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ShaRpY HaRdY
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  • Weed guy came in three hours prior to showtime, phew was getting worried! time to hit the comic store and then make a beer run real quick ;)
    Anyone else having intermittent issues with the forums? Mine just keep giving me database errors and taking like 1 minute to load each page.
    Super slow for me. Fuck you Crayo.
    I wish I was HIGH on POTenuse.
    • Like
    Reactions: Butters!
    ShaRpY HaRdY
    ShaRpY HaRdY
    i was worried I may not have any before WM but my guy called me today and said he was coming down from Michigan tomorrow an hour b4 kickoff with some medigrade oil and nugs so that'll be worth the wait :)
    Can't believe people still say RIP Cobain.. fuck the guy, he ran his mouth saying Dave Grohl sucked and was an inadequate drummer..
    Cobain had some cool tunes, but overall meh. Definitely not worship worthy.
    Total brain fart, completely forgot WM was tomorrow.
    Kind of sad isn't it? The biggest show of the year and even the smarks forget.
    Sharpy, you watch The Tomorrow People on CW? I feel like you would like that show. Sucks about your Xbox btw. Thats some BS.
    Trip in the Head
    Trip in the Head
    Yeah that would be the lead character I think. I can see the similarities.
    Haven't turned on my Xbox in days, what's the update about?
    ShaRpY HaRdY
    ShaRpY HaRdY
    Its just a security update to like help avoid hacker issues, but like somehow my HD reacted fucked up, it's like a 1/1,000,000,000 of a chance of happening they're saying..
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