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  1. Kassidy

    Official Monday Night Mayhem Cards

    il be getting a rp in today
  2. Kassidy

    My first capture

    dont know where this should go so im posting it here, just bought a blackmagic IP capture card and this is my first video, its short and just a test, what do you guys think about the quality? might wanna enlarge it eldytiqMmVw once i get ps3 component cables i might do some svr 2010 like sim...
  3. Kassidy

    Jwinds Request Thread

    Avatar sig 400 by 175
  4. Kassidy

    Klide's Sig request

    Avatar sig 400 by 175
  5. Kassidy

    What graphic card do you use for your games on the PC?

    came inside my computer when I bought it for school this summer, my old comp broke down so I bought this Gateway lx6810 in june. Overall I love the machine but the gfx card is actually the lowest rated spec in my machine, if you scroll down it...
  6. Kassidy

    What graphic card do you use for your games on the PC?

    nVIDIA GeForce GT 120 its old, i need to upgrade to the200 series
  7. Kassidy

    Video game survey

    I don't live with my mom, i live with my girlfriend and I pay for all my video games and I am going to college, so yea how about you just not respond to any of my posts. thanks
  8. Kassidy

    What are the best RPG games in Xbox 360?

    Fallout 3 & Mass Effect
  9. Kassidy

    Rate The Games You Have

    PS3: Uncharted 2: 9/10 LBP: 9/10 UFC: 7.9/10 SvR 2010: 7/10 Batman AA: 9.7/10 360: Assassin's Creed 1 & 2: 8.6/10 Army of two: 7/10 Rock Band 1 & 2: 7.6/10 ufc: 8/10 - reason why its .1 higher is cuz xbox live is better than psn when it comes to fighting online. more d/c on psn on my...
  10. Kassidy

    Video game survey

    There is no such genre as free roaming they all have a point whether you can free roam or not, they are Action-adventure
  11. Kassidy

    Video game survey

    Q1: How many hours a week do you spend on video games? e) 30+ Q2: Can you list, if any, the video game consoles you have either owned or still own (ie: Playstation, Sega Genisis, Xbox)?: Sold them all i have is a jaguar now Q3: Do you plan on owning a current generation system...
  12. Kassidy

    WWE Smackdown vs. Raw 2010

    confirmed rumor and false at Gamingring. no idea who or what will be dlc but it will be out in January
  13. Kassidy

    Official Monday Night Mayhem Cards

    just looked at the deadline i will rp tomorrow, i know it won't count it will just to rp. good job getting ur rp in time guys i'll do better next week
  14. Kassidy

    Official Monday Night Mayhem Cards

    sorry miz and levi, i will get a rp up soon, been very busy the last couple days.
  15. Kassidy

    Most Anticipated Games of 2010

    Mass Effect 2
  16. Kassidy

    What if...... (More directed towards Tekken Fans)

    Jesus, thats some serious doe
  17. Kassidy

    What if...... (More directed towards Tekken Fans)

    lol i guess right, i told my friend to bid 1500 before i asked :p, im not a fan but he is a huge fan
  18. Kassidy

    What if...... (More directed towards Tekken Fans)

    what is the worth of the machine man?
  19. Kassidy

    What Are Your Top 5 Movies Of The Year?

    1. Avatar 2. Pandorum 3. District 9 4. Terminator 4 5. Fanboys
  20. Kassidy

    Official UFC 2010 Discussion

    you didnt put vitor belfort