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  • Would prefer staying heel though, am enjoying it. It depends on the feud and who I face really, I could always tweak towards a face-like reaction.
    I'm on right now. i know the main things we talked about doing so I'm going to do it now.
    can you send me the card so i can put it up? Or do you just want me to do it.
    Alright today Im dedicated to cleaning my room so ill be on maybe to take a break 12:00 pm PST
    I'm not a fan of that idea. Simply cause what's the point in adding guys that are just there to job. You don't have to make the match a squash, just make it coherent
    Umm..idk. Not long. I'm having a similar issue that you had earlier. I know how I want the finish of the match to go, I just don't know how to get there
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