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  • Do you have a link to the 3 ROH matches that were cut off from Showdown in the Sun Day 2? Perkins/Fire Ant, YB/ANX, & Cole/Kyle. ROH's Youtube page set them to private.
    Hey Blondes, have you got a straight psd/render of the Wrestlingsmarks Logo I could use?

    Designing the poster for the Dream Fed BTB Thingy lol.
    What happened to the "Last Wrestling Match Watched" or whatever it was called thread?
    If it isn't too much trouble can you add the 2:59 - 3:01 part to the avy as I guess you forgot it.
    Yo can you make me a sig and avy gif from this video please?

    Nicki Minaj - Beez In The Trap (Explicit) ft. 2 Chainz - YouTube

    Avy: 2:59 - 3:01 & 3:06
    Sig: 1:48 - 1:54 & 2:07 (just the dance part if possible)
    Hey can you change your username to something a tad smaller it messing up the layout a bit sorry.
    The Best Nick There Is, The Best Nick There Was and The Best Nick There Ever Will Be.
    If you are talking about the one I put in the just watched thread it's only 30 minutes but it's on the first Flair DVD the Ultimate Collection one, it was on Worldwide so not a PPV show.
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