That article was really interesting, and as someone who has been in Mexico, I can report that what was written was indeed the gospel truth - Mexico's immigration system is far more regressive than the US' on a whole, and even more severe than Arizona. Whilst two wrongs certainly don't make a right, it does show how shameless Calderón is at having double standards. If he asks for Mexican immigrants in Arizona to be treated humanely, he should also treat those who come from El Salvador, Guatemala, Nicaragua and the like humanely too.
I loved the joke. Israeli wit at its finest! I hope to G-d the world will soon see that 'Palestinian' is a fake nationality - there are merely Arabs in Israel, who are the legacy of land-grabs by the Syrians and other. If Palestinian is a nationality, under the same logic the Germans who invaded and settled in Czechoslovakia, Poland and such constituted a separate nationality from Germany!