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  • Well...long wait for a hair cut but the Rae replay is on TV so I won't complain I guess...
    Come on prof... End class early so I can watch the Jays game...
    The Jays were in, and won the Wild Card game last night via a walk-off homer in extras.
    The same month I am possibly getting my first title shot in IWT, 2 term papers, 5 midterms, and a furious nightmare for the Ivy.
    I had several journalism interviews to set up on top of hw stuff during my I.C match. The struggle is always real.
    The donation thing at the bottom both makes me feel bad for not donating, but makes me scared the forum will go boom if don't fill it...
    Well, when we wake up tomorrow, we will find out if TNA is under new management...or something else...
    Solid Snake
    Solid Snake
    I know what you are talking aboot. :woo1:
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