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  • that was quickly diffused... but instead you didn't even bother to send me a message or anything... just a neg rep... a straight pussy.
    I gave my reasons... he fired back, other guy did too... then you wanted to neg rep me privately... yeah I take it back... you the pussy cause at least they had the balls to openly say something. I find it distasteful to hide behind a lil neg rep with your message when everyone else can say it out loud. I'm not gonna hide anything I say.
    It woulda been more respectful if you would have came at me either via message or pm rather than the cowards way through rep... but hey... to each their own right
    You asked why do I have Paul Heyman with The Miz, you should read my posts TT'ing and promo's to understand. The fans don't deserve to hear The Miz speak.
    I'm tired at the moment bro and in no state of mind to make a decision. I will review it first thing in the morning and let you know bud.
    I was going to give him a shot later, but if you're cool with that, I'll toss him in there as well!
    I understand that. We're all busy. But you've got a whole week to TT, not just the weekend
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