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  1. Why do TNA haters Watch TNA ???

    I rag on TNA a lot, but still watch their shows from time to time. Why? Because I want to see the product succeed. However, that isn't happeing at the moment due to various factors - pretty much everyone agrees the booking in TNA terrible and the influx of former WWE stars is an issue for many...
  2. Why?

    Wrong. Right.
  3. Why?

    I'm waiting for to post Khali's release. I can see him being released by the end of the year, once he's done some more high-profile jobs (Batista/Rey/Undertaker/etc.). Now he's had his day in the sun, he should be jobbed out and released. As for the PPV match, it makes sence, even...
  4. Webmaster

    I second that. Mike, get to it :)
  5. Webmaster

    I'm not a fan of smiley's. They take too long to find lol
  6. Rant

    Travis ... aren't you banned yet? And Kaedon, I won't get into a game of like/dislike. But I have no problem with you.
  7. Rant

    Message is finally sinking in
  8. How old do you think the person above you is?

    - 2 and 3/4 :) - Slash - you wind-up merchant lol - I'm 18 this month btw.
  9. Rant

    I aimed the thread at 99% of the active members at IWF, using several examples of your behaviour as a 'case study' if you will. Then once my opinion was stated, you proceeded to back them up. So thanks. And you clearly agree with my original statement(s) if you immeditely 'assumed' they were...
  10. Egotistical

    Pele, I rarely even notice you, but if you want me to read your posts, at least say them in English. And as for the Nazi's, they had some good idea's ...
  11. Webmaster

    I think a *certain forum* needs a Betting section created for them, maybe you could help with that?
  12. Possible Spoilers For SD! Wedding, HBK/Cena Update

    Just because a news reporter doesn't know what's planned for the wedding angle, doesn't mean the WWE bookers don't ... I've heard Little Boogeyman will be revealed as Teddy Long's bastard son and then a feud begins with Boogeyman over his custody ... plans could change though.
  13. I want a mod spot.

    Pelé, you nonse. My 'rant' thread wasn't aimed at you, so why create a thread mocking it? I never liked you when you were Markz and thought Peléwas a different member. But then I realised you were the same person, and then discovered you were just as sad, immature and disliked as under your...
  14. Did you hear the one About the Pussy that can't be Poonged?

    Glad you agree. [sarcasm noted]
  15. Rant

    This thread had a point, but now it really has turned into the 'PeepShow' * shakes head *
  16. How old do you think the person above you is?

    ^^^ 15 .. because it says lol
  17. Egotistical

    I have no idea what that means, so will believe it says 'I love 3lions with all my heart'
  18. Egotistical

    Pussy :)
  19. Rant

    I wasn't referring to the DeGenerates. I'm sure those who it was aimed at know exactly what I meant. I've said my piece and woin't explain it ... even though PS was a part of my inspiration for the rant, for the reasons This Guy has stated.
  20. Egotistical

    The DeGeneates are dead. Get over it.