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  1. Kassidy

    WWE SvR 2010 King of the Ring

    their first match that got fuked up was much better and y2j won via reversing pedigree and hit the codebreaker
  2. Kassidy

    WWE SvR 2010 King of the Ring

    k all matches are done for round 1, uploading them, each vid takes about 20 mins upload then 30 processing so once they are done ill post. time to tally round 2 match type
  3. Kassidy

    WWE SvR 2010 King of the Ring

    yea all cpu if i played itd look alot different. I record them thats all. I noticed the cpu like to punch punch kick b4 grabs but not all the time
  4. Kassidy

    WWE SvR 2010 King of the Ring

    legend killer your match is one of the three i didnt remember so i have to do it today
  5. Kassidy

    WWE SvR 2010 King of the Ring

    Orton isnt where pink its a peach orange, its the trunks he wore at SS when he beat chris b to become youngest champion pick is what punk is wearing.
  6. Kassidy

    WWE SvR 2010 King of the Ring

    I dont know about all of you but i couldnt get on here yesterday so i forgot 3 matches ill do those now but the rest of the videos are up
  7. Kassidy

    WWE SvR 2010 King of the Ring

    will be pushing this back a day due to comp issues, all matches will be posted Tuesday
  8. Kassidy

    MNM#6 - Triple Threat Match - James Carpenter vs. Shawn Hayes vs. Devin Cross

    shitty but was in a rush as i just got my comp to a normal level
  9. Kassidy

    MNM#6 - Triple Threat Match - James Carpenter vs. Shawn Hayes vs. Devin Cross

    The scene opens and Shawn and Gabriel are being lectured by Christian after re-watching their last watch repeatedly with Christian pointing out their every flaw. Christian stops speaking and just gets in Shawn's face and stares into his eyes bright red and full of rage Christian palms Shawn's...
  10. Kassidy

    Official Monday Night Mayhem Cards

    thanks jmay glad i posted in the late thread, my raided partition failed and im reinstalling windows on my comp. currently on my gfs mac right now. ill get that rp
  11. Kassidy

    WWE SvR 2010 King of the Ring

    im pissed i had 2 matches recorded but it was set to uncompressed and that messed it up, gotta redo as compressed since i dont have a raided hdd. HHH vs Y2J was a amazing match, off to redo lol, hopefully they have a as good of a match.
  12. Kassidy

    WWE SvR 2010 King of the Ring

    alright ill start recording matches and ill have all vids up monday. go ahead and start saying what match type you guys want for round 2
  13. Kassidy

    WWE SvR 2010 King of the Ring

    1 spot left
  14. Kassidy

    WWE SvR 2010 King of the Ring

    really? its in the first post Winner of this will be Champion of Champions in my game
  15. Kassidy

    WWE SvR 2010 King of the Ring

    just need 5 more
  16. Kassidy

    WWE SvR 2010 King of the Ring

    going good guys, just over half way there
  17. Kassidy

    WWE SvR 2010 King of the Ring

    my caf isnt over powered i go for realistic stats i actually wanted to keep him at 89, but at 90 and won't touch his stats from now on. If you guys want me to switch then id be Shelton.
  18. Kassidy

    WWE SvR 2010 King of the Ring

    yes pick a wrestler that is in the game i also have a few cafs that im getting their stats right like Sheamus, Ryder, tyson kidd, dh smith. then the matches will be "watched" not played and then the vids will be posted here. just something for fun.
  19. Kassidy

    Late Roleplay Thread

    i will rp but just a heads up it may be late ill be trying to get it up on time
  20. Kassidy

    WWE SvR 2010 King of the Ring

    first 16 sign ups are in, and matches will be setup not by wrestler and not by me but by sign ups. All matches will be recorded, first round is normal singles but every round match stips will change ill let you guys vote on which is next just throw out one on one match types, most mentioned...