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  • Was just having a read of my promo for Raw and thought I'd make sure you got it. So, all good on that front?
    Oh and apologies for my bad tting pattern, it sucks that I'm not trusted but it's my fault and I'm sorry. With exams over now I should be able to participate more in stuff.
    Dude, I'm really interested in writing for UWF now, either 1 or 2 matches per week, either show, as well as one PPV match. I know that you seem sorted but it'd be good to give you a lighter work load.
    Haha! I bring you more news on Second Character Privileges... Sammeh want's Bray Wyatt!

    Fuck yeah! Btw, I'll make a thread in the staff with the list of people so we can discuss who deserve second chars.
    Don't you worry about a thing Walk, I'll be doing it in the name of Raw!.
    I've made a choice for my second char privileges. Smackdown need some Anti-Christ to give it a Twist of Hate ;)
    Honestly, I don't get suprised very often. I was surprised when Aries cashed in the briefcase and I was definitely surprised to see this. It's also cool to see the monthly awards back.
    I doubt I'll use the 2nd char privs, even if I'm keen to right now. I know it wouldn't be a good idea as I just came back, but I may not be able to help myself haha.
    My opinion is shock haha. I was only expecting Raw, maybe even the next card, but to see that Smackdown is already set up and with a great writing team... it certainly took me by surprise. I just hope it works out, so good luck with it all :)
    In saying that, it seems you guys have everything sorted, so I kinda wanna get out of the Staff section. Curiosity keeps getting the better of me and I keep ruining match results for myself, so I don't want that anymore :p
    Btw, am I one who has 2nd char privs? I'm just curious is all.
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