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  • Hey, wildman, wished I had more time with this, but I can totally get one down tomorrow night...maybe two. But I only have the evenings this week. I SO wanted to go farther with you and Bryan...
    Oh right! I misinterpreted that line big time haha.
    It's all good. It's pretty easy to update as it's just delete a name or add one in, and seeing how I'm an organised fucker you can guarantee your job will be made much easier ;)
    "Made picture updates much easier."
    Idk what you mean? Haha.
    Btw, welcome back man!
    Nothing really specific. I trust you to come up with something good. Don't rush it. I'm not working for RAW for a few hours
    I'm going out soon so I'm not able to get anything to you right now - if you send me a start to the segment I'll add to it get something back to you within 6 hours from now. Then hopefully we can each get something else added later on tonight / early tomorrow. That sound good to you bro?
    I had to edit that promo big time. But thank u for putting it together Rey!
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