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  1. London and Kendrick

    There's already a thread discussing the title change. There's nothing new in this thread. So It's closed. * Thread Closed *
  2. Who Do You Think Will Be Vince's Illegitimate Child?

    Finlay and Jamie Noble in a ME feud with Vince? Deary meeeee!
  3. The No Smark Zone 20!!! WOOOOOOOOOO!!!

    Best column at IWF by a mile, imo. Always a good read. Poeple seem to think this 'scandal' will force WWE into adopting a new philosophy when pushing guys, but that's not the case. Vince will continue to push the guys with the best bodies, regardless on whether they take drugs or not. It just...
  4. WEC 53: Henderson vs. Pettis

    RVD has left WWE ... surely you knew that??? As for Mike Knox ... watch ECW tonight.
  5. I have decided to leave IWF...

    As soon as I saw Monkey's name by the thread I knew it was a joke lol funny stuff
  6. TNA Notes that will make you say Damn!

    And Fatu was a World Champion in which or your dreams exactly ...? Anyway, after reading the TNA Tapings, this 'news' report is totally wrong.
  7. Nick Dinsmore Update

    What an idiot. Fair enough, that is what 'made him famous' but seriously, he should have gone back to his OVW gimmick and maybe gone to ROH and earned his way back up the ladder again ... just so WWE can pick him up and re-package him as Eugene again lol
  8. Who Do You Think Will Be Vince's Illegitimate Child?

    I can actually see that happening. Kennedy will be back on TV within 30 days, so that will give WWE four good weeks of comedy skits, etc., involving Vince/Hornswoggle and the crowd will begin to tire of it. Kennedy can then make his return with a 'shocking' revelation that he is actually Vince's...
  9. Big Announcement from Flamesoffury

    Fair assesment. I have a life and IWF is a small part of that. Sorry if editing/deleting blueberries posts doesn't persuade me to spend 24/7 here. As for the rest of your comments, I pretty much agree with most of them, apart from your comments about Mike Chaos. He has done a great job of...
  10. ECW Unforgiven Main Event(Spoilers for ECW)

    Who else would you put in there? Big Daddy V? In storyline and build up terms, he would be a better option. But in match quality terms, Burke is the best option.
  11. TNA Notes that will make you say Damn!

    This is why TNA is so great ... Kevin Nash aka Cripple in a match against the World Champion Matt Morgan facing the should-be-top-guy at TNA's Mania. A sports star is 'promised' a title just to appear for the company Vince, watch your back, TNA is gunnin' for ya !!
  12. Plans for ECW Title

    If it were to be like a Lashley push, then possibly. But if it were to set up a ME Title match for the ECW Title at Mania, then it wouldn't happen.
  13. 10 reasons why John Cena is better than Kurt Angle

    Did ya hear about TNA's latest MAOR SIGNING last night??? Yhh, that's right ... another NOBODY !!
  14. Plans for ECW Title

    An ECW guy will never win the Rumble. That privelidge will be saved for top Raw/SD! guys.
  15. New Tag Champs!! Just to clear everything up. WWE acknowledge's that L&K won the titles on the tour, but then C&M won them back on the last house show. I'm unsure whether this will be said on TV, but it's on the site anyway.
  16. Should TNA Sign Cryme Tyme?

    In reply to MTG, Rhino was able to use that name, because that was the name he used back in ECW. A name which WWE never trademarked. I believe Rhino trademarked that name himself. That is the reason why WWE made him use the name 'Rhyno' whilst in their company, as they could then copyright the...
  17. Plans for ECW Title

    Morrison will cheat like hell to win it back and then Estrada will deny Punk his rematch and he has to 'earn' his shot, leading to an eventual match where Punk wins the title back. If it were to go down like that, then I'm all for it. Just makes Punk's victory even sweeter. It also helps...
  18. King Booker quits the WWE

    He took steriods nd deserve's to be punished for it. This is the second time he has violated the Wellness policy, hence the proposed 60 day suspension. He has no right ot be all pissy about it. He's a druggy, 'nuff said. If it was Orton/Masters who was serving a 60 day suspension, you'd be...
  19. New Match added to Unforgiven

    Like mentioned already, Carlito gets a rub/push from just being in the ring with Triple H. He doesn't have to win to confirm that push. As long as he gets in a decent amount of offence in this match, then he comes off looking good, even if he is defeated (which he will be). I'd go along with...