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ShaRpY HaRdY
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  • Sorry for being not terribly active the last week, buddy was in from the military on leave so I was a bit occupied. #ActiveModeEngaged
    To the person who played "Turn Down For What" on the jukebox last night 15 times.. Go fuck yourself San Diego.
    It's in my repertoire, every single bar is hard. Spitting fire like I'm the human version of Charizard.
    Drunk 3 days in a row, man this certainly aint my style.. gotta love the game I've been spittin tho, been on a 3 night bang streak :p
    ShaRpY HaRdY
    ShaRpY HaRdY
    Have to lose a few at some point I suppose :p Naw this is a once in awhile type deal, my buddy is back from the Marines soo, definitely taking a break for the rest of the week haha.
    Blah I wanna go back to sleep but my sister is about to have her second kid in like an hour sooo idk if its even worth my time.
    For the most part today will be a very lazy day... I hear Netflix and Hulu calling my name.. may play some Playstation 1 at some point.. =)
    Officially just finished my X-Men movie marathon (started @ 6am) a few hours prior to seeing an early screening of the new one; I'm pumped!!
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