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ShaRpY HaRdY
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  • Not sure why this site isn't working for me.. all Ive seen is "recent posts and statuses" the last two and a half weeks..
    That short back and forth between Hugh Jackman/Dolph Ziggler/Damien Sandow on twitter was pretty funny.
    Hmm anyway to revert back to the old theme, my mobile doesn't seem to want to load this theme properly had to stop at a library..
    ShaRpY HaRdY
    ShaRpY HaRdY
    Thankya, was starting to get pretty frustrated cuz my lappy got sent into get repaired for the next two weeks so I'll have to use my smartphone for awhile :( no LDs for two weeks blahhh
    Left a few hours ago to get/smoke some stuff and shit was blue come back and it's all red and re-designed; thought I might've overdone it.
    On Apr. 2 late at night, Damien Sandow walked the streets of New Orleans and handed out $10 bills to each homeless person he saw. PRO BONO.
    shame on WWE for not making a vignette from this.
    Currently in the process of developing a Supervillain comic book vol.1 issue. 1 ; Happy 420 peepz!
    ShaRpY HaRdY
    ShaRpY HaRdY
    The entire comic aside from pen & inking it; not a graphic artist :(.. I'm looking for one for hire though; I wanted to initially do a superhero but I couldn't come up with good ideas and came up with a decent idea for two villains; so I went with the idea of making solo villain comics like; Venom had for example... Lol true true Trip.
    Heard about it last night like 15 minutes after it broke out, didn't want to risk it being a fake report but goddamn RIP Ultimate Warrior!
    Nice, WWE did something right and made R-Truth the proper WWE WHC Champion :)
    ShaRpY HaRdY
    ShaRpY HaRdY
    WHAT'S UP!? lol :) he's the man, nah its a joke though I was just messing around.
    Yeah.. you guys won't hear from me for AWHILEEEE after that one.. I'll be back eventually though, until then ciao!
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