also loved Jericho's bit, looks like that sets up the...
  13. Andrew

    *Spoiler - CM Punk* (Read if you've watched RAW)

    On RAW, We saw CM Punk deliver the Go To Sleep on The Rock and left with a slight heel look on his face. CM Punk has been champion for almost a year (247 days to be exact). Earlier on the show The Rock wanted a WWE Title shot at Royal Rumble and with CM Punk still being Champion, it's possible...
  14. Andrew

    AndrewGFX: Anderson Silva

    Also another one I made a fair while back. Rate/Hate
  15. Andrew

    AndrewGFX: Yoshi Tatsu

    Made this ages ago, thought I'd post it on here and show you guys.
  16. Andrew

    Impact Wrestling Live Discussion Thread - 19/7/12

    Live TNA Discussion in here, starts in 5 minutes.
  17. Andrew

    WWE Smackdown Spoilers for Friday

    Not a bad show, nice to see Road Warrior Animal turn up on Smackdown. Looks like Summerslam could see Rey in the WHC picture with ADR & Ziggler?
  18. Andrew

    AndrewGFX: Jeff Hardy

    Rate/Hate Leave feedback.
  19. Andrew

    The A-Show Episode 1

    I'm starting up a Youtube show where I'll speak about WWE and other things. I'm starting on Money In the Bank and my thoughts. Do tell me what you think. I'd appreciate feedback in order to improve
  20. Andrew

    Nike Shoe Poster
