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Chris Dresdon
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  • I have to admit, I like hearing that haha. In all seriousness man, all you can do is your best and hope it's good enough. That's what I'm doing.
    Dres, sorry i only got to it now but that Super Dose was off the chain. It was awesome mate, loved it and great to see that an idea i had will make the show from now on. Keep them going mate, love them. PS Walker has to take credit from MVP in promo of the week, not me haha
    Yo Chris, permission to give Stone Cold a line or two in my TT? What, you thought they weren't replying?! ;)
    Are you writing the open challenge or am I? Just so I know my amount of workload for Raw. I don't mind writing it at all.
    I will :) Thanks for considering giving me a push, though, even if it's in a Ryback type match ;)
    So, um, Shark Boy's responded to your challenge, so I guess I DO get the week off?
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