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  • Things become convoluted if the writer is trying too hard to make everything work together. I always compare Morrison & Remender as they both like to pay attention to the little details, and as you can probably tell I do prefer Remender because its like he finds this little thing from the rich history of the characters that had been forgotten and elaborates on it, whereas I feel Morrison just tries too hard to flex his geek muscle.

    I picked up the 3 seasons for the HBO Spawn a few years back, I think it was all 3 seasons for $10. I know it was dirt cheap, and I really enjoyed the first season as it was really close to the comics, and the second season was basically all Sam & Twitch, but the third season was set up really well at the end of season 2, and then got dropped because of the McFarlane/Gaiman lawsuit over Angela & Medieval Spawn, so the third season is kinda crappy.
    Yeah I guess its alright. Go ahead and write it that way if I change my mind i'll just do it myself later.
    Its not that bad of a movie, Michael Jai White & John Lequizamo steal the show, and Martin Sheen was a perfect choice for Jason Wynn, but it does so much wrong. Cog has no beard because the actor refused to wear the piece and cover his face, there is no Sam & Twitch, and for being a story that revolves around Chyanne, they really should have atleast alluded to Billy Kinkaid. I too cannot figure out R.I.P., the retcons make no sense at all, Alfred & Martha's affair completely killed any emotion for either of Bruce's parents after Thomas had his wife killed. Its like DC wants every family to be torn apart. Then when you try and tie Final Crisis into the mix, you really get lost trying to figure out how Bruce(with no cowl) wound up in the fight with Darkseid with his cowl after the helicopter crash.
    The server is pretty big so should be able to handle it. If you want to turn them off click on Settings at the top right of the page, then on the left under My Account click General Setting, scroll down and unselect show Signatures and Avatars.
    Always good to have more members involved. We are trying to break our WM record of 1384 posts for the thread. It is a busy thread but your comments will be seen. There is plenty of interaction in the thread.
    Oh Spawn drags, I will not deny that, but after 200 issues it is cool to see McFarlane tying all the old stories into the new, and all those little things that felt like they should have been explained come out better when its brought into the light after forgetting it. I feel it was a shame they didn't cast Steve Buschemi & John Goodman to play Sam & Twitch in the movie, it really would have added to John Lequizamo's comedy.
    I only got back into comics 3 years ago. My friends convinced me to go to a convention and I found Dark Knight Returns & Strikes Back for $5 each. Since then I have nearly collected every Spawn issue from #1-#100, and all the issues from #200 on. I am only missing 3 graphics for Venom & Carnage, and I have collected every graphic for both The Age of Apocalypse & Onslaught. Those collections have cost me a few hundred easily, but I am also lucky my LCBS resells used graphics, so I can get a lot of them for half price.
    When you think of what I have been collecting over the last year that either got cancelled, or I dropped from lack of interest. Grifter, Voodoo, Nightwing, Aquaman, Justice League, Stormwatch, Red Hood, Teen Titans, Deathstroke, Defenders, Wolverine & The X-Men, Uncanny X-Men(post Schism Extinction Team), Infinite, Army of Darkness, H.P. Lovecraft's The Dunwich Horror, The Crow, Secret Avengers, All-Star Western, Wonder Woman, Green Lantern, Justice League International, & Flash. I also collected the entire runs of Death of the Family Court/Night of the Owls, & Spider-Island.

    About your next graphics, you may want to take a look into Rick Remenders work. Some of it has slow starts, but I have yet to read a story of his I have not enjoyed. Other than that my best recommendation would be American Vampire by Scott Snyder. Check out your local library to see if they have any graphics you can take out, its the best way around here to try out a series.
    for the books I read monthly, Uncanny Avengers, Thunderbolts, Age of Apocalypse, Gambit, Scarlet Spider, Venom, Cable & X-Force, Batman, Batman & Robin, Batman Inc, The Dark Knight, Detective Comics, Suicide Squad, Spawn, and Ninja Turtles. I am also collecting The Walking Dead, & Uncanny X-Force in graphics.
    Good stuff on ya writing, just remember I am a face.

    You made me a complete heel haha, but I suppose you weaved and worked it around haha. Good stuff man. No biggie.
    No nuisance at all man. I enjoy seeing someone as hungry and as driven as you are
    Oh ok but I am not here for a vacation next weekend. Also I am not here in weekdays. But I think we can make 3 3 at least.
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