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  • Thought about it, but it won't happen. Don't have the time or interest to be honest.
    EOR, I have a confession to make, after watching the 1000th eposide of Raw, my mind has remembered that Stacy is actually my third hottest diva. I always thought Stephanie Mcmahon was hot but the fact that she has had a kid, MILFFFF!! She is one and Lita made me remembered she was 2. I have sold my soul
    I don't think Roode needs Flair especially considering how solid he is as a heel on the mic.
    No. I've havent even spoke to him about that. He can bitch all he wants. Doesn't change the fact that he's banned.
    About what? I asked him to mod you and SBS and he said he was going to do it after Raw
    I am hearing many conflicting reports about the Macabre/Derrick situation and I am trying to filter through it all to find the truth.
    Ben and I have a price in mind that we think is fair.

    What have they done?
    He said he had someone independently value the site, I think it was a friend of his, I don't think he realises that the only valueable thing is the 360k posts.
    I might email Andy again to try to buy it to save the data. But I won't pay $6k for it, I wont even pay $1k for it.

    Good to hear that you guys would it out on your own and that it didn't impact on the fed.
    I havent even checked the feds yet, good news that UWF is going strong.

    BTW I checked PWM and there hasn't been a post there for two weeks.
    It has been really busy whilst I have been gone, the MITB thread was really busy. Nice to know that the place can survive when I am gone not like when WS started and Bingo managed about a dozen posts during the month I was gone.
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