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ShaRpY HaRdY
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  • Psych = Hands down best "cop" show that has been on TV in the last 20 years.. IMO.
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    Reactions: JC4Life37
    ShaRpY HaRdY
    ShaRpY HaRdY
    Criminal Minds is a close second for me, I really liked the earlier 1-3 seasons where Aaron Paul AKA JessIe Pinkman from Breaking Bad played a "cult leader" havent been into it much lately though.
    Remember when Damien Sandow beat Kane?? Probably the greatest thing the Vanilla Midget DB has ever done in my favor :p
    So JJ Abrams will not be responsible for the new Star Wars Trilogy entirely.. interesting.. I would rather have him then Rian Johnson..
    Blah for some reason I felt like shit tonight mentally, prolly a case of the Mondays.. But currently my life is so easy so idk why tbh.
    Love when WWE fans at the bar tell me Sandow sucks while we're shooting pool, you're only fueling my game playa, thanks for that beer homie.
    ShaRpY HaRdY
    ShaRpY HaRdY
    Should've been rockin that " (Front) I < U.. (Back) You're Welcome " shirt haha.
    Idk even know like 7 str9at the bar, bank accounts getting lighter and lighter but fuck it I'm only 23 might as we;lll live it up while I
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    ShaRpY HaRdY
    ShaRpY HaRdY
    Not much better things to do.. PS definitely did not break my streak lol. I really should though, I mean I'm drinking plenty of water and still exercising regularly through it but still haha.
    Shit thought the Shotz Fired BRL was going down tonight, now I gotta wait another week... damn my calendar fuckups!
    Replied to the officer, "That's parsley on my seat" We pass the blunts to one another like batons at a track meet.
    Pickin ladies up at the bar may not be the cleanest option but its certainly an option, wink wink.. bow chicka chicka wow wowwww! bbl.
    ShaRpY HaRdY
    ShaRpY HaRdY
    :p you crack me up sir.

    Cheers to ya, no joke man.
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