Recent content by Vince McMahon

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  1. Good UK based holiday booking sites?

    Hi I'm looking to book a holiday to the canary islands.. I'm just researching atm as don't want to use a travel agent really.. Just wondered if you guys knew any good holiday booking websites (not comparison sites), actual booking sites. Preferably UK based
  2. White Guy's who act Black

    ^I don't think these kind of people ever make it to the work force. In the UK, we call them 'doll dossers'
  3. Strongest 10 wrestlers in real life

    Lesnar Cena Batista Goldberg Mark Henry Ryback Jack Swagger (random but I actually think he looks like quite a powerful guy tbf) The Rock Triple H Shamus (arms are looking huge nowadays) And why the hell did I see Daniel Bryan even mentioned in this topic? I don't care about 'judging by size'...
  4. Steroid use & CM Punk

    Now I know that Steroid Use and the WWE program on this is all completely controversial and I appreciate that each person may have completely different views on this. However, I saw somewhere on a youtube video that the only person in WWE who hasn't actually used steroids is CM Punk. I was...
  5. Most Annoying Smackdown Superstar?

    Needless to say, my opinion is Vicki Guerrero. I would rather shoot myself in the foot than sit in a room with her for 5 mins with her 'excuuuuuse meeee, excuuuuuseeeee meeeeeeeee' accompanied by those facial expressions and hair. Its like a package and its worse than the crazy frog. I'm...
  6. White Guy's who act Black

    Kind of a random title there, I know. But I just thought I'd share my hatred for these kind of people with you guys :) I just wondered how it is where other members live including those outside the UK (where I live). To be honest I thought (and was hoping) that the 'chav' cult would eventually...
  7. Greetings from the UK :)

    Xanth, you've just brought back years of childhood torture back to me. But yes, kel loves orange soda. Its true.
  8. Greetings from the UK :)

    Hey everyone, Its a pleasure to arrive here on, I'm sure your all a great bunch of people and its great to mix with a crowd who loves wrestling as much as me. My real name is Kenan. I'm 19 from the UK. I would say I have been an religious wrestling fan for years, however its...
  9. Where is WWE going with 'The Shield'

    Now that's a match I'd like to see. Yeah they do seem pretty cool. The outfits aren't bad at all and in the outside world I hate 3 on 1 fights but they pull off this 'pack fighting' in such a slick way it looks cool. I do agree, the WWE have dragged it out a bit long, great idea, great...
  10. Where is WWE going with 'The Shield'

    I think initially it's a great idea. The Shield seemed to take the fans and viewers by surprise everytime they came out half way through a match etc to beat up the superstars. I'm just wondering where this whole idea is going? I mean, I switched on the show this past week and yeah, Shield ended...